
Be Gentle Major General

Andrea Cho is the only daughter of General Cho who was close to the Major General, but after fighting the terrorists, he started avoiding and pushing Andrea away, and even told her to get lost. Months later, he found out that Andrea is leaving for her dreams. 4 years later, Andrea is now a famous fashion designer and Lester decided to pursue Andrea despite their age gap. But Andrea decided to push Lester away but Lester won't give up and tell her the truth why he pushes her away.

ChubbyBunny_bun · Real
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Why do I have to stay with this jerk?! This is my house, plus why would dad just let a guy stay with his daughter?  (T^T) I just started to accept the fact that I'm always alone in this house, why would a guy suddenly stay with me? Humph! This is my place, I should chase him out," *Evil laugh*

Andrea went downstairs and she saw Lester sitting down the couch while reading a book, Lester noticed her presence and looked at her direction, 

"What?" Lester asked while shutting the book,

"I-I would like to talk about something," Andrea answered nervously,

Lester tapped the space beside him telling Andrea to sit beside him, Andrea went to his direction and sat down beside him, 

"What is it baby?" Lester teased Andrea,

"B-B-BABY?!!! Could you not call me that?"Andrea said in an embarrassed tone while her cheeks blushed,

"Haha, your cheeks are telling me you like it," Lester said while moving closer to Andrea,

Andrea pushed him away and decided to sit on the couch in front of him,

"I-I'm here for an important matter, not to flirt with you!" Andrea said with an irritated face,

Lester saw the seriousness on her face and so he sat down properly, tighten his tie, cleared his throat and spoke,

"So, what is it?"

Andrea was surprised with the sudden change of his attitude,

"Umm, I just hope you understand that this is my place, and so I hope that you respect the owner, since you're staying here," Andrea said,

"Oh, I'm not just staying here," Lester answered with a smirk on his face, Andrea did not understand what he said but she continued listening as he continued speaking,

"You see, I'm not here for a favor from you, your dad is the one who asked me for a favor, so if you're talking about respect, I should be the one who's getting it, disregard the place we're in whether it's in your place or mine, or in a hotel, you still can't change the fact that I am the one who's here for your safety and you should respect me and respect my dominance," Lester said with a smirk on his face,

Andrea was shocked with what Lester said, Andrea stood up, she started contacting her dad, 

"DAD WHAT'S THIS?!" Andrea started stomping away to her room, while shining to her dad through the phone, while inside Lester's thoughts,

"What a quick change of  attitude, haha, go ahead Andrea, keep whining to your dad, but I'm not leaving your side," while Lester gave out a chuckle,

Minutes later, Andrea came back, with a long face,

"So did you succeed in kicking me out?" Lester asked with a smirk,

"No! :<" Andrea answered pouting, Lester chuckled,

Andrea sat down on the couch in front of Lester, still wearing that pout on her face and crossed arms,

"Do you hate me that much?" Lester asked while standing up from the couch,

"Yeah because you're a jer---" Andrea halted right there and looked at Lester and saw a calm but devilish smile on his face,

"I'm a what?" Lester asked while walking closer to her,

"N-N-Nothing Sir," Andrea said nervously while giving out a bitter smile,

"I'm warning you Andrea, don't lie to me,"  Lester said while cornering her in the couch.

"A JERK! YOU'RE A JER---!" Andrea shouted, but Lester stopped her with a kiss,

Andrea was shocked and tried to resist but Lester held both her hands and pinned her down, it was a long and steamy kiss. Inside Andrea's thoughts,

"Oh no, Lester's tongue is touching mine's, I'm so small and defenseless, I can't resist, he's so strong! Oh no, it's hard to breathe!" 

Lester continued kissing her until he decided to see the looks on her face, he lifted his lips until he was able to see her face while Andrea was grasping for air, he looked at her with a satisfied devilish smirk, while Andrea was blushing and still gasping for air,

"Y-You jerk! Why'd you do that?" Andrea said while grasping for air,

"Didn't I say don't cal me that? Or... Are you actually begging for it?" Lester said while moving closer to her neck and moved his legs between Andrea's legs, and started kissing her neck, Andrea moaned silently. Andrea then spoke,

"Le-Lester please, enough, the maids might see us, mMm~"

Lester looked at her face and he saw a tear streamed down her face, and so he decided to stand up, Andrea ran to her room and slammed the door. Lester was surprised, he didn't seem to be himself just now. Inside Lester's thoughts,

"What was I thinking?! She's probably scared of me now, I should go and apologize later, damn I shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't control myself!" 

Hours passed by and Lester knocked on Andrea's  door,

"Hey, are you up? Can we talk?" Lester asked, behind the door is Andrea on her bed, wrapped in her sheets,

"Come in," Andrea answered,

Lester opened the door and saw Andrea wrapped in her sheets, he sat on a chair and they had an eye contact, there was a long silence, Andrea is blushing and her eyes are looking down. Finally, Lester decided to speak,

"Umm, about earlier, I would like to apologize for my wrong actions towards you, I hope you understand. If you have anything to say, please say it, I will accept anything," 

"That was my first," Andrea said softly, it was so soft but he heard it clearly, Lester blushed for a bit and said, 

"Me too," he replied softly and blushed for a bit, 

Andrea was shocked and decided to talk,

"Congrats then, we just lost our first kiss you each other," They both laughed and continued talking.

Hours passed by and the maids knocked on the door, 

"Miss, dinner's ready," 

"Let's eat?" Lester said, Andrea nodded and they both went down to dinning hall.

They both sat down and ate, after eating, Andrea decided to ask Lester why he is staying in her place, and why her dad allowed him,

"I think you also have to know the reason, since this is about your safety also for you to know what to do once you find something suspicious," Lester said seriously,

"We are currently fighting against a group of terrorists and the possibility of you being kidnapped is high since you are the daughter of the General  and lure the General using you, the terrorists bare a very deep anger against me and your dad, so your dad especially asked me to look out for you since your dad and I are friends and I took care of you once," 

Andrea was shocked. Inside Andrea's thoughts,

"I don'r recall being under his care, what does he mean he took care of me once?"