
Chapter 24 :Pleadings


 ''Why the fuck hasn't she woken up yet''Raffaele roars as he grabs the doctors coat and roughly tugs the doctor towards his frame with a heated glare.

 The doctr trembles as sweat starts dripping down his forehead.


 Bella after seeing Raffaele murder somebody fainted and has been unconcious for two days straight.

 The first day Raffaele was patient enough to wait for her but after that time he could not wait for her to wake up and he became impatient instantly.


 ''Si-sir we are trying our best''The doctor stutters and closes his eyes in fear.

 Raffaele snarls and raises his fist to slam it on the doctors face but a groan distracts him and he turns towards the bed to see that it is Bella.


 ''Baby''Raffaele calls out and pushes the doctor away before rushing towards Bella to hold her.

 Bella groans as she tries hard to open her heavy eyes.