
Battle Across The Omniverse

33 Concept will randomly choose a soul from a group of 33 people who died at the same specific time as its champion, and these champions will compete with, and kill each other to become the final winner and gain the final prize, becoming the ruler of its own Omniverse to do as one likes with it. The chapter will come out every Sunday and Monday at 00:00 Webnovel time, and I plan to post a bonus chapter when the power stones reach the numbers 50, 100, 200, and so on. Disclaimer: I do not own anything, only my own original characters, and while there will be a harem, I'll be a small one of 6 or 7, and different from my other fic this one will be updated once a week but this doesn't mean I'm writing less, in fact, one chp is equal to 4 or 5 my previous ones, the time I'm taking is to plan and fix carefully. And as always. Hope you have fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st World: Saint Seiya 2nd World: Arifureta 3rd World: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 4th World: The Boys 5th World: One Piece 6th World: Digimon Tamers 7th World: The Walking Dead 8th World: ???

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314 Chs

The Digitamas Hatch

Jayr POV - Digimon Tamers Universe, Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

After recovering from the revelation of the darker sides of the origin of the Pokemon Universe, we started to wander around the desolate desert that makes up the lowest layer of the Digital World gathering all the small packets of discarded Data "rolling" and flying around that we encounter on our way, as I use them to create the meals for the Partner Digimon that will hatch from our Digitamas in the form of baby bottles filled with concentrated data that looks almost like milk.

Of course, as I lead the way, I make sure that we steer away from all the Digimon inhabiting this area simply because most of them are wild and very aggressive ones that will attack everything in sight so that they can absorb their Data and further evolve, something I don't wish to waste my time with.

As we continue to wander these desolate lands aimlessly, Zandeer can't help but wonder out loud, "I still can't believe that this is considered a higher plane of existence, it feels almost the same as the those I'm used to..."

Hearing that, I smile and say, "Well, it is something quite easy to prove... Just stomp your feet on the ground with the usual force you need to create a few meters wide crater and see the result with your own eyes."

Curious, Zandeer looks at the barren, cracked soil under his feet, and after a moment of hesitation, he raises his leg and stomps on the ground with enough force whose result would usually create a deep crater that is a few meters wide while causing the earth to quake and even bring down a few nearby buildings in all the other universes we visited until now.

But as his feet impact the soil, the result is very different from the expected one, sure, the ground depresses under the force of Zandeer's stomp, and a crater does form, but it isn't very deep, and barely a meter wide.

Seeing that, Nikita exclaims in wonder, "Ohh!? That is quite tough!" followed by Zandeer who comments, "It felt like hitting an Arrancar protected by his Hierro..."

I nod and explain, "As you can see everything here is a lot more durable and stable than what we are used to. The Digital World as a whole can endure quite a bit of punishment which makes the Perfect Level Digimon, that are able to destroy a Server, and the Ultimate Level Digimon, which can be a threat to the whole Digital World quite the fearsome..." 

At this point, Nikita suddenly asks, "Talking about Digimon... Can you further explain their evolution stages to us? You talked about Baby I, Perfect, Ultimate, and so on but I also remember hearing somewhere about Rookie, Champion, and Mega... It is kinda confusing."

Hearing that, I smile, gather another small packet of discarded data that is flying nearby, use my Spiral Cosmo to manipulate the Data to create another baby bottle, and at the same time, I answer her question, "Sure, I'll quickly explain the Digimon Evolution Stages to you, but first let me explain to you that some stages you just mentioned are basically those used in the localized version of the anime..."

After clarifying that, I look at the Digitama in my arms for a few seconds, then I use my Spiral Cosmo to draw a simple egg in the air, followed by an arrow that points at a small slime-like creature, "First we have the Baby I, which maybe is what you have known as In-Training I. Baby I is the Evolution Stage that Digimon typically belongs to immediately upon hatching from a Digitama. At this stage in development, their composition data has not yet stabilized, so they are very weak. They are incapable of fighting and possess very little offensive capability, but can often produce some sort of weak technique to attempt to intimidate or surprise threats, such as blowing bubbles, spitting small projectiles, creating visual distractions, or swelling in size. Baby I Digimon evolve into Baby II Digimon, at which point their compositional data stabilizes, although they remain unable to fight. This evolution often occurs relatively quickly as they only need the right amount of nutrition to stabilize their Data."

