
Beautiful Sassy Omega.

Axe Noir, omega and second in the line of succession to the throne must marry Erwin Feret, alpha and current heir of the enemy kingdom due to the outbreak of war. Axe is everything an omega of his time shouldn't be: bold, independent, with strong opinions and total fighting prowess, he is an insolent omega, and that drives Erwin crazy. Erwin is an alpha raised in a toxic, alphaist environment, adapted to do what he wants, carefree and living his love affairs. Both as different as they are, they are destined to fall for each other, even if at the beginning they are only driven by desire, they may unknowingly be about to live the greatest love story of all time. That is, if war and lies don't destroy them first.

Edhen_Bnovel · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter IV:

Axe entered the rooms and sighed heavily, he had been there only five minutes compared to everything that awaited him, just the first day, he said to himself, and already I want to go back, go as far away as possible and never come back, yes, that was exactly what he would do if the reasons to stay weren't bigger, he ran his hand over his neck.

His body ached, his she-wolf seemed to have entered some state of tranquility, thanks to Fenrir, he had had enough of her for the rest of the day, the distant growl in his conscience told him that Igna was not far away at all, he smiled, and tried to make a bun, which fell like a waterfall as soon as he let his hair down.

He looked around, the room was spacious, bright, but so plain that the humblest huts in Asmax would be offended, he took off his boots and let his feet kiss the floor, it was wooden and felt cold against their soles, the curtains were red, so bright you could tell they were bathed in frezca blood, he touched them: they were not soft, they could easily be used as sandpaper, he looked at the bed: wide, he touched the sheets: silk, he inhaled the scent: clean, at least they had the decency to give him that, he looked to the side, the dresser, wide double mirrored, he sighed wearily, he needed to sleep, he looked at the bed again and frowned.

"Scared, omega, afraid some alpha might have left his seed there?" Cedric's amused voice came venomously and smilingly from behind him, the omega prince snorted as if such an idea could only seem too funny to him.

"I'd be lucky if that was the case, with the minutes I've been here I think my sex life after today will be sad enough" he grimaced as if it really was a tragedy "At least I can smell the enjoyment of others" he shrugged in mock innocence, Cedric looked at him without credit as Axe began to settle in, taking a bobby pin from one of the bags on the dresser to gather his hair.

"King Kellar really doesn't know the little jewel he keeps in the palace as if it were a fragile flower."

Axe laughed singsong, Cedric hugged him from behind and left a kiss on neck, Axe turned and looked the omega in the eyes, honey and bright, he was a beautiful omega and so beaten by life, he caressed his cheek gently and moved closer until he left a kiss on his lips, Cedric drew him to himself and deepened the contact between the pairs of lips, Axe grabbed his neck and glued both breasts together biting Cedric's lower lip, the scent of both filled the room, however more than excitement there was affection and protection, they pulled apart and looked, Axe pressed his lips together and let his face fall on Cedric's chest who hugged him tightly.

"Everything will be okay, Axe, I promise, we'll get through this, things will get better, maybe you shouldn't even get married" Axe nodded and smiled walking away across the room.

"I hope so Cedric, because honestly, none of the Féret I like, they seem so closed off, like they hide all of themselves behind a wall" he tilted his head, some strands of dark hair moved loosely, he started to take off his gangarrias and later his clothes "I'm sure they will do everything because I will adapt to them, and since I'm the omega, I'll have to stay here."

"It's not going to be a real sacrifice, have you taken a good look at your future husband. If it were me, I'd take a bite out of him" solt Cedric raising his eyebrows repeatedly, Axe looked at him for long seconds before laughing and denying.

"I don't deny it" he agreed biting his lips with pink cheeks "Under other circumstances, I wouldn't mind getting him in my bed, neither me, nor my wolf" Igna growled in agreement, damn horny, Axe sighed remembering Erwin "Although all his attractiveness is lost between those cold eyes and frustrated expressions."

Cedric wandered off to one of the armchairs and dropped wearily.

"You will marry the heir, not the king." said Cedric only a little more serious, looking at the omega's naked body.

Axe not at all self-consciously went to where all his clothes should be hanging, a huge dressing room separated by a marble wall. Cedric snorted, that omega was chutzpah in person.

