
Batman x Arc Reactor

Jack woke up in Marvel as Tony Stark, only to die in the final battle with Thanos despite his all attempts to survive. But to his surprise, he reincarnated again in DC Universe as a newborn baby in the Wayne Manor with his memories intact. He has a new goal... He will create the legend of Batman in his own way, a fusion of Batman and Iron Man. But technology in this world is too primitive compared to the Marvel Earth... Follow Jack's journey as Bruce Wayne in this reality of DC as he brings new inventions into this low-tech world and fights crimes in the most ruthless way possible. ---[YES, THERE IS HAREM. END OF DISCUSSION]--- [The Earth MC born isn't that advanced. Multiverse, different timelines, all that shits, so, don't say, I said DC is low tech lol] [MC kills] I don't own DC or Marvel works except for my OC Cover picture isn't mine. Found it on the internet. If it belongs to you and you want to remove it, provide proof and I will remove it. --- 18+ advance chs https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc --- Do not translate or post my work anywhere.

Xcalibur_Xc · Cómic
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203 Chs


[Industrial district] [Black Mask's warehouse]

The Black Mask's warehouse stood large in the industrial zone, an unwelcoming fortress in the darkness. The vast structure was shrouded in an unsettling blackness as the night descended upon the region. Graffiti on the exterior walls represented the domains of several criminal gangs in a quiet yet ominous show of strength.

Tension and the stench of illicit activity were palpable in the air. Some gang members carried goods into trucks while wearing frightening masks that reflected their affiliation with the Black Mask. Other gang members monitored the perimeter with alert and focused motions.

Several trucks pulled into the compound, their engines roaring to life as they came to a halt. Each vehicle bore the insignia of the Black Mask, a clear symbol of the authority this master criminal possessed. Gang members swarmed around the trucks, unloading cargo with practiced efficiency.

There was a wild symphony of illegal activities going on inside the warehouse. Crates filled with illegal products were piled high, and above the clamour of machinery, commands could be heard yelled. It served as a centre of activity and a beehive of shady transactions that supported the underground economy.

Batman's sharp eyes peered over the warehouse as he hovered over it, marking the locations of the thugs inside and outside the building with precise precision. The mayhem and illicit deals taking place below the warehouse were clear indicators that it was a centre for criminal activity.

His visor showed a grid diagram of the interior of the warehouse, complete with an unsettling stock of weapons. A picture of impending mayhem was painted by crates heaped with C4 explosives, RPG launchers, grenades, and an array of assorted deadly weapons that were being offloaded. The enormous amount of weaponry suggested that a major war might be brewing in the shadows.

'Motherfuckers! That's enough explosives to level down Gotham to ashes,' Bruce thought, concern etched across his face.

As he was about to make his move...

Two armored trucks rumbled into the compound.

'Armored trucks! Dang!' His visor zoomed in on the vehicles, analyzing their contents and the unusual sight of GCPD officers in one of them. 'Ah! The classic moles,' Moles within the police force, aiding the criminal operations of the Black Mask, was not so shocking discovery. He expected as much, considering the enormous operation going on in the city under the noses of the GCPD.

More red flags were raised by the cash-filled containers. The presence of illicit weapons and large sums of money suggested a sinister scheme that went beyond regular criminal activity. It was clear that the Black Mask was planning a disastrous scheme, and the corrupt cops' involvement implied a network of betrayal that reached well into Gotham's legal system.

"Jarvis, enhance hearing," Bruce ordered the AI. "I want to hear their conversation."

[Affirmative]> Jarvis replied.

The enhanced audio picked up the chatter of gang members loading the trucks and the corrupt GCPD officers conversing among themselves, unaware of the masked vigilante lurking in the shadows.

"So, you added the bonus?" One officer asked.

Another cop responded, "$2 million, plus five kilos of coke... That fatso said that it is a reward for our loyal services."

"Haha... Good... We deserve more, after risking our lives... Especially when we are cleaning shit in the Narrows and Crime Alley..." The other cop chuckled, "...Compared to these dumbasses here, who are just loading boxes and counting money."

"Yeah... These guys are nothing but brainless muscleheads... Money, drugs, women, food, alcohol... What else do they want?"

Batman listened attentively as the corrupt officers continued their exchange, oblivious to his presence.

"Anyway, I am gonna leave the city and probably settle down in Miami with the cash... What about you?" The cop asked his accomplice.

"Hmmm... I am thinking about laying low for a while in Hawaii. Got a cousin there who owns a fancy bar... Might give him a hand and enjoy the sun and girls till things settle down..."

Bruce's jaw tightened as he listened to their conversation. 'These motherfuckers are so dead. Corrupt cops betraying their own people...' His anger flared, fueled by the knowledge that Gotham's citizens would once again suffer due to corruption in the city's justice system. The peace his father held together for 11 years has now been disrupted. The once peaceful city is about to be plunged into chaos and he isn't going to let that happen.

While listening to their conversation, he caught some titbits from another group of thugs...

"... the boss says the Power Plant plan failed... So, we need to wait for further instructions..."

"...Black Mask is pissed..."

"...Considering the amount of weapons and explosives we have, the boss must be planning an all-out assault on the Power Plant..."

