
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 47: Is it a person!?

The man tilted his head and a hint of curiosity appeared on his eerie smiling face.

At this moment, Felix's arm was dislocated from being kicked, and he supported himself while standing up, looking somewhat confused at the towering deep blue figure in front of him.

Where did Batman go?

And who is this person holding the cap of the gourd?

Of course, they couldn't figure out what was happening.

Because this was the first time Chu Cheng had activated this noble feature exclusive to his Level 2 account - team exchange.

Chu Cheng had encountered this feature in many other games. After reaching Level 2, players could choose up to two heroes to participate in battles, and when one character fell, the second one could take their place. Moreover, during the battle, they could also swap characters within the team.

If used properly, this move could be used to help heroes avoid damage or escape restraints. However, due to cooldown limitations, players had to judge the most suitable timing themselves.

This was Chu Cheng's first battle after summoning Captain America himself. No one in the world had ever seen this appearance before. It was a perfect opportunity to test the opponent's abilities.

Without hesitation, Captain America lifted his shield and charged straight at the man with the smiling face.

The man raised his arm and started firing at Captain America. Bullets flew towards him, but to everyone's surprise, Captain America stood his ground. The bright yellow bullet heads collided with the shield he held, deforming upon impact and bouncing off like candy beans.

Felix was also astonished by this scene.

The material that could withstand bullets at such close range was already impressive, but the fact that the person holding the shield remained unscathed was quite extraordinary.

The kinetic energy of a single bullet is far more powerful than what can be portrayed in ordinary movies or TV shows. Even if conventional bulletproof equipment can stop the bullets from penetrating, it's impossible to completely dissipate the kinetic energy they carry.

So even if the shield was indeed that hard and strong, what about the kinetic energy? Was it absorbed somehow?

In almost an instant, Captain America had closed the distance and was right in front of the man. The man quickly sidestepped while continuously firing his gun.

However, all Chu Cheng did was move the mouse slightly to adjust the camera angle, and the shield followed the man's movement, deflecting the bullets one after another.

Seeing the enemy approaching, the man decisively abandoned his gun. The hand that had transformed into the shape of a firearm changed again, this time into a long blade-like form.

This transformation ability reminded Chu Cheng of an old anime series he had watched many years ago called "Parasyte."

The man swung the blade down, but Captain America's shield blocked it. The blade produced dazzling sparks as it scraped against the shield, but it had no effect.

The man sidestepped once again, searching for an opportunity. He feinted a left attack, but in reality, he launched a surprise attack from the right, thrusting the blade at a tricky angle.

With a slight twist of his shield, Captain America produced another clash of metal, and the blade was once again deflected.

The man laughed heartily, and his empty left hand also transformed, turning into a larger-caliber firearm. His right hand blade danced with afterimages, attacking like a fierce storm, while the gun barrel in his left hand fired from completely opposite directions.

But Captain America continued to gently rotate his shield, deflecting all the blade strikes and bullet rain.

The man with the smiling face: "..."

Not only him, but even Felix was a little dumbfounded. This new hero that just appeared was damn near indestructible, like a turtle.

Chu Cheng had also realized the incredible utility of Captain America now: just keep right-clicking until the end.

This was much more impressive than Batman's countermeasures. Whether it was blue, yellow, or red, it didn't matter. As long as he held down the right-click and cowered behind the vibranium shield, he was invincible, and the shield was so brave that it could make one shed tears.

The key was that the shield was no ordinary item. Its nonscientific defensive capabilities could be explained by the unique Marvel technology of vibranium. This thing was not only incredibly durable but also capable of absorbing energy. Kinetic impacts, mutations, magical attacks—whatever came its way, it could absorb them all. It was extremely resilient.

Moreover, unlike the "anti-everything" design that Iron Man's armor had, which was often dismantled by the writers, the vibranium shield, which had been by Captain America's side for years, had an impressive track record and was always reliable.

Using it as a shield, it could withstand bullets and explosions. Using it as a hammer, it could even smash through Iron Man's armor. When necessary, it could be used as an air cushion for a free fall, or for some casual cosplay as the Filipino Fish Bombing Squad. It could even be used as a frisbee to play fetch with a dog. It was simply a must-have tool for home defense, and it could even rival ancient mythical artifacts like the brick.

If a list were made of all the things that had been smashed with this thing, even Thanos would be left speechless.

The man with the smiling face swung his blade again, but this time Chu Cheng timed it perfectly. He maneuvered Captain America to block with the shield. The sound of a crisp impact filled the air, and sparks flew.

Perfect shield counter!

Shield counters were a common mechanism in action games. By blocking with the shield at the moment of the enemy's attack, if timed correctly, a counterattack could be triggered, creating an opportunity to exploit the opponent's vulnerability.

The man with the smiling face stumbled back after being countered by the shield, and the blades that had transformed within him retracted. He tried to stabilize himself while raising the barrel of his other gun, intending to fire and stop the opponent from taking advantage. However, to his surprise, the bullet hit the shield, and the ricocheting bullet splattered his face.

Although his resilience as an infected individual allowed him to heal quickly, it still didn't look good to shoot himself.

Seizing the opportunity, Captain America moved forward and delivered a powerful blow to the side of the smiling man's face with the shield. The impact of the shield instantly rattled his brain, sending him flying through the room, into the hallway, and sliding along the floor all the way into the living room. He crashed into the wall, and the TV hanging on the wall fell on his head.

Felix's eyes widened as he watched the figure fly away.

What kind of power was this? To send someone flying such a distance with a single strike, was it something a human could do?

Which one of you is the real monster?

What was even more terrifying to consider was that throughout the brief exchange of a few rounds, the smiling man had been frantically maneuvering, constantly changing weapons and trying various combinations to create openings and vulnerabilities.

On the other hand, Captain America just held up his shield, blocking, blocking, and blocking again, and then sent the opponent flying.

Captain America: Fancy Moves.JPG.

But the smiling man was indeed durable. In no time, he managed to free himself from the rubble and the TV pressing on him. Gasping for breath, he continued to laugh while struggling to catch his breath.

"Haha, interesting. And how about this?"

As the words fell, the man's hands came together, and his forearms merged into a thick, black, cylindrical shape.

Felix recognized it immediately, and his pupils contracted. It felt like someone had tugged at his heart.

A single-use rocket launcher!

What kind of ability was this? Could he even simulate heavy weaponry like this?

Without thinking too much, Felix quickly threw himself to the side, knocking down a table that was already on the verge of collapsing to use as cover.


The deadly whistling sound, like a whisper from the Grim Reaper, was the sound of the rocket being launched with a burning trail.

The deafening explosion made his eardrums ache, and the shrapnel grazed his skin as it pierced through the tabletop. The tremendous impact caused the room and hallway to shake, accompanied by a ringing in his ears, making him feel as if the whole world was about to collapse.

Captain America took the full force of the face cannon head-on, getting hit directly. He was sent flying backward in the impact and disappeared into the engulfing smoke of the explosion.

The man erupted into maniacal laughter once again.

His mouth stretched into an even more horrifying grin, as if mocking: "Do you have what it takes to block this, idiot?"

But in the next moment, his laughter froze.

As the smoke gradually cleared, Captain America emerged, holding his iconic shield high, walking confidently. Although it seemed like he had crashed into the wall behind him, leaving a human-shaped dent, he was completely unharmed.

Felix, lying on the ground and witnessing this scene, was completely stunned. His eyes gradually lost their sparkle.

Did he just catch a rocket-propelled grenade barehanded?

Is he even human?!