
Chapter 4: A women with secrets

[ First person POV ]

"They are coming"

The man that I must call husband for the rest of my life said while he sat in his chair around the fireplace staring deep into the fire.

"What do you mean? My dear husband."

I ask like I actually gave a crap to what he has to say, but I must as it all apart of my act.

"My late wife's parents, they are coming tomorrow for a visit." he side

Hmm his late wife's parents are coming tomorrow, what could be this unexpected visit be about.

"And what their reason for coming over husband." I ask

He rise up one hand showing me a letter, I walk behind the chair grabbing that letter taking a look at it. Huh? So it really does say they just want to visit to see the grandkids, well one grandkid since my dear husband has taken care of the one who doesn't share his blood.

I have to be honest that was my doing even through, I have nothing against the boy, but my role here is important to the mission and I had to make sure that I have control over this guy.

"They going to find out that the boy is not here anymore." he said

"So it not like they actually care about him as you have told me they did not show kindness to the boy."

"They did not even when they visit before here, but since Madeline has passed away. I believe those two are having some sort of change of heart for the boy and wish to make it up being the grandparents that he really needed."

True to what he is saying as I look at him noticing that my husband is being a little nervous. I put a hand on his trying to come him down need this guy to lose his cool.

"M-maybe I shouldn't have done what I did to the boy. I promise here that I would look after him." he said

Oh shit, I do not need this man to start being weak minded and start feeling guilty for what he has done. I need him to believe that what he has done was for the best.

"My dear husband, what you have done you have no need to worry about." I said in a soft calming voice while getting on top of him connecting my lips with his.

While Kiss my husband, I start to move one of hands down to his pants reaching inside it to grab hold of his manhood. Doing that made the man pull away his lips from mine to let out a small moan.

"Listen to me clearly husband, what you did was the right thing to do you didn't have to keep looking after that boy. You only did for her and now that she is gone so must the boy if you kept looking after him, I am sure he would pay you back by stabbing you in the back and taking everything that you work so hard for my husband."

I look him in the eyes and can see that he is thinking about what I just said to him.

"Your right my lovely wife, I am sure that he will betray me, I never did like that boy as I only married his mother to gain something from her parents as that was our deal to keep my mouth shut from ever telling their loving daughter shame to the world."

"Your a bad man." I said after laughing right then.

"Yes that right I am a bad man and this bad man going to have himself a taste of your body."

He started to take off my clothes, I am not going to like this as it makes me sick to have to keep pleasing this him, but I have to go through with this to make sure he stays under my control.


After sometime sleeping with my husband, he fell asleep right away on the bed we just had sex in it. I am tired too and wish to sleep as well, but I have a friend that I have to meet at this night.

Grabbing my clothes and washing my body leaving the house walking the streets of Votteryn. I made sure that no see my face as I had a hood covering it. There were very few people walking around probably some drunks coming out from a Tavern known as The Laughing Geese, I notices some guards patrolling, but their attention is on the whorse working tonight.

I walk myself into a alleyway, I know it stupid thing to do, but this is the location to meet my friend.

"Well look do we have here men look like someone a little lost here."

I heard a man's voice from behind me, I turn to face this man seeing that there two other man standing side by side behind him.

"So tell me what a little birdie like you doing all alone down in this dark alley."

He slowly walked up to me.

"Don't you think that it is bad for someone like you to be walking this way. How about me and friends here can help you out by making sure nothing bad happens to you as it dangerous to walk this way, but it may cost you."

I see the man smile like a thug after finishing talking like he got me corner, I was hoping nothing was going to happen, but things never go my way.

"So what do-."

I cut him off by using a dagger I kept hidden under my clothes. I cut open his neck as the blood starts to pour out, I made sure that none of his digesting blood got on me.

His friends were shocked to what just happen as they saw his body fall to the ground with his neck cut open.

"Damn you!." one of the men yelled as he was reaching for his weapon.

I wasn't going to allow him to do that as I quickly charge toward him. I use my dagger to stab him in his side then move it across the man's stomach. I watch as blood and guts start to come out, I start smile like a devil as I am enjoying this.

Now there only one left and he looked like he was about to piss himself right where he was standing.

"H-hold on now…. Let not get crazy here, we can talk this out." he side.

"I don't see the point in doing something fucking stupid as that," I said.

"Please! I want to stay alive…. Just let me go and we can forget about this."

Well look how cowardly this guy is not even going to fight me as I just killed his friends. While I was thinking to myself, I see him taking little steps back trying to escape, but met his hand when something sharp priece behind his back.

That sharp pull back letting his body fall to the ground were a fighter cover by a black cloak was standing.

"Well it good that you finally show up sister." I said

"Please do not call me your sister Barbara as we have no blood relation between us." she said

"Aw how cold Marcella, I thought we were since we serve under the same mother don't you think."

"I will never consider you a sister." she said to me in a cold tone toward me.

Bitch when the time comes for me to kill you, I will be more than happy to show you no mercy as I have fun playing with you.

"Anyway I notice that you ran into trouble." she said while looking at the three dead bodies laying around.

"Yeah just some lowlife thugs that no one is going to miss. Though you took one of my kills which is not fair. I was going to have fun with the last one."

"Good thing I spare him from falling into your hands." Marcella said with a grain on her face.

"Anyone told you that your a bitch."

"Only you, but enough wasting time let us have our discussion somewhere us then."

"Agree." I said as the two of us left the alleyway walking through the street to more familiar place.

A familiar place the two of us know very well in our past before how far we came to the roles we play now.