"You should think about it, Axe, this very..." he pointed at both of them, even if he omega was on the other side of the wall and didn't see him "They could accuse us of treason." the black hair peeked out and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing here then, omega?." he asked amused, coming out with a long silk prussian blue robe in his hand still undressed, his long legs, thick thighs and wide hips in full view.

Cedric observed the flat belly, and the tiny waist, Axe had the equitable set between his masculine figure and the perfect omega touch that made him look feminine, contrary to him, who wasn't at all.

Axel had a pronounced ass, the straight, shiny and dark hair was so long that it would be the envy of many female omegas, it was like seeing the blessing of the gods in person, since his birth it has been believed that Axe was sold by the goddess Luna herself and the god Fenrir, because it could not be explained how he could be so beautiful, if Cedric was alpha or on the contrary, if Axe was, he would not have hesitated to join him, however Cedric hesitated to fall in love with anyone to get to that step, not after him, although that did not take away his carnal enjoyment.

"Wasn't Mr. Poatta's reprimand enough for you, my dear Cedric?." the brunet reached out his hand and pulled him towards him, seeing a smile take possession of the omega prince's face, looking totally radiant.

Once Axe was led to his quarters, followed by a very suspicious entourage attentive to everything and to his prince, Cedric had arrived together with the omega to his room and even when Abraham had looked at him with an accusing eye, dividing between looking at the prince and his bodyguard, Cedric had completely ignored the pale man and even entered the room after Axe, the latter without even noticing and without caring even a little bit.

Abraham by then had snorted, like an angry beast and said it was disrespectful for someone outside of the alpha Féret son to maintain a presence in the chambers of the future omega of the crown.

Axe had raised an eyebrow and hid his smile, Cedric looked at the beta with a bored face and trying not to hit that smug face clothes and mouth, opting to walk out of there with an insulted Abraham behind and being led to the guest rooms with the rest of the entourage who were trying not to laugh at his expense.

"You should show more respect."

Axe settled in, anyone else in his place would have lost their minds by now, because even being both omegas, desire went beyond caste, Cedric knew about that better than anyone, but not with Axe, they could lose themselves in each other's skin, but in their coraoznes it would never be filled by feverish desire, but rather true affection and unmatched protection.

"My respect is with you and Asmax, as well as my loyalty and favor" he let his right hand move and sneak into the graceful neck moving the large fingers and squeezing subtly around it.

Axe closed his eyes at the caress and let himself be done, Cedric watched him with a smile, and knowing it wasn't worth tempting fate, decided it was time to go, he pulled him rough and fast bringing both faces closer, breathing on his cheek where he deposited a kiss with open lips, Axe opened his eyes and looked at him both focused on the other, drinking in every reflected emotion.

"I want you to be happy, never forget that, I would kill for you, I would die for you, I would die if necessary, I love you Axe, and that's never going to change."

The omega looked at him with shining eyes and came only close enough to leave a chaste kiss on the other's lips and pull away, Cedric didn't for a second close his eyes, and Axe smiled touching his cheek with his left hand while still holding the nightgown with the other.

"Life will reward us someday, every sacrifice will come in blessings to us, while that comes may the great mother Moon always keep us, Cedric." he whispered.

"So be it Axe, so be it."

Cedric smiled at her one last time and carefully got up from the chair, leaving a kiss on her forehead and leaving not before making sure no one was around, Axe watched as the door closed and sighed, before going towards the bed and falling on this one naked, he turned his face to one side and let go a tear, his head and soul ached, but he had faith, the fight was just beginning.

He knew it, the Féret family has a history as murky as the dark night, and Axe was afraid, of being another fallen soul in it, but he had to stay strong, Cedric was there, his soul brother, he would not leave him, and he trusted in that, he looked up to the ceiling and whispered a prayer to Fenrir.

May the gods value his sacrifice in a just cause, may nothing be in vain, may everything be rewarded.

He straightened up in bed and put on the nightgown that he arranged without haste, opened the sheets and not before taking a deep breath and securing the door of his room, windows, the ever-present distrust would diminish just a little and enough to let him sleep, he closed his eyes, dreaming of old and beautiful places, for the sake of his she-wolf.