'So, they plan to blow it up by force. Good thing I am here. Well, where are you hiding Black Mask?' Bruce thought as he scanned every individual, 'Ah! There you are.' At the far end of the warehouse, near the back door, there was Black Mask standing among a small group of men, discussing something. 'I would like to blow everything up along with you, but I need to know the thing you are after... First thing first...'

He selected an EMP grenade and aimed it at the power box on the roof. With pinpoint precision, he fired the grenade.

Crackle! Boom!

The device hit its target, triggering a spark that short-circuited the entire compound, plunging it into darkness. Batman smirked as he watched the thugs fumble in panic. He flew over the point where Black Mask was standing with an automatic rifle.

Batman activated his suit's thrusters, propelling himself toward his target. The warehouse was chaos—thugs scrambled, their cries mingling with the confusion and darkness. Black Mask, standing amidst the chaos, was momentarily caught off guard by the sudden power outage.

With a calculated dive, he descended, his black armor cutting through the shadows like a dart. He swooped down at lightning speed, crashing down the ceiling, his armored form barely visible in the dark warehouse.

In a swift and precise move, he grabbed Black Mask by the collar before the criminal could react. The surprise on his face was fleeting as Batman's gauntlet clamped onto him securely. Without giving any chance for resistance, the suit's thrusters roared to life, and Batman shot up into the night sky, carrying the villain with him.

"...the fuck was that!" The thugs, stunned by the sudden turn of events and the disappearance of their leader, aimed their weapons at the sky, but it was too late. Batman had already ascended to a considerable height, a mere silhouette against the night sky.

[High up in the sky]

Black Mask quickly recovered. He pulled out his handgun and started shooting.

"Let go of me, you freak!" He growled, firing wildly at Batman. "Who the fuck are you?!"

"I am Batman," He held the criminal by his collar and looked into his eyes through his visor. From the outside, only Batman's glowing blue eyes can be seen.

Black Mask froze for a second, unable to process the words uttered by the strange figure.

"...B-Batman?! Bats died years ago! I was there... Devil Bat died that day before my eyes. I saw his dead body lying lifeless..." Black Mask sneered, "You are just a copycat pretending to be Batman!"

'Devil Bat, huh? I need to look into it more after I take care of this mess. Did Dad become the first Batman after the Crime Alley incident? I need to ask him,' Bruce thought.

"Look down," He said, pointing toward the ground. Black Mask reluctantly looked down, the blood draining from his face when he realized how high they were. "Does it really matter if I am the real Batman or not? You are still hundreds of meters above the ground."

Black Mask shuddered in fear, his hands trembling as he pointed the gun at him. "L-Let me go, asshole! Or I'll shoot!"

"Do it. Be my guest. Shoot me," Batman smirked, staring at the terrified criminal. "If you are lucky, which I think you are not, the bullet will pierce through my armor, which again is impossible considering the material of my armor, otherwise... splat!" He taunted him with a dramatic sound effect, causing Black Mask's face to pale even further.

"...Y-you are crazy!" Black Mask dropped the gun in panic.

"What?! That's new. People usually call me a genius... Crazy is new to me," He snickered.

"...Fuck!" He cursed loudly, struggling to break free from Batman's grip. "What the fuck do you want?" He gave up on breaking free, realizing how futile his attempt was.

Batman selected a missile from his weapon selection and aimed his fist down at the warehouse, "I want you to look down and tell me what you see."

He reluctantly looked down, "W-What do you want to hear? ...My warehouse! Happy now, asshole?!" He shouted angrily, glaring at him with hatred.

He launched the missile at the warehouse.


An explosion tore through the warehouse, engulfing it in flames. Black Mask's eyes widened in terror when he realized the implication of the missile Batman launched. The explosion was followed by multiple more chain explosions, thanks to the explosives and other weapons stored in the warehouse. The deafening sounds echoed throughout the industrial zone, sending shockwaves rippling through the area.

Under the night sky, the blazing inferno illuminated Batman's armored form, revealing his menacing appearance. His glowing blue eyes stared at Black Mask with cold indifference.

"What warehouse?" He looked down, "I don't see any warehouse."

Black Mask trembled in horror. The destruction unfolding beneath him left him speechless and petrified. The once bustling warehouse was reduced to smoldering ruins as fire consumed the debris. His years of planning and scheming were destroyed in a single moment. All the hard work gone, vanished into thin air.

"...N-no... no...no..." He muttered incoherently, watching his plans crumbling apart.

"What no? I mean, yeah, there isn't a warehouse anymore... Also, your men are dead. All of them blown to pieces..." Batman said nonchalantly. "But, hey! Look at the bright side... You are still alive!" He laughed maniacally, causing Black Mask to shudder in fright. "Now enough with the boring chat. I know this is just one of the six warehouses, so... Let's fly for a bit and enjoy some fireworks, shall we?"

Without waiting for a response, Batman activated his thrusters. Black Mask screamed in terror as they shot forward through the night sky, leaving behind a trail of smoke.


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 17 chapters ahead⭐[Read the entire Arc-1]

[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 

Next Chapter: One Bullet

I think he is too OP with his armor. lol. For the regular villains that is. Even Ivy won't be able to use her phermone to seduce him.

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts