
Chapter 3: Second Quartzen

"Hmmm?" As the time passes, Blank running around, Luna felt something, a connection. Luna sat up and stared at the direction where she felt the connection coming from. Blank noticed and asks, ["What is it? Did you feel a connection to something?"] Luna nods and points at a direction. "I felt a connection over there."

Blank went towards the direction Luna was pointing at, slowly but surely, Luna felt her connection slowly getting stronger and stronger.

"The connection, we're very close to it." ["Hmmm, this aura I feel, Whatever being you're connecting to, I can feel it's powerful aura."]

"Is it strong as you?" Luna asked blank, ["Species, No, Powers, Yes. Even though I'm older, I wasn't able to grow stronger when I was sealed. But this one isn't sealed for the longest time and was able to slowly grow stronger as it lived, even not being captured."]

"Then this will become my partner." She looked at the distance where she see many Pillar Mountains standing tall, and large pieces of rocks floating nearby. The Mountains passed the clouds and went beyond it, almost unending when it had passed many layers of clouds.

Blank looks at the scenery and remembers something about this, ["This place... Luna, I remember this place, if my memories haven't entirely disappeared, this place is called, Mountain Piercing Sky Region. One of the major regions where stronger Quartzen live."]

Hearing about Memory Loss, she asked Blank, "What did you do in the past?" Wanting to know what Blank Did when Blank wasn't sealed. ["Couldn't remember much due to time, but I do remember much of the Realms I've been to, even sealed ones... Sigh, I've long forgotten to reach the hidden realms, but I do still remember much about them and every place of every realms."]

Luna eyes glitter, "So you were an Explorer?! Visiting so many places, discovering many things that no one has ever discovered?!" Blank nodded.

["We're here, tell where you can feel the connection is coming from, I'll get you closer to what you're connecting to."] Luna nods and closes her eyes, trying to feel the mysterious connecting she has.

"!!!" Suddenly various images or a vision started to appear in her head.

Past the mountains in front of them, on the highest and thickest Pillar Mountain, way high up on the mountain and there supposedly a Ancient Entrance into the mountain, large gates covered in vines, moss, etc. Though the gates, she saw eyes opening up shining/glowing red as crimson. then everything went reverse and went back to her.

"Oh no!" Luna suddenly distraught. ["What is-"] When blank was about to ask on what made her sudden agitated. Blank felt a surge of power raising and the owner of that power was suddenly going towards them.

["What happened?!"] Blank yells at her on what was going on, as he went into his battle stance. "I think have awoke a powerful being which I was connected to. I think we have to fight it as it's probably angry when I woke it up from it's slumber."


A Large roar was heard all around the region and every Quartzen that heard immediately ran into hiding. The bottom floor started the quake as the mountains shook.


Something crashes onto the ground almost in front of them, created a crater and a big dust cloud. It made the ground shook that made Blank almost fall the ground. "Whoa, alright there Blank?" ["Yeah, just almost got me off the ground."]

Luna and Blank looked at the clouds of dust slowly clearing away, Luna saw the eyes she saw in that vision. "Watch out!" Hearing her, Blank immediately sees a large energy spear towards them. He brought up his shields, almost successfully blocking the whole attack.

["Damn, what is that?"] Blank looked at the Creature closely as the dust clouds slowly disappears.

["No it can't be, Shit!"] When Blank saw what it was, he immediately knows what kind of Quartzen it was. He immediately runs away and takes cover behind a large boulder. "What is it?! Tell me!" Luna asks with a little panicky, as she knew whatever got Blank scared, was definitely something strong and something to avoid.

["That Quartzen there is called a Dragnight, A Rare Quartzen, Capable of holding two Elements, One Primary, and one having to be Metal. This one should be a Metal Wind Dragnight, Fast and Hard. There could only be around 100 of them, including those of different elements. They attack like Berserkers, their battle techniques are very warlike, and also pretty unreasonable, unless you beat them, then you can reason with them. If not, you're dead before you can reason with them."] Luna shook not only to fear, but in excitement. "To Believe I'm connected to such strong Quartzen, I must have that in my team! Let's go Blank! We're fighting it till it cannot fight anymore."

["Alright."] Blank throws Luna up onto the Boulder and Blank Confronting the Dragnight. "Boost Card Activate!" Luna draws out a shining card out of the Brawler Battle Gear, and it dispersed when she spoke out it's name, showing it's form. "Elemental Power Boost!" The Card burst into light and Blank suddenly glows in various colors like the rainbow.

"Ha!" Blank rushes towards the Dragnight and punches with everything he got, with the Sharp Pointy Edge of the shield goes towards it.


The Dragnight blocks the attack with it's shield, but was damaged due to the amount of power and impact.


The one that spoke wasn't Blank but the Dragnight. It threw it's spear at Blank as it gathered wind and made a Spiraling winds around the spear, as it flew to Blank. Seeing it, Luna wasn't going to let it hit fully deal or do any damage to Blank.

"Ability Card Activate! Elemental Earth Fortress" A large wall appears in front of Blank, made out of rocks and dirt. It almost stopped the attack but it went through and hit Blank, it only gave a little amount of damage.

["Fhew, thanks for the save Luna."] Blank thanked Luna for the save, as Blank knew that attack was going to do major damage to Blank. But thanks to luna, Blank was saved from having to be dealt with huge amount of damage.

"No Problem" Luna accepted and took out another card. "Ability Card Activate! Elemental Hydro Pump Cannons!" The Wall crumbled down and Blank pointed it arms at the Dragnight. The Shields on his arms split open from the middle, revealing two cannon barrels on each arm. A blast of water shot out from the barrels, and towards the Dragnight.

["DRACONIC WIND BARRIER!!!"] A Large wind Barrier appeared around the Dragnight, it brought it's shield in front, just in case the Barrier breaks down from the attacks.

After a few seconds the water cannons stopped shooting and the shields closed up. The Dragnight was soaked from the attack it had took. Not waiting for a moment, both Luna and Dragnight spoke.

"Boost Card Activate! Elemental Movement Speed Boost!" ["WIND DRAGON'S SPEED!!!"]

Blank and the Dragnight felt a increase of speed within them, and disappears, while to only appear with they have clashed. Luna wasn't going to stop there.

"Ability Card Activate! Elemental Fire Fists" Blanks hands went on flames and with every attack, it either shot fire or sent some burns onto the Dragnight, dealing more damage from his fists. As Fire Attacks hurt more to Wind, and Wind being able to deal less damage to Inferno Quartzens. But sadly, Blank has no set attribute, so he mostly takes normal damage, like when Fire Attacks hit Inferno Quartzens, or Normal or Physical Attack against any Quartzen.

["RRRGH! METAL REINFOREMENT! DOUBLE CARDS ACTIVATION! DRACONIC ARMOR!"] Luna's eyes widened surprised, "It can do Double Cards Activation! Well shit, this is really gonna be hard."

As to why Double Cards Activation is a hard technique to do. It requires great Mentality, Will, and Magical Powers, like the Luna whose the Child Of Abyssal Void. She got the requirements, but she doesn't know what abilities she could use to do such technique. As Every Combination, Ability, Boost, and Special Cards needs to have certain compatibility with each other, like Elemental Body Ability or Boost, then combined with a Ability that'll send the Quartzen to charge into enemy. A Fusion between a Body Boost/Ability that'll increase defense and power, while the other one sends the Quartzen into the enemy with some things of a Attack.

For things to happen in failure in a Double Cards Activation is a backfire or repercussion of damage, weakening, or any ailments. To get a Backfire/Repercussion in a Double Cards Activation is to put together non-compatible cards, like Water Body and Fire Body, the two Boosts/Ability will clash due to opposite forces, but it can work for them join together, but without enough Will and Power, they cannot join.

Another Example would be Charging Ability with a another ability that requires concentration and time. As Charging would be full frontal attack with simple sequences and attacks. While the other requires needing to concentrate without any distraction to gather energy and power into a certain spell or attack. These two cannot combine, unless the Spell are short and controllable without the need of a chant to call upon a powerful attack.

Anyways, Metal Reinforcement and Draconic Armor both strengthened the Dragnight's Defense, and the Draconic Armor had also Boosted Dragnight's Power.

The Dragnight retaliates by slashing at Blank with it's spear. Blank uses his Shields to block, but when the spear hits, it sent Blank flying into a Large Boulder.

"No!, not going to lose now!" Luna seeing Blank Injured pretty bad, she had to find a way to get him back up. "I guess I'll try doing that." Luna takes a deep breath in and out. "Double Cards Activate! Elemental: Regeneration Boost! Elemental: Atlantis Healing Garden!" Luna felt a drained and exhausted all of a sudden.

The terrain all around them started to change, water started to gush out of the ground, water puddles everywhere and to the point the water levels reached towards their feet, Quartzen Feet. Blank's injuries started to heal to the point he doesn't look hurt at all, while Dragnight felt a bit slowed

As Elemental: Atlantis Healing Garden, changes the terrain and it would Heal the user constantly and would slow down enemies by a bit. This card, which is a Special would be in play for as long till the battle ends. But Like all Special Card, it's one use for every Match or Battle, cannot be used against or for another round.

["Ahhh~, this feels amazing. Thanks for the help Luna."] "Well, we're a team and need to win this fight with all we got." ["gotcha."]

Blank dashes to Dragnight, and sent a fury of flames then a fury of fiery fists when Blank was close enough to it.

["ARGH! RAAAA! SPIRAL WIND BULLETS!"] Multiple spinning orbs appeared and shot towards Blank. Every injury that was made, Blank soon regenerated back healthy and uninjured.

["ANCIENT WIND DRAGON: DRACONIC WIND BURST!!!"] Dragnight dashed at Blank and launches his spear at Blank, Blank tried to block it, but the force made him pull apart from the center, and the Spear penetrated deep into his chest and out from his back.

*Cough Blood* Blood spilled from his chest and from his mouth. The Surrounding water gathered towards his chest and healed his fatal injury. In this cost, it would disappear and would no longer function as a Healing Machine.

The waters disappears and Blank recovered from damage. ["Damn that hurt a lot. Luna."] "Ability Card Activate! Elemental: Create Earth Warriors." Blank stabbed his hands into the ground.

From the ground, dirt and rocks started to come out of the ground and slowly form humanoid golems with stone equipments. ["Attack!"] Blank yells at the Earth Warriors. They went forwards and attacked the Dragnight. The amount of Earth Warriors there was almost equivalent to a small army.

The Dragnight fought back, but it was hard, it was too numerous and tough to kill them. And with Blank with them, it got pretty hard.

This beating went on for minutes until it could not go any longer.

["URGH, YOU WIN!"] The Dragnight kneeled in defeat and exhaustion. Luna ran up to him with happiness and threw the Quartzen Ball at him. Upon hitting him, the Dragnight turned into energy and was sucked into the Quartzen Ball.

The Quartzen stood a float mid air, swinging brightly like a active light bulb.


The shining light shatters and the Sealed Quartzen was revealed. Base Color of Lime Green with Silvery Patterns. "Hurray! Caught another one!" Luna took the Sealed Quartzen onto pocket for Sealed Quartzens. Blank turned back into a small ball and into her pocket. The Earth Warriors crumbled into rocks and dirt.