Growing up and living a mundane life, Kaleb wakes up from a nightmare, only to find himself late for work, he rushes out decides to take a shortcut through a narrow alley, only for the ground to collapse beneath him. His life us thrown upside down when he wakes up in a strange bizarre landscape. As he navigates his way through it he stumbles upon a village in ruins, he is then dragged into a cart and left wondering what is happening in the world around him.
Victor's use of the title was laced with irony. Her expression shifted subtly, at first, it was blank and unreadable, but after Victor's words, a flicker of annoyance broke through. Her brows knitted ever so slightly, and a hint of a frown tugged at the corner of her mouth. It was a small change, but enough to show her irritation beneath the calm exterior.
"Don't call me that. You know I don't belong in that world,"
A grin took over Victor's face.
"Maybe you don't think you do. But like it or not, that's where you come from. And one day, like it or not, you'll have to return to that life. I bet you miss sitting in a comfy chair while the rest of us were out here getting our hands dirty."