
Battle Through The Heavens: I am the protagonist's uncle!

He was reborn as Xiao Jin the younger brother of Xiao Zhan, with his memories he knew that his clan would be the target of the greed of others and so he entered Jia Nan Academy to graduate and have resources (my MC won't follow his nephew, even though it's a fanfic I want my protagonist to have his own story, his own created group and his own created powers instead of "stealing" from his nephew, so xiao yan won't show up much) 1 - the MC will be 35 years old at the beginning of the cannon (5 years younger than xiao zhan) 2 - the MC will have a rebirth perk which is a unique flame, flames of refinement

kingbastard1999 · Cómic
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7 Chs

3 - 14 years, Goodbye to the clan, heading to the academy

At age 11, unfortunately the kind mother fell ill, Xiao Jin wanted to use her flames to refine and heal her mother's body, unfortunately her flames could not enter other people's bodies.

It was the first time in years that Xiao Jin had cursed his flames, unfortunately it is impossible to fight the nature of things

A few days later, even with the elixir provided by the clan, his mother passed away.

Xiao Zhan stopped smiling, he stopped being more cheerful and started focusing more on training

His father seemed to age tens of years in just a few days and his hair was all white, he began to spend more time with Xiao Zhan to train his eldest son to be a qualified patriarch.

Xiao Jin did not feel jealous of this, on the contrary, he knew that his father was doing his best for the clan, during dinner all 3 of them always sat at the table together.

Xiao Jin took a while to get over this, even if his mind was that of an adult, no normal person is prepared to lose their beloved mother.

He then again can just focus on his training, he knew that in the cannon his father didn't exist and should be dead, but he wants to avoid that, the stronger he is, the more access to high level resources he will have, an elixir of level 4 or 5 could heal their mother, but due to their clan's weakness they didn't have access

He mastered many Huang level techniques, his understanding was very good

With just 2 months to go until his 12th birthday, he has gone from 9-star disciple and entered the Dou practitioner level.

An 11-year-old practitioner, he even surpassed the future Xiao Yan who reached this level at the age of 12.

of course only his father and brother knew about it, as a gift his father gave him a low level Xuan skill

Xiao Jin doesn't have any super masters to give him strong skills and that's why he treated this gift from his father like a treasure.

The Skill is called Fire Fist, a very boring name but the skill is real

With that, training continued, xiao Jin's goal is to get into the academy's S-level class.

To be accepted into the academy, you must be under 20 years old and have a 9 star cultivation of Dou disciple, but that would only be the lower level Class.

1 star Dou practitioner can go to D-level class, 2 stars to C-level class, 3 stars to B-level class, 4 stars to A-level class and finally 5 stars or above for S-level class

Keeping a low profile is something he only plans to do in the xiao clan and empire, but in the academy, if Xiao Jin wants to have a lot of resources, he should show himself as much as possible.


3 years later

A handsome boy with short black hair stood next to the Xiao clan's patriarch

This boy wore a beautiful black outfit, unlike the rest of the clan disciples who wore blue, this boy is Xiao Jin and he hates the color blue

Xiao Jin is 14 years old and his cultivation is 2-star Dou practitioner

Of course, this level is false, only the father and his brother Xiao Zhan know Xiao Jin's true level, 6 stars of Dou practitioner

The city received an academy teacher named Jiang Hu and with them other disciples came for recruitment.

"Son, you should always prioritize your safety, try not to offend anyone and if possible join a group to have more security" Patriarch of the Xiao clan, Xiao Lu

The old patriarch looked at his youngest son fondly and advised

his advice is basically for Xiao Jin not to act like a Chinese protagonist who gets into trouble everywhere

"It's okay dad, I'll be safe, take care of your body too, I don't want to hear the news of your death while studying" Xiao Jin

Xiao Jin hugged his father, although hugs aren't something done much in this world he doesn't mind

After that, his brother Xiao Zhan came to him, Xiao Zhan is 19 years old and beside him was a beautiful woman, she was his wife

"Brother, go with confidence and don't worry, I will take care of the clan and the father" Xiao Zhan

"I'm more worried about you brother, please sister-in-law take care of this idiot" Xiao Jin

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him" Miao Miao

"besides brother, take care of our sister, she must feel like a stranger" Xiao Jin

A short time ago Xiao Jin and Xiao Zhan discovered that they had a sister, she was Xiao Lu's son with a maid and even he was unaware of it and only recently found out and brought her to the clan

The sister is called Xiao Diao, and is probably the future mother of Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu.

"don't worry, I will take care of our sister and no one will intimidate her" Xiao Zhan

After hugging his brother and sister-in-law, Xiao Jin walks over to the academy teacher and in no time is out of sight of the xiao clan.

"Husband, why didn't you tell him the news?" Miao Miao, while she was talking, she was rubbing her own belly

"HAHAHAHA I want to see his surprised face when he comes back and realizes he's an uncle" Xiao Zhan

Yes, Xiao Zhan's first child is in training to be born, Xiao Ding was already swimming in miao miao's belly
