
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 49: Super Organization


Taking a deep breath after confirming that the smiling man's head had turned into mush and lost all signs of life, Chu Cheng finally relaxed.

Yes, he knew that it might seem a bit crazy for a living person to hold a shield and freefall in a pose that resembled shouting "Demacia." But he had the confidence to do it.

Captain America had some experience with freefalling. In Captain America 2, he parachuted into the sea without a parachute and resurfaced to sneak aboard a ship. Later, he used his vibranium shield to cushion his fall from the high floors of the Triskelion building and landed without a hitch, ready to keep running.

Compared to those feats, six floors were nothing more than a small mound to him.

After confirming the completion of the mission and guiding Captain America away from the scene, Chu Cheng disconnected.

Time to grab a meal.

Even heroes need to eat. Chu Cheng, who hadn't even had dinner yet, didn't feel hungry while immersed in the game. But as soon as the adrenaline subsided after finishing the mission, he suddenly felt famished and quickly unpacked the takeaway food he brought back.

The official agents from Section 9 of the Special Operations Division arrived quickly and secured the scene, taking control of the situation.

Felix was immediately called back to headquarters as well.

Originally, it was just an ordinary investigation mission with a low threat level. But as soon as they heard that it involved Batman and a certain shield-bearing ally of his, the level of attention within the organization skyrocketed.

Not to mention that the incident seemed to be related to the recent Joker epidemic that had just ended. There was a suspicion that the source of infection from that incident hadn't been completely eliminated, which made it an equally concerning matter that needed to be highly prioritized.

According to the usual protocol, agents were only required to submit their reports to their superiors within a few days after the mission's completion. However, due to the aforementioned reasons, they wanted to hear the firsthand account of the agent involved immediately.

According to the mission records, there were two agents assigned to the task. So, surprisingly, Chu Cheng, who was happily enjoying his meal at home, also received a message asking him to immediately go to headquarters for the debriefing.

Honestly, when Chu Cheng received the message, he was a bit stunned.

A debriefing? What do I have to report?

Summarized reports on the appreciation of various luxurious gourmet delicacies from Volga?

But he didn't think it was his fault. He was just an emotionless machine executing orders. As the saying goes, if the king wants the servant to die, the servant has no choice but to die. If the captain tells me to eat well and drink well, then I have no choice but to eat well and drink well. It's only fair and reasonable.

The car arranged by headquarters quickly arrived at the entrance of his residential building. Chu Cheng got into the car and in no time, he once again found himself on that less fortunate flying hearse in his eyes, and soon reunited with the generous captain who had generously treated him to a satisfying meal.

Felix was still friendly when they met, not showing any dissatisfaction with Chu Cheng working while his teammate slacked off. He even smiled and asked if the dinner still suited his taste.

Naturally, Chu Cheng expressed sincere gratitude for the captain's generosity. He thought to himself that the ancient saying was indeed true: you can't read books without borrowing them, and soft rice isn't good to eat either. This soft rice tasted different.

It would be even better if it was the rich lady's treat.

Fortunately, the leaders and experts in charge of their team's collaboration and division of labor weren't interested in him. Throughout the meeting, Chu Cheng mostly played the role of an unnoticed observer, with Felix doing most of the reporting.

The leaders didn't ask Chu Cheng what he had done; they only cared about the results.

Just like during the previous Roya Army incident, Felix had a recording device on him that captured the battle scenes. When they saw Batman disappear after a smoke bomb was thrown, all the experts looked at each other in confusion, their faces perplexed.

What kind of ability is this? I've never heard of it before!

So far, no known infected individuals have displayed this kind of ability either.

And who was the one who confidently claimed that Batman must be an ordinary person?

As a result, everyone's gaze converged on Professor Miyazaki, and the pressure fell on him.

Professor Miyazaki furrowed his brows for a long time and confidently said, "He is just an ordinary person; there must be no mistake. This might be some kind of spatial technology or invisibility device."

