
Truth Revealed.

"Guys we have to get out of here now!" Elise said to Damon and I in a serious tone.

I noticed that the other students were running around the gymnasium with guidance from teachers.

"Over there!" I shouted while preparing to run towards the gym.

Just as was about to take off I felt that presence again. But this time it was strong, stronger than I've ever felt it before even when my powers were going crazy. Suddenly I felt something very cold and blunt crash against my ribcage, launching me across the field.

"Echo!!!" Damon and Elise screamed as I was hurled across the field. I instantly blacked out.

Many times before I've blacked out before but this time was different. I heard a voice in my head. A voice that sounded familiar yet I had never heard it before. The voice was faint and distance but I could make out a few words.

"You.... Friends..... Protect... Caster...."

I started to regain conciseness. My vision faded from black and I seen Elise and Damon crouched down in fear. There were two people standing a few feet from them looking ready to attack. One of the two attackers lifted their hand and I noticed a familiar sight. The person's hands had the markings just like me. Out of nowhere Ice began to form in front of their hand. It's like time began to slow down and I was given a chance to make a choice. Seeing Damon and Elise in danger must have made something click with my powers because I began to burn through my shoes and my hands were emitting fire. I went to charge the attacker when I was launched like a rocket through the air by the amount of fire coming from my feet. I was like a jet! I was hurling towards my friends quicker than I've even been before, managing to stick the landing right in front of them. The moment I landed the attacker launched the ball of ice they had been forming right at me. Instinctively I threw my hands up just like the attacker did and closed my eyes hoping that for once my powers would cooperate with me.