
3 That's It????

It's been three months now and I still don't feel confident in front of them. They took good care of me, fed me, sent me to school, treated me as if I really am a member of their family. The maids call me Lady Qiao, they said that it was a sign of respect to the masters of the house. Even though I don't want to be called that way their reasoning is that they'd be in trouble if they don't so I try to understand.

It's time for school and Samson would give me a ride as usual, and still sometimes I catch him giving me a creepy look with a smile, but today I had gathered plenty of courage to ask him why...

"Brother Sam, why give such a creepy look all the time?"

"You're cute..."

What???!! That's it? All this time, that is his one and only reason?

At last we arrived at my school...

"Wait me by the gate later." he reminded


At school I barely have any friends but atleast I have only two guys with me, Adam Feng and Josef Wood, for me they're enough... I guess...