Then everyone's attention shifted again, and the pressure now fell on Minister Shi, the head of the Equipment Department.

Minister Shi rolled his eyes, expressing his frustration, "I'm in charge of the Equipment Department, not the Magic Department. What do you expect me to do?"

Unable to reach a conclusion through the discussion, the video footage then showed Captain America's appearance, and the experts erupted into another heated debate.

In addition to Batman, there have been rumors in the city over the past few days about the appearance of other mysterious heroes who can scale walls and perform extraordinary feats. However, these reports have been a mix of truth and falsehood, often involving enthusiastic citizens engaging in cosplay. As a result, the authenticity of the information has always been in doubt, and there is no evidence to suggest a connection between these isolated incidents.

But now they do.

Chairman Li Changcheng, who witnessed this scene, narrowed his eyes. This scene proved that their previous conjecture was indeed correct.

Batman is not alone; behind him, there exists an organization of unknown scale and power. However, one thing is certain: that organization's individual strength and technological capabilities are immeasurable.

With this confirmed, the situation becomes much more serious than just an armed mysterious vigilante.

Even the strongest individuals have their limits, but with a powerful backing, they can surpass any obstacle. If they can't defeat the big brother, they'll come after the small ones. Who the hell can withstand that?

The distinguished figures quickly began discussing. Some speculated that this was an ancient super organization that has existed to this day, while others guessed it could be aliens. It was certain that their hidden organization must be tremendously large, and their motives were unfathomable. The level of their power was beyond the speculation of the current people involved.

Chu Cheng remained silent, playing the role of an unnoticed observer, listening to the conjectures of the big shots and finding it strangely amusing.

Speaking of mysterious organizations, yes, there is one, but its scale is far from the grandiosity they imagine. In terms of organizational structure, from the commander to the water cooler attendant, it all adds up to just him.

However, he didn't need to personally go on field missions. There were specialized humanoid power-armors for that, with the commander doubling as the pilot, remotely controlling them while sitting in the comfort of a hot spring.

For the current group of people, Captain America's performance in this battle was jaw-dropping.

Especially when they saw him practically shrug off a rocket launcher to the face unscathed.

The ratio of awakened superhumans and infected individuals was low but not nonexistent. However, most of the strongest individuals among them possessed peculiar abilities. Coming across someone who could casually take a rocket launcher head-on and appear unharmed was truly unheard of.

"That shield," Professor Haines noticed something peculiar, his brow furrowing. "Its surface doesn't even have a scratch."

The others quickly noticed this too, and they all felt like they had seen a ghost.

To withstand a rocket launcher with such a thin shield and not even leave a scratch—if anyone had suggested such a material existed, they would have probably questioned that person's sanity unless they witnessed it with their own eyes.

And if such a material did exist, what happened to the rocket's kinetic energy? Where did it go?

One rocket blast would have demolished the entire room, with the shockwave nearly flipping the roof. Amidst the swirling dust, the shield-bearing man seemed completely unfazed, as if it were nothing more than a firework display. The group of people scratched their heads in bewilderment, unable to comprehend the construction of something so indestructible.

Then, witnessing the inhumane strength of that man as he sent the smiling man flying down six floors with just three punches and two kicks, and then proceeded to jump after him without a second thought, landing and immediately delivering the finishing blow.

The level of difficulty in executing these moves was so high that one couldn't help but suspect that he had some illicit connection with Newton's brother, showcasing extraordinary prowess.

Everyone exclaimed at the absurdity of it all. If their previous impression of Batman was that of a wizard cloaked in technology, then this new character was a pure warrior—tough, powerful, and aggressive. He was commonly referred to as a brute.

Seeing how this group of people reacted so intensely to Captain America, Chu Cheng couldn't help but indulge in whimsical thoughts.

At this rate, if he were to introduce someone like Superman in the future, these people would probably ascend into the heavens in a spiral.