
Battle Across The Omniverse

33 Concept will randomly choose a soul from a group of 33 people who died at the same specific time as its champion, and these champions will compete with, and kill each other to become the final winner and gain the final prize, becoming the ruler of its own Omniverse to do as one likes with it. The chapter will come out every Sunday and Monday at 00:00 Webnovel time, and I plan to post a bonus chapter when the power stones reach the numbers 50, 100, 200, and so on. Disclaimer: I do not own anything, only my own original characters, and while there will be a harem, I'll be a small one of 6 or 7, and different from my other fic this one will be updated once a week but this doesn't mean I'm writing less, in fact, one chp is equal to 4 or 5 my previous ones, the time I'm taking is to plan and fix carefully. And as always. Hope you have fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st World: Saint Seiya 2nd World: Arifureta 3rd World: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 4th World: The Boys 5th World: One Piece 6th World: Digimon Tamers 7th World: The Walking Dead 8th World: ???

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311 Chs

Reaching Loguetown

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue - 20 GAP

While Koby is venting out all his bottled emotions in a victory cry, I quickly heal all of Kuro's injuries and teleport the still unconscious man back into his cell, then I walk toward Koby and say, "Well done, Koby. You did it! You beat Kuro, a pirate with a bounty of 16.000.000 Belly. That's quite the achievement."

In response, Koby quickly hugs me while saying, "Thank you, Jayr-san! It is all thanks to you!! Without your help, I would still be a simple unwilling ship caretaker trapped on Alvida's ship! But you not only saved me, you also gave me the strength and courage needed to chase after my dream."

I pat Koby's back and use my Spiral Cosmo to heal his battered body while at the same time, I say, "Come on! I already told you this before, you still would have been able to do this on your own, I just offered a little help and made it faster. Believe in yourself, you have everything needed to be a great Marine."

Koby releases me from his hug and nods, then I add, "But don't relax yet just because you beat Kuro. You still have a very long road ahead of you... You still aren't even a Chore Boy yet! So go to your room and rest, because tonight we will continue our training!"

Koby quickly yells, "Yes, Jayr-san" and heads toward the interior of the Athena's God Bidoof, but just before stepping inside, Koby turns around and asks, "Jayr-san, now that I completed my training with Kuro, what will I do for the next afternoon training?"

A cheerful smile forms on my face as I reply, "The next phase will be the true combat training, you won't wear your weighted clothes for that as you will finally learn to fight and control your body's new capabilities..."

At this point, a surprised expression forms on Koby's face, after all, until now he still doesn't fully know what his body is truly capable of after he removes those clothes that are constantly weighing him down, so he asks in an excited tone, "Really!?"

I nod but then the smile on my face turns into an evil smirk as I add, "Yes, and your opponent for the next phase will be me, and I won't hold back this time."

At the same time, for dramatic effect, I make the sky above dark and cloudy and even make some thunders roar at the exact same moment as I end my sentence while a bolt of lightning illuminates the surroundings behind me.

Koby's reaction to the revelation and show brings another smile to my face as he quickly pales and starts shaking for a few seconds before he once more nods in silence and bolts inside.

Once Koby is gone, I quickly clear the sky and head back to enjoy the rest of the afternoon playing some games in the recreation room, before having dinner and continuing the evening training with Koby.

And so, the days peacefully pass as we continue to head toward Polestar Island situated just north of the Calm Belt and northeast of Reverse Mountain's entrance.

I continue to train Koby who continues to improve a little bit every day, spend time with the girls and the kids, and have some exciting rendezvous all over the Athena's God Bidoof with Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio which mostly end up with the girls too tired to do anything else for the rest of the day and spend some time playing and relaxing with Nikita or even having some magic training together with the girls.

Meanwhile, Kuro after his last defeat, became a husk of his former self, not that he suddenly became a better person, or started regretting his actions, nope, he is as twisted as he was before and is still planning all kinds of genocides and revenge plots, but he now spends most of his time brooding without actually trying to do anything, he probably gave up on trying to do anything while he is still under my sight, but I'm sure that he is plotting some way to escape once he is under the Marine's care.

Right now, I'm with my kids in their room watching The Lion King, in the room with us there is also Python who is lazying around lying on the floor as he looks at the screen, and a cute young girl, with long chestnut hair styled in twin braids, and light brown eyes, moreover, she has a cream-colored marking that covers the upper part of her face, and two large incisor, wearing a simple brown dress, she is sitting on the floor next between Kharna and Galen.

She is Athena's God Bidoof's incarnation, basically, this is her Klabautermann form, and we all choose to call her Bidi when she is in this form.

(Image Here - Bidi)

Indeed, after being nurtured by the energy produced by the Spiral Engine for this month and a half, Athena's God Bidoof's spirit fully evolved and she gained the ability to form this incarnation, thanks to that, she can now fully control her body, basically the whole ship, all by herself, plus she can now follow us around even when her main body is docked at the port or anchored near the shores of an island.

I remember how she freaked us out the first time she appeared in front of us last week, I was having some alone time with Seika on the bridge as Saori and Tio were taking care of the kids, while Eri and Nikita were on the deck enjoying the sun, and Koby was studying the book about Rokushiki that I wrote, and so, we decided to have some fun together.

It all started fine, we kissed, I started to undress her, eat her out to give her an orgasm, and then she started to ride me, everything was going well until Seika was about to reach her second climax, and all of a sudden, a girl's voice said, "Kyaa... This reminds me of the first time you guys did it! You were so passionate and cute! But I admit that seeing it up close is even better~!"

And suddenly the incarnation of the Athena's God Bidoof, Bidi materialized right next to us, staring at both of us with a blush on her face and with her shining big light brown eyes, she even had a little bit of blood coming out of her nose.

Of course, I already knew who she was, after all, I rebuilt her with the intent of something like this happening, and after a moment of surprise, I quickly regained composure.

But contrary to me, Seika quickly shrieked, and on instinct, she launched an Equuleus Ryusei Ken at Bidi sending her crashing against the wall, and after that, she yelled while covering her naked body with the clothes that were lying on the floor nearby, "What is going on here? Who are you!?"

In response, Bidi got up like nothing happened and said with a cute pout on her face, "How mean Seika-nee! It's me! Athena's God Bidoof." then like nothing happened, she got closer to us and asked with her big puppy eyes in an expectant tone, "Anyway, why did you guys stop? It was about to get good, Seika-nee was about to reach her second orgasm, and Jayr-nii still didn't cum yet... So finish what you started."

In the end, we didn't continue but dressed ourselves and started to talk with her, talking about various topics, while also agreeing on the pet name Bidi for her.

I look at the back of Bidi as she watches The Lion King with Kharna and Galen and let out a sigh while thinking, 'In the end, another pervert joined the family, she is basically a peeping tom and it is kinda our fault that she turned out like this, after all, from a certain point of view we did have sex all over her body for years and she is aware of everything that happens in her body, so she developed quite the interest in it and started to enjoy watching our intimate activity.'

I once again sigh while thinking, 'Well, for sure this isn't what I thought about when I planned to make Athena's God Bidoof more alive, luckily, it seems that Bidi is only interested in watching, and only the people she feels truly close too like me, Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio at that... but still it is a strange situation to find oneself in, at least she agreed on asking permission to watch from now on...'

Luckily, she isn't the first pervert we have to deal with, after all, Tio is, well, Tio, in fact, as soon as she learned of Bidi's fetish she quickly agreed to let her watch everything we are doing, and even insult and degrade her during the act, which Bidi happily agreed, and after that, she also asked the other girls the permission to watch and if they had some particular requests.

Despite her pervertedness, Bidi is part of our family and everyone quickly accepted her with all her quirks, especially Galen, Kharna who calls her Aunt Bidi, in return, Bidi dotes on them, in fact, her incarnation can be always found beside them, becoming the favorite babysitter #2, second only to Crateris, but I do have the slight suspicion that she likes to spend so much time with the kids because it gives us more free time, meaning more "events" for her to watch, but I could be wrong here.