Seeing the pair easily following my explanation, I draw another arrow and after that, I draw a slightly bigger slime as I continue the lesson, "Baby II is the next Evolution Stage following Baby I, which is also known as In-Training II. At this point in development, Digimon's compositional data stabilizes. However, they remain incapable of fighting and possess poor offensive capability, but can often produce some sort of weak technique to attempt to intimidate or surprise threats, such as blowing bubbles, emitting ultrasonic shouts, or physically striking them. Despite that one shouldn't underestimate Baby II Digimon too much, as even at this early stage, their bodies still contain enough power to strike down a tree even in the Digital World which in comparison makes them physically stronger than the average human being. The majority of Baby II Digimon species are small, round, and limbless in shape. There are exceptions that have grown limbs but they are extremely rare." 

After adding another arrow, I draw a small dinosaur that slightly reminds me of Agumon and continue my lesson, "A Baby II Digimon further evolves into a Child Digimon also known as Rookie. A Child Digimon is still in the process of growing and developing. At this point, the Digimon demonstrates progress not only in its cognitive development but also in developing its strength and awakening its combat instincts. As such, the Child level is the threshold where Digimon typically becomes able to fight. Child Digimon also commonly have a mischievous streak to their personalities. The Child level is a formative period in the lifespan of Digimon, and the course of a Child Digimon's future evolution can diverge drastically depending on its experiences and how it is raised while at this Evolution Stage." 

I add another arrow and after that, I draw an even bigger dinosaur that looks like a stylized Greymon, and after doing that, I say, "A Child Digimon then evolves into Adult Digimon which is better known as the Champion Level in the west. Adult is the next Evolution Stage following Child, and as their respective names suggest, the Adult level is the point at which a Digimon is considered to be fully grown. Adult Digimon, compared to their prior form, have developed even more power and intelligence."

After drawing another arrow followed by an even bigger dinosaur, with some mechanical parts, I continue to explain, "The majority of Digimon never evolve any further than the Adult level. Only the exceptionally powerful among Adult Digimon are able to evolve again and reach the significantly more powerful Perfect level, known in the West as the Ultimate level something that causes quite a bit of confusion for some. The Perfect level is the point where further evolution becomes increasingly rare. Compared to an Adult Digimon, a Perfect Digimon possesses overwhelming power. In the wild, they typically take on the role of pack leaders or even region rulers."

In the end, I draw one last arrow and draw an armored humanoid figure, smaller than the previous one, which basically looks like a stylized WarGreymon, and then, I conclude, "Those few, rare Perfect Digimon who endure countless battles and overcome their own limits can evolve again to reach the Ultimate level. The level that is known as Mega in some other countries. Ultimate, this is the ultimate form. The form beyond Perfect, something that would make Cell from Dragon Ball have a literal orgasm if he knew about it. This is technically the cap for Digivolution. The most iconic and powerful Digmon are Ultimate levels as well as the Royal Knights and Olympus Xll and other God-like entities like the Three Great Angels, the Four Great Dragons, and the Four Holy Beasts. Most end series antagonists are Ultimate. This is technically the end all be all form that every Digimon who seeks power claims to achieve. But then among the Ultimate Level, there are those that are referred to as the Super Ultimate, this is the form that usually surpasses Ultimate in power. These Digimon usually require special means to reach such a level, it could be a fusion, an external item, a power transfer from another Ultimate Level, and so on. These Digimon are powerful almost beyond reason and they usually serve as the ultimate trump card and last resort." 

At this point, Zandeer asks, "Now that think about it, this Data that we are gathering and that you talked about... is that what we think of or it has another meaning here?"

I look at another incoming small packet of discarded Data that behaves like tumbleweeds and explain, "Here Data is what is equivalent to the atoms and molecules of the Real World, sets of 0s and 1s where all the matter and energy of the Digital World is expressed. Everything that exists in the Digital World is formed of data, basically, this is a world where the totality of existence is reduced in data. For example, time in the Digital World manifests itself in the formation of Memorial Stela, monuments where the story itself is written and at the same time all future are being written. What is perceived as Time in the Digital World is actually the processing of historical data for past, present, and future creation, and the speed at which it occurs is what is felt as the flow of time... but it is better to not think about such things too much."

