
Beautiful Sins

Sarah_Lewis_2530 · Fantasía
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The Underworld, The Mortal World, The Otherworld And Me

Did you know that when people die their souls go to the Underworld? Wait! Hear me out. I'm not saying all souls go to hell but the Underworld, which has four different regions. Tartarus is probably the only region that you have ever heard of heard of. It's the deepest part of the Underworld with gigantic gates of iron and a threshold of bronze. There was a time when we refered to it as the dungeon of rebels because it only held the cyclops and Hecatocheries who tried to go against Cronus. Then entered the mighty Titans who dared oppose the god King Zues. But it eventually became housing for the worst perpetrators doomed to eternally endure punishments fitting their earthly crimes. The most famous inhabitants are Sisyphus, Tantalus, Ixion, and Tityos. Basically Tartarus is the worst for the worst of the worst.

The next region up isn't much better but it's called the fields of Mourning. A fitting name because it is reserved of those whose ruthless love did waste away. They just can't forget their grief and heartbreak. True tragedies did land them here in this dark myrtle grove stuck wondering in pain and agony because they can not let go. To be honest, and don't hate me for this, but it's mainly women. True enough there are some men located here of course. To put it into perspective our most famous inhabitants here are Phaedra, Procris, Pasiphae, Evadne, and of course, Dido. See, all women. I think women just hold onto their anger and love harder then men. Which would explain the saying hell hath no fury like a womans' scorn.

The next region is the Asphodel Meadows and it basically neutral territory. When I say neutral I mean almost everyone makes it here. Basically the good and the bad you did in your life have to be completely equal for you to land here. It's as if one walked through life never truely sure of right from wrong or that what leads to your decision in how you do something is as important as the thing you do. Like if you do something good for the wrong reasons or you end up doing something bad for the right reason. If you end up here your never tortured or rewarded your soul just continues on as it is until reincarnation, if possible for that soul. Our most famous inhabitants here is Achilles. Crazy right? Everyone always thought he would end up in the best place imaginable. But if you do something for the wrong reason then does it mean anything?

The best place to end up and the first region of the Underworld is the Elysian Fields. You might know of this place as the Isles of the blessed or the White Island. Simply put it's only for the most exception mortals. The Titan god Cronus; the father of Zues, Poseidon, and Hades; rules this region. If you remember correctly he tried to eat his children so him ruling this realm makes me think Zues is a big softy at heart. To back that statement up Rhadamanthus, Zues' son, also rules this region when he isn't busy with his other duties, which is almost always. Elysium is the land of eternal sunlight and rosy meadows. To get here you have to be a hero of gods. No not a god obviously but a hero to the gods. The gods themselves have to deem you a hero. Believe it or not that's really hard to do. Take Achilles as an example, everyone thought he was a hero. Well everyone except the gods, because he was only a hero because he couldn't get hurt except he ankles of course. Had it not been for that he would have never been the hero he was. The most famous of the god hero's are Cadmus, Peleus, and Menelaus. Those are the regions, each and every mortal soul has a place in one of those regions.

The Underworld is located beyond the encircling river of Ocean, at the far western end of the world but it also has three entrances. Most people come to the Underworld naturally but not all. The first entrance is a cavern near the ancient town of Tenarus, also known as Cape Tanaerum or Cape Matapan. You may know of this entrance because the great Heracles drug Cerberus from Hades here. Opheus tried to bring Eurydice back to life here as well. The second entrance is the bottomless Alcyonian Lake at Lerna. It is guarded by the fearsome Hydra, but that didn't stop Dionysus from using it to find his mother Semele. Hades abducted Persephone, his wife, from a meadow she was tending for her mother near here. The last entrance is the volcanic Lake Avenus. It's located in southern Italy near Naples, but do me a favor and don't go looking. Aenus entered a cave near Lake Avenus to get to the Underworld and he almost didn't make it.

The Underworld has five infernal rivers. First and most renowned is the river Styx which circles the Underworld seven times. Styx is the river of hatred and unbreakable oaths which is why the gods often come here to take oaths. Second is the deep black river of sorrow and pain known as the Acheron. Third, the Cocytus is the river of lamentation and wailing. The fourth and possibly scariest is the Phlegethon river of fire. I say scariest because it leads to the depths of Tartarus. If touched you simply become nothing, like that's it no soul just nothing. You would purely cease to exist. Our final river is the Lethe which is the river of oblivion and forgetfulness. Dead souls are obliged to drink from the Lethe so they can forget their earthly lives in preparation for reincarnation.

Now when a mortal dies Hermes the messenger God carries a soul to the entrance of the Underworld. If there were coins placed on your eyes or under your tongue after death you could pay the fair and Charon would row you in the ferry across Styx. If you couldn't pay the fare you would remain trapped between the two worlds. A giant three headed dog, Cerberus guards the gates to the Underworld. He allows all ferried souls to enter but none to leave. After a soul enters the gate they appear before a panel of three judges. Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus pass sentences based on the mortals deeds in their previous life. From there the soul enters it's region of the Underworld to hopefully gain the ability to be reincarnated.

Hades is the true ruler of the Underworld but he does so love his fun. He appointed nine bringers of death, Sasanoo, Batara Kala, Ereshikigal, Supay, Mot, Erlik, Mictlantecahtli, Yama, and Hel. We call them the Lord's of death. You might know these names from other religions as the king's of hell and this is probably where the confusion has came from. Hades goes off and does his thing and leaves the work on the Lord's of death ie confusion. Then there are the seven princes of hell who represent the seven deadly sins. Lucifer is pride, Beelzebub is envy, Satan is wrath, Mammon is Greed, Belphegor is gluttony and Asmodeus is lust. Below them are the three sisters of fate. Clotho who spun the thread of life representing the present. Lachesis who measured the allotted length of the thread and represents the future. And Atropos who cut it off with her shears while representing the past. After them are the three Furies sisters , Alecto the angry, Magaera the grudging, and Tisiphone the avenger. These are all of Hades most beloved pets.

You might be wondering how I know all of this. Well it's simple really. Have you ever heard of Pandora's box? Some say it held the worst plagues of all time. Some say it held monstrous creatures even worse then the ones in Tartarus. Technically they are both true but they are no longer held in Pandora's box. We have yet to figure out who did it but Pandora was slaughtered and the box was opened. When her monstrosities were released they ruck havoc on the mortal world. Then something no one thought was possible happened.

Demons ripped themselves from the earth. Angels threw themselves from heaven and became fallen. When they did this each one singularly found a monster and tamed them with love. They found what you would call their soul mates and mated. The taming landed all of the monsters now willing to be held into Tartarus. As for the Demons and fallen Angels once they reproduce the monsters offspring they were allowed to enter Tartarus with their mates. We are those off springs. Hades named the sixteen off spring produced from them his beautiful sins. We are some of his favorite pets as well but mainly because we can come and go from hell as we please.

Because of that we were trained to whisper into the ears of mortals and tip the scales in Hades favor. You see all souls go to the Underworld yes but Hades can't personally play with them unless they want to become a demon. That's our part to play. We are suppose to convince mortals everything would be easier if they were to become a demon. Which is easy enough because when we get near people thanks to our heritage people just go crazy. Some murder, some rape, and some get sick. It really depends on which sin gets near them.

We can never let more then two sins around a person because they go so crazy they just off themselves and that's bad for business. I am Tylerion and the leader of the beautiful sins. My mother Gallen was the leader of the fallen Angels and she mated with the worst of the monsters Tarnasious. Which makes me the most powerful of the sins. I'm not sure that means much because we are all pretty powerful immortals, and my sister, Lilleth believes she could whoop my ass any day. My sister and I have different mother's, you might say she is my demon counterpart.

We have always wondered how our father Tarnasious ended up with two mates. One a fallen angel and one a high demon. You would think the women would hate each other and they couldn't truely both be mates with the same man, right? Well you would be wrong because my mother Gallen and her mother Hellasious actually love each other as well. They had long believed themselves to be mates before the slaughter of Pandora. After that they realized they were mated with Tarnasious as well. Our mother's where the ones who realized the monsters could be tamed by their mates because they already roamed the mortal world for each other. They actually stumbled upon Tarnasious and they realized they were meant for him. Because of how they lulled and tamed the mightiest of all monstrosities others followed their lead.

Ergo me, my sister and the other sins were born from this. We all resemble the mortals some what. We are all larger in stature and have attributes of our parents. I have gossamer black wings from a distance but when you get closer it looks as if tiny stars were imbedded throughout the feathers. Lilleth has jagged spiked wings and sharp black claws and razor like teeth. We both have a similar teal tint to our skins that we always hoped would fade but never did. The other sins have similar various attributes stemming from their parents as well. My right hand twins, who I like to call bringers of pain, Dante has seven inch horns, while his twin sister Dionessa has a long thin spiked tail. Lilleths bestie Ophelia has horns that actually form the works of a hell crown and a red tint to her skin. You get it the just of it.

So like I said there are sixteen of us; me, Lilleth, Dante, Dionessa, Ophelia, Festus, Andraius, Lepitous, Casious, Belfire, Senpai, Eradaious, Bracious, Hemmara, Pious, and Vexodus. We all have our specialties and break into groups of two to travel to the mortal world or we just go our own way. But here in the Underworld we all chill Hades palace on the outskirts of Tartarus in the fields of Mourning. Hades says the screams of the tormented makes him feel at home. We find it to be pretty annoying so we usually spend most of our time in the mortal world or the Otherworld, which you would probably call heaven. There are four regions of the Otherworld as well to help keep a balance.

The first region is called the Minor Mystical Peninsula. It's where all immortal beings can roam, including demons. Its structure is similar to that of Los Angeles, like a huge city of shops, stores, bars, clubs, and orgy halls. Since every immortal of every kinda can come here it's like party central. It is ringed by the Provocative Lagoon of Trials. This is where we hangout in the Otherworld, call it a home away from home.

The second region up is the Unbefitting Celestial Retreat which is where Mount Olympus resides. It's mainly for all the gods. Unless summoned by a god we stay clear of this place for fear of their wrath. Of course I have been summoned a time or two to do some gods biddings. So I can tell you it's a gloriously beautiful undying land. Full of lush evergreens and fields of multicolored flowers and grand homes of the gods. This region is enveloped by the Alluring Spring of tears.

The Angelic Spiritual Terrain is the third region and home of the Angels. The angels do not follow the gods but only the Holy Divine. I have never personally been here but I have heard it's basically like the sky at dusk. Beautiful empty space colored with deep hues of blues, purples, and pinks; filled with clouds that carry elegant but humble homes in which the angels resided. The place is enclosed by the Beguiling Basin of Truth to ensure you may only enter if you're intentions are innocent and pure.

The final region is The Holy Divine Sanctuary. Encompassed by the Sparkling Bay of Essence is a lavishing orchard that sits an enormous palace directly in the center of it. The only ones whom may enter here are the angels. The Holy Divine never leaves and has never been seen by anyone or thing except the angels. The Holy Divine is the one who decides whether a soul mortal or immortal is pure and just enough to become and angel. They neither go against the gods or for them but everyone thinks if the Holy Divine wanted to they could wipe everything clean and start over, including the gods. There has to be a reason no one, not the gods, nor the Titans, nor Pandora's monsters have ever went against the Holy Divine. In fact no one even knows if the Holy Divine is a man or a woman. The angels all call it the Holy Divine when they speak of her/him.

So I just call it Shem and leave it at that. I don't think it's offensive and I haven't been stuck down so I guess Shem is good with it. If Shem wanted me to know what Shem is I believe Shem would let me know somehow. Maybe I'm wrong but oh well to late now.

Anyway, I think that's about enough of my backstory now it's time for some real fun. Are you ready to get to know me? You already know my name is Tylerion and I have a half sister named Lilleth. I am the leader of the sixteen beautiful sins, but do you want to know who I am on a deep and personal level. I stand at a towering seven foot one inches and my wings still slightly graze the ground. My hair is a droopy curly dirty blonde mess and my bottom lip is pierced on both sides. I work out on a regular so I keep a pretty decent eight pack going with a deep v indention leading your filthy mind astray. I have high cheek bones and full pouty lips. My sister says my nose is big but it's proportionate to my face and my eyes change color with my mood, from ice blue to deep grey to deep green and all the shades in-between.

I think I look pretty decent except the scar that works it way down my chest but only directly over my rib cage. I got it from fighting a rathe which is a rather nasty creature from purgatory or limbo. They are floating black grim reaping looking soul suckers with claws of fire. The sickening creature attacked Lilleth when she got to close to a mortal she didn't realize was already taken. It got her thigh before I managed to dive in front of her. I fought it off pretty well until we started to teleport. I took one siring nail down my chess as we began our decent to the Underworld. I hate this blemish more then all of the tiny almost unseen burns from the hellfire back spits.

I am a simple guys with a simple life. All I really ever do is work and party though. I'm getting really tired of it. I feel like there has got to be more to this infernal eternity or I may jump into the Phlegethon and leave the leader position to Lilleth. She has always coveted it as if it ment everything and she was distraught for almost a decade when Hades declared me fit. She might mourn me for a moment but I believe the title leader would soothe her comfort seriously quickly. I can't begrudge her for that. I mean who's to say I wouldn't be the same way if the tables were turned. She blames my thought process on my mother's side of my genes and claims she has no feelings. I know this to be a lie but don't ever feel like arguing the point with her because it's like fighting a five year old.

There just has to be more to this though right. Don't get me wrong I have great friends and I enjoy my job most of the time and every party I go to is a complete rager but is this all I am ment for? Endlessly following Hades rules and being summoned by whiney gods who are as needy and petty as toddlers fighting for toys and candy. Going the same places over and over again until every detail of the wallpaper is etched into my brain. I just need more. I need excitement. I need something new and improved. But what should I do and how do I go about doing it with out the wrath of Hades and the gods. Damn it the Phlegethon is looking better and better.