
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasía
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45 Chs

"Eat?.. You Want Me To Eat This?"

Hao Shen stopped him from talking anymore nonsense, although he was tempted to lie that he was indeed a deity, he decided against it and told the truth.

"I'm not a deity and before you ask why my name is deity then you should know that it wasn't my name, it's more like a family name so you could say my name is kind but calling me that would make no sense now would it. So why don't you just call me Hao Shen or if you're not comfortable with that then you can call me Hao Xiao but you can only use that when we're close, I'd prefer you just call me Hao Shen... So do you have any more questions!?"

Hao Shen put on a I'm very serious face while looking at him, Andri thought about it for a while before asking "so Hao Shen is your name, but I can't call you kind deity which is the meaning of your name, because you're not a real deity, if that is so then why are you so different from the other beast men. And also, are you from a merfolk clan, because not all beast men has family names, if you're from the merfolk tribe then is it a new clan that I don't know about, can I also see your beast form?".

Andri went on and on, it was only when he saw that Hao Shen was starting to look annoyed that he stopped and thought to himself 'have I always been this annoying? I would have to lessen my questions just so that I won't annoy him'.

Hao Shen saw that the excited beastman had finally gone quiet, he could only let out a sigh, 'maybe if I answer all his questions, he would send be back, I just hope that I can find Kevin as soon as he sends me away.'

"Like I said earlier I'm really not a deity, I'm just a little different from your average beastman and I don't have a beast form, I'm also not from the merfolk tribe".

He thought for a while and seeing that he hadn't missed anything he continued "I hope you don't have any more questions?"

"Yes actually I have more questions but I'll ask you that later. I brought an apology offering, it's my favorite I hope you like it".

Andri was tempted to continue asking more questions seeing how cooperative Hao Shen was being, but he managed to hold himself back and brought fort his apology offering. It was then that Hao Shen saw the thing in Andri's hand.

'is that a fox' Hao Shen didn't know what to do with it 'am I supposed to play with it' he looked closer and found out that it wasn't moving at all 'is it dead?' surprised he looked up at Andri and asked "Is it dead".

Andri just nonchalantly said "did you want to eat it alive? I didn't think you'd like such a thing, well I'll consider that the next time I go hunting, but for now you should eat this".

Hao Shen was surprised again "eat?.. you want me to eat this?" Andri was now a little confused "is it impossible for you to eat it dead? Well I'm sorry I can't go and hunt for a living prey, you would have to make do with this".

Imagining eating a life fox made Hao Shen's face turn green from nauseousness, even his stubborn stomach learnt how to be obedient and silent, he held his mouth as if preventing himself from puking "No. I'd rather not. Weather dead or alive. Now please leave", Hao Shen found a way to speak even though he felt nauseous.

He felt that he finally understood something, it seems the people of this world doesn't understand the word cook.

He thought that the people of this world had a different sustenance unlike those on earth, and based on what Kevin gave him last time that looked just like a huge pile of coal, he thought that they actually ate coal for food but now that he saw what Andri gave him to eat, his mind set was totally changed.

Back then when Kevin tried to feed him for the first time, it was either what Kevin gave him was a brutal excuse for a roasted meat or the guy actually gave him coal to eat. Which based on what Hao Shen knew about Kevin, this was not possible as Kevin would not feed a female he liked with coal.

Andri saw the disgust on Hao Shen's face and realized that he had made another mistake, it was then he remembered how frightful Hao Shen was when it came to blood shed 'so could it be that he can't also eat or kill any other animals even if they're not beast men'. Having corrected himself yet again, he quickly hid the fox behind him "actually I was just kidding" he laughed awkwardly as he retreated backwards to prevent Hao Shen from seeing the fox "I'll go get you your food now".

The hall way was curved so Hao Shen could only watch him as he disappeared into the corner, he could clearly tell that he was being really serious just now but changed his words after seeing his discomfort, Hao Shen couldn't help but think 'beast men are really like beasts, they actually ate raw meat' he shivered after thinking that.

Andri was glad that he had the habit of picking up weirdly shaped fruits. In the beast world, the fruits of land and sea beast men were different.

Andri liked picking up fruits mainly because he liked how they tasted, it was more like a hobby. He went into the other room that was filled with different items that he found interesting, there were also some animal skin laying around in the room.

He picked up some fruits that he had froze to avoid them from going spoilt, and unfreeze them before bringing them to Hao Shen.

This time Hao Shen did not reject his offer and accepted the fruits. To be honest Hao Shen didn't think that he could be able to survive just by eating fruits, he still needed a complete balanced diet, if not he might develop some weird diseases. Plus if he kept eating fruits sooner or later they would turn bland and tasteless.

He had to figure out a way to feed himself, although he was a pretty good cook, it was of no use if there were no cooking items.

Hao Shen finished eating and thanked Andri for the meal, he was able to finish all the fruits that was offered to him which was quite a lot, while he was deep in thought, but he still wasn't able to find any solutions.

Plus their was a pear of eyes that was intensely staring at him, not letting him concentrate, he had finished with the meal for a while now and Those eyes were still locked onto him, feeling bothered by them, he asked "what is it?".

Andri hesitated, he had already offended his new friend twice today and didn't want to continue offending him but if he didn't say anything and just kept staring at him like that wouldn't he still be offended, he already looked quite pissed off.

"I just wanted to ask if you are satisfied, because you seem to have quite the appetite" "yes I am is that all that you wanted to say", Hao Shen looked at him questioningly "I also wanted to tell you that this is the only room in this cave and well since it's my room... We will have to share a bed together".

After saying that, Andri was a little uneasy, he had just lied and was worried that his lies would be seen through.

He understood that Hao Shen already had a partner and he wasn't planning on stealing Kevin's spot in Hao Shen's heart, but as someone who had spent most of his life alone he really wanted to know what it felt like to shear a bed with someone. He knew he wasn't good at lying and that his expression would give him away but he couldn't help but fidget.

Thankfully Hao Shen was never good at reading facial or body expressions and more over his mind was occupied with some thing else.