After gathering and converting that small packet into another baby bottle for the future nutrition of our Partner Digimon, I continue, "What exists in our physical world as abstract, as minds and souls, are also totally converted into data in the Digital World. This means that when a human goes to the Digital World it becomes entirely digital. In the same way, it is possible for the mind to leave the human body, it will become data that are interacted in a normal way with other beings that have the same digital composition. The same may occur for something that is just a soul, it will form a body of data that is treated as something physical in the nature of the Digital World. However, the fewer components a body has in the Digital World, it can be seen as incomplete and behaving differently in some way. This can occur because someone had their mind or soul ripped out of the body for some reason, or even because they died and ended up having their soul sent to the Digital World." 

Indeed our bodies also went through such change as they naturally adapted to the environment of the Digital World, of course, if I truly wished for it, I could have prevented such a thing from happening, but since such change doesn't harm us or makes us more vulnerable in any capacity, I decided that it simply wasn't worth the effort.

After teaching them what they needed to know, we continued to wander around for a couple of hours, when all of a sudden, Nikita's surprised voice was heard as she exclaimed, "Guys! The Digitama is moving! It's vibrating!!"

Hearing that, I immediately look back and see that the cyan Digitama in her arms is, just like she said, vibrating as small cracks start to form on it, and comment, "It is about to hatch!"

Quickly we all focus on the Digitama in Nikita's arms, and soon after cracks start to form in the middle of the shell until the Digitama splits into half, and from it, a small creature can be seen as the lower half of the Digitama falls on the ground breaking into small motes of Data before quickly dispersing.

Meanwhile, the top half remains on its head for a few moments before it also breaks down into smaller motes of Data just like the lower half. 

The newborn Digimon looks back at Nikita who exclaims as she hugs it closer to her body fully charmed by its cute look, "How cuuteee~! How soft~!"

It is a small slime Digimon with a spherical body, small cute ears, and round black eyes, whose whole body is covered in fluffy, white hair, it is the Baby I level Digimon Yukimi Botamon.

(Image Here - Yukimi Botamon) 

Nikita then stops rubbing her cheek on the newborn Yukimi Botamon and looking right into its cute, round eyes, she says, "Hello, my name is Nikita. I don't know a lot about Digimon but I promise you that I won't ever turn my back on you my cute partner."

In response to her words, Yukimi Botamon shakes a little and replies, "Hewwo... Yukimi Botamon, too." which earns him another squeezing hug from a gushing Nikita overwhelmed by its cuteness. 

Quickly after that, I hear Zandeer exclaim, "Ah!" which makes me turn my head to look at him and I instantly notice that the white Digitama in his arms also started vibrating, a clear sign of an imminent hatching.

Once again, we all focus on the Digitama in Zandeer's arms, and soon after cracks start to form in the middle of the shell until the Digitama splits in half, and from it a small creature can be seen jumping out of it and landing on Zandeer's chest as the lower half and upper half of the Digitama falls on the ground and break into small motes of Data that disperse soon after that.

The newborn Digimon is very similar to the one that hatched from Nikita's DIgitama, it is a small botamochi-shaped creature, which is basically a type of rice cake with sweet azuki paste (red bean paste) that has black fur, yellow eyes, and small ears, and whose name is Botamon, not only for the shape that reminds that cake, but also for its color as bota in Japanese can also be translated as coal debris.

(Image Here - Botamon) 

Zandeer gently pats the small baby Digimon and says, "Nice to meet you, little guy. My name is Zandeer and I know that we will experience some great adventures and moments as we grow stronger together."

In response, Botamom closes its eyes enjoying Zandeer's touch as it replies, "Good... Botamon like Zandeer."

This once again makes Nikita gush as she comments, "Ahhh! Your partner is such a cutie too! And it is a perfect match for Yukimi Botamon! This much cuteness should be forbidden~!"

I soon pull my attention away from my companion and their Partner Digimon because I feel the Digitama in my arms vibrating slightly, a sign that my own Partner Digimon is about to hatch.

But I immediately notice that something is different from what happened with Nikita and Zandeer as my Digitama starts to vibrate with much more intensity than theirs.

Seeing that, I sit down and gently lie the Digitama, whose shell has already started to show cracks, on the ground in front of me and patiently wait, of course, my movement also catches the attention of Zandeer and Nikita who move over in silence with their Partner Digimon in their arms.

I don't have to wait for long for something to happen as the Digitama's shell becomes full of cracks, and then, the Digitama literally bursts into many smaller pieces that quickly become motes of fragmented Data and disperse, at the same time, I open my eye wide while my companions exclaim in surprise seeing the creatures that hatched from my Digitama.

Indeed, creatures, as three cute baby Digimon hatched from my Digitama, which means that they are triplets, I can't help but look at them in wonder as they stand next to each other looking at back me.

The one on the left is a small blue ball with a bulge at the top, a mouth, and two black eyes, I can easily recognize him as Chicomon, a slime Digimon with the potential to evolve into every Dragon Digimon.

(Image Here - Chicomon)

The one in the middle is small and green and has a long tail resembling a leaf, it has two small ears on its round head, small black eyes, and round pink cheeks under the eyes, and carries a pink pacifier in its mouth, the name of this Baby Digimon is Leafmon.

(Image Here - Leafmon)

And the one on the right is Poyomon, a small white blob with a mouth and round eyes, depending on the light, sometimes it is also semitransparent, with a white or light blue color.

(Image Here - Poyomon)

Even if still I'm a little surprised by the fact that a triplet hatched from my Digitama, I still look at my three Partner Digimon and greet them with a big, warm smile on my face, "My name is Jayr and I'm very happy of being your partner. It is very nice to meet you Chicomon, Leafmon, and Poyomon. I hope that we all will experience a wonderful time together."

In response, Chicomon happily bounces toward me while crying out "Jayr... Jayr... Fun!" until he jumps on top of my head where it continues to excitedly bounce in place seemingly unable to stand still for even a single second.

At the same time, Poyomon slowly hovers the ground, climbs up my body, and lands on my shoulder where it starts to rub its gelatinous body against my cheek and says in a light but even tone, "Hello... Jayr..." 

Meanwhile, Leafmon is the only one that remains still, but it isn't because it dislikes me or it is afraid, but from what I can sense it is simply because it is too shy to act upon its wishes, and realizing that, I don't hesitate to use my Telekinesis to gently pick it up and pull it into my arms where I gently embrace it close to my chest.

In response, the cute green slime rubs its body on my body and mutters in a low tone, "Jayr... Warm... Nice..."

This makes my heart almost melt from cuteness.

Suddenly, Nikita and Zandeer with their Digimon Partner in their arms sit down in front of me and Nikita can't help but pout as she mockingly complains, "Not fair... why three cuties hatched from your Digitama while from ours only one? You are cheating!" but then her expression return normal as she smiles and comments, "Oh well! I'm more than happy with my cute Yukimi Botamon! I won't change it for all the Digimon of the Digital Multiverse!"

I simply smile at that, and then I bring out the baby bottles full of concentrated milk-like Data for all our Partner Digimon so that we can feed them, of course, since I only have two hands, I use my Telekinesis to feed Chicomon on my head and Poyomon on my shoulder, while I manually feed the still shy Leafmon in my arms.

As our Digimon Partners drink the nutritious milk-like concentrated Data, Zandeer looks up at me and asks genuinely curious, "Jokes aside, how it is possible that three Digimon hatched from your Digitama? And even more curious, why are they clearly of different species despite the fact that they come out of the same Digitama?"

Hearing his questions, I think about it for a few moments before I try to answer to the best of my abilities, "Well, first of all, while it is quite rare, it is possible for two Digimon to hatch from a single Digitama as twins, and following that thought process, it is also logical to theorize that the same is also possible for triplets. As for why they are of different species, I can't exactly explain as the only case I know of twin Digimon hatching from the same Digitama are Cocomon and Zerimon, and in that case, the two Digimon are clearly different species with their own separate Evolutionary Tree but despite that, there is some relation and similarities between those two. But it is very likely that this is possible because there is a very relevant connection between Chicomon, Leafmon, and Poyomon. That connection is that all three of them are capable of evolving into some kind of dragon, in addition, if I remember well, their species also have a connection with Ancient Digimon..."

Seeing both Nikita and Zandeer nod as they acknowledge my words, I add, "As for why three Digimon hatched from my Digitama... my best guess is either it is a lucky chance or more likely it is the work of the DigiGnomes themselves... after all, Chicomon, Leafmon, and Poyomon can evolve in some of my favorite Digimon since my childhood and it is possible that they sensed that kind of desire, wish, or longing from me and chose to give me a pleasant surprise."

Hearing that, both my companion shrug their shoulders an indication that for they somewhat agree with that possible explanation, and then, Nikita asks, "You just talked about Evolutionary Tree... Does that mean what I think it does?"

I smile and with a light nod, reply, "Indeed, while most Digimon have what you can consider a "Main Evolution Route", it is a well-known fact that the Digimon evolution is a lot more flexible than those not in the known could think possible, and some make no sense at all. For example, you have the poster boy of this universe, Agumon, his Main Evolution Route is pretty straightforward and even somewhat logical, a small lizard-like being evolves into a cool fire-breathing dinosaur that further evolves into a bigger and half cybernetic dinosaur with nukes in his chest... and after that it evolves into a smaller humanoid warrior specialized in slaying dragons, locial... more or less..."

At the same time, Zandeer comments in a deadpan tone, "You lost me at nukes..." followed by Nikita who says dryly, "Logical... sure... if you say so..."

I awkwardly smile as I ignore them and continue, "Well, those aren't the only evolutions that Agumon can go through, he can evolve into other dinosaur-like Digimon, but it isn't limited to that and it can even change to something very drastic like an angel-like Digimon, a centaur-like Digimon, a devil-like Digimon, and so on basically endless possibilities."

Seeing them looking at me with a stunned expression, I start to further explain to them how evolution works for Digimon, "All Digimon naturally consume or "load" data, including the data of other Digimon which they have defeated, to sustain themselves. When they have loaded large enough amounts of data, they may undergo evolution. What a Digimon evolves into is determined by numerous factors. The most common of these factors are: 

-Fields, which are categories that sort Digimon by biological traits that they have in common, like element and species, so a Digimon will usually evolve into a Digimon of the same Field as itself.

-Environmental influence, as Digimon can evolve to adapt to the environment in which they live.

-Prowess and innate abilities, because some evolutions only become available to a Digimon if they are sufficiently skilled, talented, or strong.

-How it is raised, as obviously the quality of care and attention that a Digimon receives when it is being raised affects how it will evolve. 

-Intake of specific data, such as exposure to, or consumption of, human data or programs can cause evolution into a Digimon based on that data. 

-Modification, because some evolutions come from a Digimon altering itself or being altered by an outside force, such as other Digimon, humans, or viruses."


At this point, Zandeer nods and comments, "I see... all these factors mean that any two Digimon who start off as the same species can evolve in completely different directions from each other depending on the lives that they each live. The diversity of evolution pathways is a survival strategy that allows Digimon to adapt and endure the harsh, survival-of-the-fittest environment of the Digital World. In other words, there is no "right" or "wrong" in evolution in and of itself..."

A grin forms on my face as I nod and say, "That's right... that is the reason why your Digimon could evolve into forms that for you make no sense at all, for example, a small dog could evolve into a cat that could further evolve into a very hot angel woman, and after that, at this point, you would expect that the very hot angel woman would evolve into the ultimate state of her current form a very hot archangel woman but not! For some strange reason, it turns into a freaking big, bright pink dragon with no apparent rhyme or reason..." 

At this point, Nikita looks at me with a deadpan face and asks, "Why do I feel that you put a lot of emphasis on the "very hot angel woman"? Do you have anything to tell us..." to which I simply, calmly reply with, "Nope... the fact that some Digimon takes the form of objectively very hot women has nothing to do with my desire to explore this universe..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts