
Beast of Kriatori(FF)

A man by the name of Leviathan Kriatori dies only to be reincarnated as one of the most dangerous beast the world has ever known. Teen Wolf Fan-Fic Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the characters named Kriatori Three Updates a week / If you want to support you can also use the info below. patreon.com/Kriatori

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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Upper East California//Kriatori Compound

Outside in an open field a woman with ash gray hair matted to her face lay back on the grass clutching at it with such strength her hands sunk through, Although her face was contorted in pain the woman never let out a single scream and just clenched her teeth and wore determined expression as she took deep breaths. Surrounding this woman were a small cluster of maids and a tall male figure standing close by with a serious and slightly worried look on his face. The woman currently giving birth was Lilith Kriatori and the male beside her Lucifer Kriatori.

"You're almost through Lady Lilith just one more push" one of the maids was currently kneeled in front of Lilith's spread legs preparing to welcome the birth of a new pup.

The maid just received a death glare in response before Lilith took one more deep breath but this time she couldn't hold in her screams and so she roared,


A roar so loud that the birds flew from miles out and the trees shook with force. A couple of the maids clutched their ears though the maid receiving the baby appeared unaffected as she didn't falter for a second even as her ears bleed, not even two second later Lilith's roar died down and the sound of a baby wailing could be heard as if he was trying to compete with his mother, ignoring the ringing in her ears the maid used a towel that had been prepared and cleaned off the baby before she gave it Lucifer as Lilith was adjusting her breathing and calming down.

"It looks like he inherited your colors love, I can already imagine the trouble this little one will get into. " The man couldn't help but laugh as he looked into the different colored eyes of pink and violet. He looks like a drop of caramel Lilith.

" Pass him Luci, " Lilith choked out between tears. They have been trying for the longest time to have a child and it broke her every time she couldn't. A birth for their clan was nothing short of a miracle,

" He has your sharp eyes Luci" she says softly looking into the two dissimilar gems that mirrored her own as she brushes her son's hair delicately gazing at his every feature as if she would forget them, from his wild brows to his puffy little cheeks.

Adjusting himself to sit behind his wife Lucifer embraces her " Have you decided on a name love?" he asked as he gently wiped the sweat from her head brushing the loose ash gray strands that stuck to her olive skin. Looking up into his gray -blue eyes with a playful glare

" With as much trouble as this little pup caused in my belly his name can only be Leviathan, I know he'll be fighting with you the second he can walk" she says, nudging him lightly with her shoulder they both laughed at that for a bit before turning their attention back to their little one soaking in the moment.

About five minutes later Lilith looked up at her at her maids all healed from her outburst sitting cross-legged on the grass in their scrub like clothes with their head low and eyes closed, These four maids were all werewolves who were turned and trained by her personally. Although they were definitely stronger than a prime beta they were still weaker than an alpha…. that was until she made sure they were well fed with nice healthy hearts from other supernatural beings. In that case creating a loyal pack of alphas was just a matter of morality.

As if sensing her gaze the maids all looked up eyes glowing with a crimson hue before vanishing just as fast as it appeared, "Sven thank you for helping with the delivery, how are your ears?"

Lilith knew that their ears would be fine but she still cared for these maids of hers they earned that much from her. "My ears are perfectly fine Lady Lilith thank you, shall I proceed with the plans?"

Even though Sven showed no emotion on her strict visage her voice was soft as she spoke, she has been with Lilith the longest and knew how much this moment meant to her. It was also the reason that she was trusted with the birth of her child, who just so happened to be sleeping soundly in Lilith's embrace much like the Lord who was resting on her shoulder, eyes closed resting soundly holding Lilith protectively.

"Let's push it back an hour I know the old man can barely contain himself as it is, and be sure to tell the misfits not to be late and to dress their best" Lilith replied, the misfits she was referring to were her mates pack those of which he trained like she did her own if not harsher, they were also the mates of her maids. "Understood, then I'll prepare right away"

Sven bowed slightly before turning around the maids behind her following her routine before making their way to the mansion. The complex was built much like a fortress with stone walls about seven feet in height shaping the compound for miles out, being surrounded by forestry and natural fauna inside and out; it was built perfectly for their family home and those closest to them. There were four smaller mansions built around our own surroundings like an omega with a driveway going around our mansion and connecting to the garages of our packs home. Looking to her left she gazed at her mate a proud feeling in her chest,

"You worked hard," Lilith spoke softly, only she knew how hard he worked to built this place for their family. The blood, sweat, and money that went into this place was immeasurable, it was tradition for young hellhounds to go out and make their own way once they hit a certain age and Lucifer took that challenge in stride. Sinking further into him as she held their son close to her Lilith drifted into a light slumber.

Small time skip in the next chapter, chapters will get longer.