
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Hao Shen Want's Kevin To Ask Questions

But as time passed the sea beast men became more and more demanding and complacent.

They saw how much the beast men on land valued their clear water so they started acting arrogant.

To the extent that in other for any beastman to get a drop of clear water from them, the beastman would have to trade with a large amount of prey.

And even with the fact that does sea beast men could not hunt for prey on their own they still act pretentious and would reject anyone who offended them in the slightest way and sometimes even if the beast men was cautious enough not to offend them, they would still end up getting rejected for no reason.

The sea beast men felt that they were much more superior than the other beast men, so they tend to not care about anything but their ego. if they demand for more prey and got the prey they asked for, they still would only give out a small amount of clear water.

The reason why no one tried to trade with snake beast men was because, where sea beast men can't hunt for the prey that are on land and have to rely on others, Snake beast men on the other hand would not sell their clear water as they could hunt for themselves and didn't need anyone's help.

The reason Kevin was so shocked was that he had never seen such a clear water with not even a single impurity even if the sea beastman was in a good mood and gave out a good amount of clear water, it wouldn't be this clear.

Kevin began to wonder how Hao Shen got this clear water, even the vessel used to hold the water seem to also be made out of water as he could see right true it.

It was either Hao Shen was a female from a sea beast tribe, or a sea beastman had taken her from her original tribe.

this was indeed a possiblity as he had found Hao Shen only a few meters away from the sea bed. And it was an impossible task for a female to get to this tribe on her own without the help from others.

But Kevin was more inclined to believe that Hao Shen was from a different tribe and was taken in by a sea beastman. This was because sea beast men were unable to stay on land for too long and needed the sea water to survive which meant that if Hao Shen was a female from one of the sea beasts tribe, she would not be able to survive after being away from the sea for this long.

Although males and females of the sea beasts had their differences, Kevin didn't know that but it didn't matter if he did as his conjunction was all wrong.

After he was done concluding his thoughts, Kevin created a hole new story for Hao Shen.

Hao Shen ran away from her abusive beast tribe and ran into a sea beastman who took care of her, but when the sea beast man wasn't looking, she got distracted by something and left his side only for her to get lost in the forest.

And with the fact that sea beast men could not survive without water and are unable to navigate properly on land or even fight without using the advantages given to them by the sea, he was unable to find Hao Shen in time.

The sea beastman might have either died looking for Hao Shen or had already went back to the sea.

It would be really nice if that happened, but if the sea beastman was still lingering around the sea bed finding Hao Shen, then that would really make him worried as he didn't know if Hao Shen liked the sea beastman.

And if Hao Shen actually liked the sea beastman and left him for that beastman... Kevin wasn't planning on letting that happen.

Kevin furrowed his brows as he made a promise to himself not to take Hao Shen close to any sea side just to avoid the reunion of Hao Shen and the sea beastman.

Hao Shen quietly watched Kevin and sure enough Kevin had created another story without asking him anything.

He honestly wished Kevin was not like that and would just ask him directly, but maybe it was better if he didn't, at least he wouldn't have to create lies which he was bad at. But it made him fill like Kevin wasn't really interested in him as a person.

He shook his head and put all those thoughts at the back of his mind as he had other pressing matters that had nothing to do with Kevin.

Hao Shen had been holding it back, but his body had began to irritate him and he stinks of sweat. He  really needed to take a bath but the question was, 'where can I take a bath?'

He looked at Kevin that was still busy with his thoughts and decided to interrupt him "Kevin, I'm a bit uncomfortable, could you show me where I could take a bath".

Kevin only looked at him with cautiousness and hesitation, Hao Shen didn't know what his expression meant and just assumed that Kevin didn't understand what he meant by taking a bath so he tried to break it down for him.

"I need to wash my body could you tell me where I can do that, or could you just take me to the nearest river?" But it was useless as he still didn't get a response.

Actually, Kevin wasn't thinking of an answer, Kevin was just thinking how he could knock himself out.

He had just sworn not to ever let Hao Shen close to any river or sea, but now what could he do 'is Hao Shen really going to leave me for another beastman?'.

Kevin was surprised that she was directly asking him to take her to the river and with such a perfect excuse, he really couldn't refuse her.

even if her excuse wasn't good enough, he still wouldn't have the heart to refuse her. Kevin felt helpless, he didn't know how to reply to Hao Shen's inquiry, but he knew he needed to find a way to make her stay.

Kevin thought about it for a few more seconds and he decided to go with the easiest solution he could find. he finally gave a response "I'll go and take a look for you".

With that, he left the cave leaving Hao Shen alone once again, he felt that if Hao Shen wouldn't tell him directly that she was going to be leaving him then he wouldn't tell her what he was about to do.

Hao Shen only thought that Kevin went to look for a place he could take a bath and was waiting for him to return, and while waiting for Kevin, Hao Shen used that opportunity to sort out his backpack.

He picked up the backpack he had dropped earlier then went back to the animal skin blanket and sat down on it. It was at this time that he was finally seeing the fruits on the floor, and after looking at those fruits he felt his mouth water but held himself back, he had yet to brush his teeth and it would really bother him if he used it to eat but the problem was that he had no tooth brush or toothpastes hear.

He thought about this for a few seconds and decided to ask Kevin, maybe they had a way to brush their teeth in this world, after all their was no way Kevin's teeth was that white without a method that kept it that way.

After he was done thinking of a solution to that problem, he continued with what he was about to do and brought out every thing that was in his backpack.

He brought out the kitchen knife and lighter, and kept it to the side, he also took out all the chips including the empty bags and put them to the side.