
Corrupt Soldiers.

"Echo what is going on?" Damon asked me, confused about the whole situation.

"I don't have time to explain we still need to go"

We began to run towards the gym where the other student were going to try and get somewhere safe. My hands were still emitting flames so just as we got to the gym I stopped.

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up." Showing them the flames spewing from my hands.

Suddenly from around the corner two Atlas Soldiers came running out. They noticed my hands and raised their Weapons at the ready. All Atlas Solders were equipped with Anit-Metahuman weapons that nullify their powers. Knowing this I decided to try and run away. The things that would happen to me if they found out I was a MetaHuman were terrifying to even think about.

"Stop!!" The solders yelled to me as I turned away running towards the exit of the school grounds.

The soldiers began to chase me and fire their Weapons at me. I could hear the bullets flying right past my head. These guys were serious! I had no idea where I was going I just kept running. I was jumping over things and crashing through stuff just trying to get away and save my own life. I exited the School grounds and made my way into the Shopping district of Atlas City. I knew my way around this area as I would always go shopping with my Mother. I was trying to cut corners swiftly to try and gain distance between me and the Soldiers but it just wasn't working. They were too fast. I found myself running towards a dead end and could do nothing but turn to the Soldiers admitting defeat.