
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivados de juegos
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56 Chs

Chapter 54: Internal Shooting

When Chu Cheng first saw the body scattered on the ground, he was momentarily stunned, wondering when there had been a traitor on the other side that he was unaware of.

He hadn't even made a move yet, and they had already taken care of the internal issue.

What does this mean? Are they trying to pledge their loyalty to me?

Well, of course, that's not possible. Waiting for the opponent to grab a brick and charge towards him, Chu Cheng immediately realized, upon seeing the contorted smile that could be considered a health issue, that he had encountered an infected again.

This fan was particularly enthusiastic this time, directly bringing out an divine artifact. It was even the version with battle-damaged, blood-soaked skin.

Chu Cheng quickly right-clicked the mouse, and DareDevil sidestepped to avoid the powerful swing of the brick. Then, he followed up by kicking with his right foot, delivering a fierce blow to the opponent's wrist. The young man's hand trembled, and the brick slipped out of his grasp.

DareDevil circled around to the outside of the opponent's arm and struck fiercely at their head with a baton. The alloy baton made a dull impact sound as it made intimate contact with the skull. This blow alone would be enough to make a normal human gasp, but the infected only swayed for a moment before turning back and grabbing.

However, DareDevil quickly ducked and dodged the grab, moving in close again. He delivered another blow to the opponent's head, followed by a powerful kick. The infected staggered back and was forcefully knocked down, swaying before collapsing to the ground.

But it was only a momentary setback.

The infected rolled on the ground and immediately got back up. His body twisted like a cartilaginous creature, with an exaggerated grin on his face. The fresh blood flowing from the wound on the top of his head made his entire face grotesque and horrifying.

Chu Cheng didn't let his guard down. DareDevil crossed his dual batons in front of him, assuming a defensive stance, ready to counter any attack.

However, the opponent did not launch another attack.

The infected shook his head, took a few stiff steps toward DareDevil, and made a motion that seemed like he was about to strike.


Without any warning, his head exploded, like a blood-stained firework.

The headless body bent its knees and knelt with a thud, then quickly collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

The level of infection exceeded the limits that the infected body could bear, resulting in self-destruction.

Chu Cheng furrowed his brow.

Confirming that the infected that suddenly appeared among the group of criminals had been killed, while Chu Cheng felt strange in his heart, he first released the hostages who were locked in the shipping container.

It is well known that criminals come in different types. Although they are all despised by society, there are those who are noble thieves, forced into a life of crime, or controversial figures with their own set of principles.

However, there is also a group of people who are considered incompetent even among their peers, and being thrown into prison means being designated as useless individuals who can only be picked on. Even other criminals would scoff at such people and consider them to be nothing more than crawling insects.

Knife Brother, whose head had turned into a pile of pulp next to him, belonged to this category. So even though his death was gruesome, Chu Cheng had no sympathy for him.

DareDevil crouched in a high position and waited for a while. It wasn't until a team of Task Force Nine agents, who had received a report on the infected situation and could accurately identify them through radar senses, arrived at the scene and ensured that the rescued hostages were safely handed over to the Task Force Nine agents that DareDevil extended his baton and launched his grappling hook, swinging on the rope and leaving the area.

Chu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that today was just about enough. He had earned a good number of points and had tested some new heroes.

Points were something that could never be earned enough, but sacrificing one's physical well-being would not be worth it.

DareDevil landed on the top floor of a building. Chu Cheng brought up the menu, with the cursor already hovering over the "log off" option. But in that instant, he suddenly saw a exclamation mark symbol representing a mission in the corner of the screen.

By reflex, he moved his cursor away from the log off button and his gaze was drawn towards the exclamation mark.

It felt like finishing cleaning a window only to discover a stubborn stain that stood out in the reflection. In any case, this made Chu Cheng hesitate about logging off.

Not to mention that every mission appearing on the map meant someone in reality needed help. Each mission was like a walking experience package, and missing out on one would be a missed opportunity. Leaving such a big exclamation mark unattended and logging off directly felt like a loss.

Chu Cheng was increasingly aware that being a hero was not easy. It was like being Batman, who could be a CEO during the day and engage in high-intensity fights at night. It was simply monstrous.

Even just sitting in front of the computer for a virtual patrol every night left him exhausted. And the next day, he might be suspected by the skeptical people of staying up all night freeloading, which made his life even more difficult.

DareDevil's senses may not only give him a wider detection range compared to other heroes, but also a higher level of sensitivity to potential situations. He can perceive ongoing criminal activities within his effective range, including plotting in enclosed rooms or the content of phone conversations that may indicate imminent events.

This might mean that using DareDevil could make it easier to trigger missions, and the efficiency of gaining experience points might be slightly higher.

Chu Cheng, controlling DareDevil, quickly moved towards the direction of the exclamation mark while activating his enhanced hearing in that direction.

The source of the sound came from a police patrol car, where chaotic shouts, the sound of objects colliding, and cries for help were transmitted through the car's intercom.

"This is the 4th Sub-bureau of the Jiangdu Public Security Bureau!" someone desperately shouted from the other end. "Support! Requesting support!"

Then, there was a muffled sound, like a gunshot, followed by silence. In the background, there was also a faint laughter mixed with it.

The patrolling officer immediately turned on the police lights on the car's roof, and the siren pierced the sky as the patrol car turned around and headed towards the 4th Sub-bureau of the Public Security Bureau.

Chu Cheng was somewhat stunned.

Wow, is the Public Security Bureau being robbed?


A few minutes ago, at the 4th Sub-bureau of the Jiangdu Public Security Bureau.

Director Lin sat in his office, finishing his last cigarette of the day and getting ready to leave work.

Although it wasn't yet closing time, he had promised his wife to pick up their child from school. After school, their child had activities in the evening, leaving only an hour for them to solve dinner, so he had to leave a bit early.

Just as Director Lin stepped out of his office, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound. Without any warning, the entire Public Security Bureau was plunged into darkness.

"What's going on?"

"A power outage?"

The officers were momentarily bewildered, but then the backup generator kicked in, and the slightly eerie cold-toned lights illuminated the place.

However, before they could relax, they soon heard someone speaking, "George? What do you think you're doing?"

They saw Officer George standing by the water cooler, slowly turning around, with a stiff and peculiar smile on his face.

He slowly raised his arm, holding his service pistol in his hand.

Director Lin quickly realized that the pitch-black barrel of the gun was pointed directly at him.


The gunshot echoed, and a burst of blood bloomed on the Director's chest. The intense pain was fleeting, and soon he couldn't feel anything anymore. He collapsed backwards, lying on the ground amidst the shocked cries of the people around.

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