I focus back on the movie as Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa are singing the iconic Hakuna Matata while the scenes of Timon and Pumbaa, the meerkat-warthog duo raise Simba under their carefree "Hakuna Matata" lifestyle until Simba grows into a young adult lion very similar to his father.

Seeing that scene I can't help but smile wryly while thinking, 'Ah, good old Disney movies, they never fail to get you, not that I have anything against the newer ones, I loved Encato, but I just started to get annoyed when they started to force a "politically correct" vision in all their latest works... Hell, it is their fault that I'm now tempted to go to the Star Wars Universe and kill Palpatine as soon as possible, not because he is THE bad guy and needs to be stopped, but to make sure that his granddaughter Rey doesn't have the chance to contaminate that universe with her toxic presence... and I have no idea on how many others works they ruined like that after my death.'

While thinking that, all of a sudden Bidi turns around and says, "Jayr-nii, my radar picked up something strange nearby, it is a number of ships all different from each other but there is no fighting..."

Hearing that I nod, then look at the kids still enjoying the movie, and with a smile I say, "Very well. Slow down your speed a little, while I check."

I use my senses to perceive what is going on, and after a few seconds I smile and say, "Bidi, head toward that cluster of ships and anchor somewhere nearby, I'll take you all to a nice restaurant."

At the same time, I use my telepathy to tell Koby and the girls the same and that we will arrive in about 50 minutes, then I continue to enjoy the Lion King with Bidi and the kids.

After the movie, we all gather on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof to watch as we get closer to a quite peculiar ship.

The ship in front of us is a fairly large ship, it takes an oval shape, with the normal masts but has a fish as a front piece/head, with a round bottom, and a small array of cannons are lined on the sides, which can be used for battle, this is, of course, the Baratie, an ocean-going restaurant run by Zeff, and also the home of another of the founding members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Vinsmoke Sanji.

The Baratie has four levels, the Lower Deck, which is where the main restaurant is, the Middle Deck, which is the main kitchen, the Upper Deck, where twenty-three cooks reside and lastly the fins that fold out to the sides from underneath that are used to stabilize the restaurant during harsh weather and are also used as a battle platform to prevent the restaurant itself from receiving collateral damage.

(Image Here - Baratie)

I also remember that the Baratie has several other interesting characteristics like the fish head of the ship that can be detached to make the mobile attack unit Sabagashira I, which is similar to a pedal boat, it is covered and made out of metal and the cannons are stationed inside of the fish's mouth, the ship also has a few secondary boats that can be used to resupply or in case of emergencies.

We quickly set foot in the sea-faring restaurant where a waiter greeted and led us to our table, he was a lot more polite than I expected considering that all the staff here is made up of outcasts, exiles, and pirate types, especially considering that he was charmed by the girls' beauty he still maintained a professional appearance.

Of course, the table itself is quite big as I invited everyone but Kuro, so there is me, Seika, Saori, Eri, Tio, Galen, Kharna, Python, Nikita, Bidi, and Koby, for a total of 11 people, I also notice that the restaurant itself is quite popular as it is almost full.

After we order our food, Nikita can't help but exclaim excited, "I can't wait to taste this restaurant's cuisine, after all, this is the home of one of the best chefs of the Omniverse!"

Hearing that, Tio asks curious, "Is that true, husband? Could it be that this chef's cuisine is even better than yours?"

I simply nod and answer, "Yes, he is for sure a better chef than me, after all, that is his specialty, and more importantly, I know of very few people who could be better chefs than him, and many of them come from a universe that revolves around food and cuisine."

Nikita sitting near Koby nods and says, "That's true, there is the Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars Universe where the techniques and food culture are quite advanced, but there is also the Toriko Universe, where both the ingredients and the chefs themselves reach some atonishing levels of absurdness."

As we continued to chat, the waiter finally arrived with our order, I, of course, ordered a classic of this place, Traditional Seafood Rice, and I have to admit it is very delicious, probably one of the best dishes I have eaten in my life until now, and it seems that everyone else thinks the same, as they are all enjoying their dishes and cleaning their plates, even the kids quite like what the chefs cooked for them, and I especially appreciate how careful they were with the kids meals.

After the satisfying meal, I pay my bill and give a tip to the waiter then I ask, "Could you call the Head Chef and Sous Chef, please? I would like to thank them for the wonderful meal they gave to my family and offer them a gift."

Hearing my request, the waiter nods and hurries back to the kitchen.

Soon after, two people walk out of the kitchen, and both of them can't be more recognizable.

One is a slim, muscular, long-legged young man with blond hair which he keeps brushed over one side of his face, his most characteristic physical traits are his distinctive eyebrows, both form a spiral but at different ends with his right eyebrow forming a spiral at the outer end, while his left eyebrow forms a spiral at the inner end and while his eyes usually seem black, but they are actually grey-blue.

He wears a black, double-breasted suit with golden buttons and a tie together with a long-sleeved buttoned shirt of varying colors, usually orange, blue, turquoise, or black, with or without pinstripes, he is of course, Vinsmoke Sanji.

(Image Here - Vinsmoke Sanji)

Meanwhile, one walking next to him is an elderly-looking man who still retains his blonde-colored hair, which he keeps underneath his extra-long chef's hat, he has a considerably long mustache and a thick beard.

He wears his chef uniform, with a blue ascot, and white apron, also, since he lost his right leg, he has a peg leg and he seems to have no trouble walking with it, he is Sanji's mentor and father-like figure, the Head Chef and owner of this restaurant and the former captain of the Cook Pirates, "Red-Leg" Zeff.

(Image Here - Zeff)

Looking at the old man, I can help but be surprised because he is a lot stronger than I thought, sure, it isn't at the level of Garp or the other powerhouse of this world, but he is leagues ahead of everyone else in the East Blue, so much that I don't think he would have any problems in dealing with someone at Don Krieg's level alone, and the most surprising thing is that he has awakened his Haki.

Then I suddenly remembered that he is renowned for being both a great chef and a powerful pirate captain who managed to traverse the Grand Line, but it is never explicitly said what part of the Grand Line he traversed, and so I realized, 'He has very probably traversed at least some part of the New World... especially since now that I'm thinking about it, I clearly remember that when he was introduced, Zeff was able to harm Luffy with his kick, despite the fact that Luffy was very resistant to blunt force because of the powers from Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit)...'

Soon Zeff and Sanji stop in front of us, but before Zeff can say anything, Sanji, who in the meantime took a look at the girls and became entranced by their beauty, jumps in front of Zeff and with hearts in the place of his eyes as he says, "Mademoiselles, I hope you enjoyed your meals, I can guarantee you that the most fundamental ingredient is Lo-."

But before he could continue with his charade, Zeff hits Sanji in the head with a powerful axe kick using his peg leg while yelling, "You damned brat! Don't importune the customers with your flirty ways!" making Sanji yell back, "You damn geezer! Don't hit me so damn hard!"

Zeff ignores Sanji, and looking at us, focusing more on me, he says, "I heard that you wanted to thank us and give us something for the good meal you had at my restaurant, but there isn't any need for that. You have already paid for your meal, that is more than enough for us."

I shake my head, stand up from my chair, and say, "Nope, I refuse your refusal, this was the best meal I ever had until now, and I will give you something that you can't refuse to show my appreciation."

Soon after saying that, I quickly move and remove Zeff's peg leg and before they can realize what is happening I use Restoration Magic to regenerate his leg, the one he smashed up and ate to stay alive many years ago.

Zeff immediately notices that something is different, and he looks at me narrowing his eyes, and asks, "What did you do?" but before, I can say anything, Sanji points at Zeff and yells, "G-Geezer! Y-Y-Your leg... your leg is back!!"

Hearing that, Zeff quickly looks down and notices that he is now standing on his own two legs, while the peg leg is lying on the floor next to him, and exclaims, "How...!?"

Zeff taps the floor with his newly regenerated foot, and feeling the instantaneous response and all the sensations, he mutters, "It is real... this is really my leg! But how is such a thing possible!?"

At the same time, Sanji's shout caused all the chefs from the kitchen to come out and see what was going on, but, among them, I recognized only 2 of them

One is Patty, a large, muscular man with somewhat oversized forearms with his left upper arm bearing two heart tattoos, prominent lips, and black hair formed in an elaborate goatee around his chin.

His Baratie uniform is heavily customized, consisting of a dark double-breasted shirt, matching shorts, and a white apron; these are accompanied by a pink ascot, an earring in his right ear, and a braided hachimaki headband.

(Image Here - Patty)

The other is Carne, a stocky, average-sized man with brown hair and tanned skin.

Like most of the Baratie's other cooks, he wears an unremarkable chef's uniform, distinguished only by the addition of sunglasses.

(Image Here - Carne)

They also cause a ruckus as they notice Zeff's newly grown leg, at the same time, I simply explain with a smile on my face, "As you know, this world is full of wonderful and strange things, like the Devil Fruits, being able to regrow an amputated limb isn't so strange."

Hearing that, Zeff nods then he starts to thank me for his leg and if I need anything else.

I reply that it is something I wanted to do to thank them for their hospitability and that I don't need anything, then we all leave the ship restaurant Baratie and head back to the Athena's God Bidoof where we restart our journey toward Polestar Island.

Looking at the Baratie ship getting smaller as we sail away, I can't help but think, 'And with that, I've met almost every founding member of the Straw Hat Pirates... the only one I didn't encounter is Roronoa Zoro, but knowing his awful sense of direction it is very probable that he is in some strange unknown place, hell, he could even be in Laughtale Island for all I know...'

Zoro POV - ??? , ??? - ???

It doesn't matter where I look, I don't know where the hell I am or how the hell I arrived here, right now, I beached my boat on a small island with sand in the middle of the sea.

Its most notable landmarks are the three palm trees that inhabit one side of the island.

In the distance, this island appears small, but in reality, it is much larger and only appears small because of an optical illusion, I can also see that on the other side of the island, there is a forest filled with an array of wildlife and a skeleton.

Looking around, I can't help but scratch my head and mutter, "I shouldn't have separated from Johnny and Yosaku... all this trouble for hunting down a certain Painty the Pirate... Where the hell am I?"

All of a sudden, a high pinched voice replies, "You are at Bikini Atoll! The island right above Bikini Bottoms"

I look at where the voice comes from and see a small strange creature, he looks like a rectangular yellow sponge with thin arms and legs, it has light olive-green pores, dimples with three freckles on each cheek, a large mouth with two prominent front buck teeth, a slight lateral lisp, a long, slightly curved nose, and large light blue eyes.

(Image Here - Spongebob)

Overall, he is a strange creature, sure, it isn't the strangest I have seen in my life, like that strange platypus with a hat that I met the last time I got lost, or that crazy tall skinny old man with spiky grey-blue hair with a bald spot on the back of his head and a prominent unibrow.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue, Polestar Island - 20 GAP

We are all on the bridge of the Athena's God Bidoof, watching as our ship gets closer to Loguetown's port, and admiring the sight of the main city of Polestar Island, well, more like only city as it covers nearly the entire island it is on, save for a few steep hills.

As Bidi controls her body to slowly and safely dock on the port, I start to introduce the city to everyone, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Loguetown, also known as "The town of the beginning and the end", because the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger was born and executed here. In fact, you can say that the Great Age of Pirates started here, as just before his execution, the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger spoke the iconic words that inspired a whole new generation of pirates, thus starting this new era of piracy: "You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it." These few words he said just before he died sparked a blazing inferno in the heart of countless people who started chasing after his mythical treasure."

Then I look at the port filled with countless ships and vessels and continue my explanation, "As you can see almost all East Blue ships, especially pirate ships, pass through this island to stock up on supplies for the Grand Line, since Loguetown is in a convenient location very close to Reverse Mountain, just out of sight of the Red Line. But very few of these pirate ships are able to leave this island because, especially if they try to cause some kind of trouble in town as the Marine Captain that is guarding Loguetown is quite the strong one."

50 Stones Bonus!


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts