
Beautiful Sins

Sarah_Lewis_2530 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

What To Do

I walked into the lounge room in Hades palace and stretched out my arms with a huge yawn. "Good morning," I recited to the sins sitting there looking overly bored. "Anyone make any coffee?"

Lilleth rolled her eyes looking annoyed, "It's afternoon you lazy ass. You missed morning patrol again and I'm seriously tired of covering for you with the boss."

"Hades can suck it Lilleth. He obviously doesn't care anyway so what's got your panties in a bunch?" I scoffed.

"I'm just tired of this B.S. Tylerion. I'm over you blatant disregard for the rest of us. It leaves us one sin down and it's getting kinda crazy in the mortal world. Honestly I'm starting to question your leadership." She said for about the fourth time this month.

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "You have always questioned my leadership. What makes now any different? You have been dying to be Hades lapdog since we came out of training. I really don't care to have this conversation again this morning."

"It's afternoon," she s reached and threw a vase at me. It shattered on the floor when I dodged it with easy.

"Oh my God. Lilleth chill out. I'm not cleaning that up. Wussup Dante?" I said as I went to sit on the couch by him. I lounged back and smirked as Lilleth went to get the broom and dustpan to clean up her mess.

"Not much man. Pretty much the usual. We aquired four new souls to become demons today and as a reward Hades gave us the rest of the day off. Me, Dionessa, and Ophelia were talking about going to the Peninsula while Lilleth ranted about you being lazy like always. You want to go or what?" he questioned.

"Yea I guess I'm down," I stated a yet but another mourning scream sounded through the palace. "I am ready whenever you are. You coming or not Lilleth?" I added as a second notion when I noticed her putting the broom back.

"Well duh. I need to go shopping and I need a drink because I actually went to work today unless some useless bum I know." She said giving me the finger and slipping on her gold spiked heels. "Do these clash with this dress?"

She had asked Ophelia but I just snort laughed and rolled my eyes, "Come on y'all let's go."

Everyone stood and began teleporting one by one. Ophelia ran over to Lilleth and grabbed her hand since she can't quite teleport without landing in a wall. I walked over and leaned on the mantle, gave a huge sigh and rubbed my head. I can't believe I'm doing this crap again but oh well. I guess partying with some hot babe will be better then working. I closed my eyes and thought the Minor Mystical Peninsula. When I open my eyes I was there right beyond the entrance gate.

All types of immortals were walking around. Dang the Peninsula was a little crowded tonight. I started to ponder who I would party with tonight. Maybe a vampire, but I don't know because they always want to bite me and then never want to leave once they get a taste. Maybe an angel, they are always down for some bad boy foreplay but their really just huge teases. What about a siren, their always crazy but fun anyway. "Hey Dante you wanna grab a bite to eat first man. I'm starving." I lied. I just wasn't feeling the club yet.

"Nah man, I ate right before you got up. But I can keep you company if you want." He said eyeing me with suspicion.

"No go ahead man. I'll catch up with you. Where at today?" I asked to get refocused.

"Selene said she was going to the Palace so that's where I'm headed." He said almost as if he didn't have a choice. Selene is a vampire that he stupidly let bite him multiple time to the point where she imprinted on him. An imprint is a vampire power that semi forces their partner to want them almost as much as the vamp wants the imprintee. Dante being a sin could easily break the bond but he sees it as why bother because he doesn't have to go hunt a new chick everyday. Selene is there ready and willing but she is super nuts.

I laughed at him, "Alright man, I will head there when I'm done eating."

Hemmara walked over to me and touched my arm. She has had a crush on me for as long as I can remember and she is always trying which bugs the crap out of everyone. It's kinda sad really one day I might just give her a go just to get her off my back. But today isn't that day and I'm not really in the mood for her puppy dog actions. I looked over at her hoping she would see the plea in my eyes. She didn't.

"Can I come eat with you Tylerion. I'm not that hungry but I could eat." She semi whimpered at me. It's not that she isn't my type. She was gorgeous, standing at five foot eight. She had legs to die for and her skin was almost a golden tone due to her mother being a fallen angel. She had a great rack and nice perky butt, kissable lips, and beautiful violet eyes. She had a decent personality unless some one pushed her to far that is.

I don't know why I'm not into her I'm just not. Could be a comerad in arms thing because I'm not into any of the sins to be honest. I signed and opened my mouth to tell her to buzz off when Lilleth screeched and marched over to us looking ready to killed. She grabbed hold of Hemmaras' arm, "What have I told you. Stop throwing yourself at him. He told you the first time you drooled on him that he wasn't interested. Your gonna keep on and he won't be so polite about letting you down. I know I'm sick of it and I'm not even the one you into. Nobody wants to keep dealing with this crap Hemmara move on." She started dragging her away.

"Yea Hemmara it's getting old," Pious quipped while following Lilleth. He was almost as bad with Lilleth as Hemmara was with me he just didn't badger her once she turned him down. He still tries about every hundred years or so but he seems ok just being her friend. Everyone else went their own way laughing at the scene like always.

I was greatful for Lilleth being an overprotective sister even though she swears she isn't. I shuffled my way to the pizzaria and ordered a meatza extravaganza, out of habit I ordered stuffed crust. I don't eat it but Dante is usually here n he does. I sat down in a booth in the back corner and began eating. Once I smelled the pizza I realized I really was hungry. Then a shriek broke through the air. I ripped my head up to assess the situation and smirked. It was just a couple of harpies stealing food. Harpies can't eat or have anything they haven't stolen or earned without becoming violently ill. So they can't just buy a pizza and because of their known power they mainly just steal it. It's some stupid curse a vengeful petty goddess placed on all harpies because one stole her boyfriend I'm sure.

But today they had tried to steal from a seriously pist off looking Phoenix which are just as well known in power. The harpy took a mean punch to the face and fell to the ground. The screech hadn't come from the two fighting but from the harpy stealing from another table. She readied herself and leapt onto the the phoenix and tore her neck open with her teeth. The phoenix fell to the ground with anger in her eyes. The spunky harpy walked over and helped the other one up.

"Jeeze Tori, how many times have I told you always be ready for a fight." She practically screamed.

"I know Talesha. I'm sorry I'm just so hungry. So what did we get from that hag?" She said excitedly.

"Like three pieces of crust and the watered down half of a regalia. Better then nothing I guess." Talesha grunted rubbing her eyes.

Before I thought about it I was calling their attention. "Hey you guys can have half of my pizza and I will get each of you a fresh regalia if you want." I said surprising myself.

They looked at me curiously, harpies weren't know for trusting easily. Their moto was kill them before they have a chance to kill you. I have had a few run-ins with harpies before. Talesha was the one to speak though, "Yea I bet you know we have to earn it don't you. So what sick things to you want us to do for it." She was obviously disgusted.

I held my hands up in innocence. "That fight was great and I enjoyed watching it so consider it payment for the show. That should work for the pizza right? You have got maybe an hour before that phoenix rises so you can sit and keep me company for the regalia. I'm kinda bored." I admitted.

Tori started jumping up and down looking at the other girl. "Please sis don't say no. I'm so hungry if you say no I will cut your arm off and it it. Please." Talesha scoffed obviously not phased my her sisters threat.

They sauntered over and sat in the booth across from me and started eating. I signalled the guy behind the counter for two regalias. A regalia is the Olympian twist on a Pepsi, it's got kind of a kick to it. I took note that the sisters were on the verge of starved while they scarfed down their half of the pizza and I decided I wanted to fix that. I also noticed their clothes were tattered and torn and I wanted to change that too. I don't usually help harpies like this but these two looked like they really needed it.

"So talk," Talesha said around a bit of food never looking away from me.

"Ok. Why do your clothes look like that when your here?" I questioned.

"Well nobody wants the help of half harpies with no clan and stealing up here is hard." Tori said simply.

"Well when we are done here we can get you guys some clothes then a hotel room so you can shower," I said scrunching up my nose at their scent.

"No thanks, we don't sleep around to get stuff. We can manage." Talesha said matter-of-factly.

I laughed so hard I thought I was going to fall out of the booth and she looked as if I had smacked her. "Do I look like the type that needs to buy sex? No, it's not like that. I have plenty of cash and can help you. We can work out the details when we get to the store." I smiled. She looked like she was going to say something and I held up my hand. "I want to do this. I have a feeling of you were clean and smelled better it would be easier for you to steal." I explained as the phoenixs' crumpled bloody body started catching fire. "Well time to go." I said.

They finished their drinks and we headed out the door. I turned to the right heading for the store Luxurious. I only knew where it was because of Lilleth. I kept looking back to check that the harpies were following behind me. They were huddled together whispering fiercely but they were still following me. When we walked I. the store I smacked myself in the head. I had completely forgotten Lilleth had told me she needed to go shopping and she had drug Ophelia and apparently Hemmara with her. I know because they were all here right now.

Hearing the sound of the door they turned to see who had entered the otherwise empty store. Lilleths' eyes got huge and Hemmara got madder and madder the more she looked between the two girls. "And just who in the hell are they," Hemmara said pointing at the girls.

"And just who the hells asking," Talesha said even more fiercely. Wait why is she mad? She was puffing up like she was fixing to attack and I grabbed her by the waste. She flailed a bit but couldn't budge my are.

"Uh, hey guys this is Tori and Talesha, their harpies." I wasn't sure what to say.

"Clearly their harpies brother," she said stepping in front of Hemmara as if to protect her and diffuse the situation. "But what are you doing with them." Her eyes got wide with anger and she snarled, "I swear if your using their curse against them for sex I will kick your teeth down your throat."

Oh my God. What is going on today. I looked at myself in the mirror checking to see if some terrible growth had appeared or something. When I saw I still looked just as good as usual I looked back at my sister in disbelief. "Seriously sis, what's your deal with me today. I'm just trying to help them out no sex involved." I practically hissed venom at her. She suddenly looked overly relieved and turned to Hemmara. I felt Talesha settle down in my arms and released her.

"Hemmara go back to trying on the dresses I picked out and I will pick out some stuff for our new guests." Lilleth proclaimed. Hemmara looked overly annoyed but did as She was told. I simply pulled out my wallet and removed my Olympian gold card. I sat the card down on the sheik white leather lounge chair beside me and winked at Talesha.

"I hope no one steals this and guesses that my pin is 1603 while I'm gone to get a hotel room." I smirked at Taleshas' facial expression when she grabbed the card. Then I turned and walked out the door. I like shopping but not with five women. So I marched across the street to the Lotus Hotel. The guy at the counter did not look fond of his job at all. So we spoke as little as possible.

"I need a double room with two queen sized beds and have room service bring up two of everything. I am a lotus member." I said sliding my hellfire card across to him. His eyes got big as he typed everything into the computer.

"Right away Mr. Sin. Everything will be ready in 45 minutes. I'm putting you in the penthouse double queen. Your points covered most of it. Please enjoy the room." He said with a suddenly pleasant smile, sliding the room key across the counter to me.

I wanted to make sure everything got up there in time and needed somewhere to sit so I headed to the elevator looking at the key. It said room 604 so when I stepped in I hit the button six. The elevator stopped and I walked out looking at the sign across the hall for directions. I turned to the left and found the room. I let myself in and was pretty amazed at how nice it was. I only saw one bed n started to get mad when I saw a door in the middle of the room. I went over and opened the door walking into another room just as nice with another bed. Satisfied I crashed on the bed thinking and fell asleep.

I woke up to a nock and a light voice calling in, "Room service." I walked over and let in a three foot pixie. She pushed in a giant table on wheels with a feast for a champion. I didn't realize pixies where that strong to be honest. She bowed and asked me if I needed anything else. I shook my head no and pulled a bag of rubies out of my pocket and handed it to her. She started crying and thanking me.

"It's nothing I swear. Thank you for all of this beautiful food. Have a good day." I said hurrying her out the door. I walked out right after and headed back down to get the girls. When I made it back inside the store it looked like they were all wrapping up and paying. Each woman was loaded down on both arms with huge shopping bags. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Talesha turned and faced me.

"Oh hey. Thanks for all of this," She said walking over and handing me back my card. "We had lots of fun and maybe over spent."

Lilleth snort laughed then, " Oh please he is loaded and never spends and money. You barely touched his bank account."

"Wow thanks sis." I said rolling my eyes. "Well here ladies. This is the room key but I need you to meet me at a club called the Palace. After you shower and change." I emphasized. "If you agree to these terms you have earned your room."

Talesha looked like she wanted to protest but Tori ran over and covered her hand with her mouth. "Of course we agree. Give us about an hour and a half and we will be there. Thanks so much."

Lilleth grabbed my arm and drug me out of there. Did I mention she is very very impatient. I can't believe we are related sometimes, but I guess that's family.