
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Cómic
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49 Chs


"Once I close the multi-versal tunnel you created, the phantom sickness you've experienced will go away. 

This person behind me is the Ancient One. She is a powerful being whose existence echoes through many universes, just like me.

I promised her that you would do great things for this universe if she let you stay. I'm sure you won't let us down," The Phantom Stranger said. Bruce nodded, he understood the price for his new life. 

 First, both of your costumes have traveled through the multiverses. There is something unique about them, and to emphasize that uniqueness and make it useful I'll do something for you."

With a wave of his hand, six gems appeared before him. The Ancient One looked shocked and saw that the eye of Agamotto was missing the time stone. Barely visible bits of each infinity stone broke off. Two sets of Infinity Gem fractions were gathered and merged. 

The reality gem turned the amassed entity into a wriggling blob no bigger than half a pinky nail. Robin's costume was removed from Damian and reappeared. One Infinity goo entered Robin's costume, and another bit of Infinity goo entered the bat suit Bruce arrived in this universe. 

Bruce's original bat suit and Robin's suit both glowed for a moment. It wasn't clear what the Infinity Goo did for them, but they could explore that later. 

The Alfred Robot was brought before them. A human being, Alfred appeared next to the robot, and the two were combined. 

"Thanks to Luthor and the others, I was able to pop back in time right as Alfred was killed and save him before he was killed. However, I needed to combine him with the Superman Robot version of him. I suppose you could call him Cyborg Super-Alfred," the Phantom Stranger remarked. 

Alfred shook after a moment, he looked around. He was confused, the last he remembered, he was being murdered, but now, he was in a Batcave and the two people he was closest to stood before him. 

"Master Bruce, Young Master Damian!" Alfred called out. Damian's eyes filled with tears. Ever since he came to be with his father, Alfred was like a grandfather to him. When Alfred died, Damian didn't think he would ever get to experience the old man's warmth and kindness again. 

"Now there's a third one?" The Ancient One glared at the Phantom Stranger. 

"He doesn't count, I just used some of his genetic material and whatnot and created a cyborg. Most of the parts are from your universe," The Phantom Stranger explained clearly. The Ancient One grunted with displeasure. 

"This final gift is for Damian," The Phantom Stranger wrapped him in a ray of light. 

"You are the only one in this universe who has a Meta X Gene. You're a Meta Mutant. Over time, you'll come to understand your power," The Phantom stranger explained. He waved his hand once more and the father and daughter Red Skulls appeared. The father was wrapped in a robe and floated about the ground like a ghost. 

The daughter was too frightened to make a sound. 

"Okay Ancient One, I will take these two as I promised and get out of your hair...I mean out of your universe," The Ancient One stroked the top of her bald head. 

"Good," she said. 

"This is goodbye Bruce, I hope you find what you want here. Be well, Damian," The Phantom Stranger grabbed the Red Skulls and faded away. 

The Ancient One didn't say anything further and disappeared as well. 

Alfred looked flustered, "Master Bruce, please explain to me what's going on."

"Yeah, I got hear, and that Phantom Stranger said some weird things and then left!"

Bruce didn't hold back, he reached for his son and hugged him tight. His right arm reached for Alfred and brought him into a family hug. 

"Now that you two are here, my happiness is guaranteed!" Bruce laughed. After a few more minutes of talking, Bruce felt that something within him was locked and hidden. 

He smiled and rejoiced.

"Alright, Dad, tell me what kind of place this is?" Damian asked.

"Indeed Master Bruce, I feel strange," Alfred said.

"You feel strange because they made you into some kind of Cyborg Superman Robot. You have all of Superman's powers, plus you're a cyborg. I don't know what that means. We can test it out," Bruce said.

"What about me?" Damian asked.

"I don't know, he said you were the only person in this universe to have a Meta Gene X. That implies you'll have some powers. We won't know what those are or how potent they are until we conduct some tests. 

Before we do any of that, I will bring you up to speed on how I came here, where we are, and what I've been up to," Bruce said.

"Wait, Dad, there's something weird about you," Damian interjected.


"Yeah, you aren't behaving like yourself," Damian said.

"Plus you look as you did when you were a teenager, Master Bruce," Alfred added in.

"Haha, don't worry, I'll explain all of this to you. It might take a while though, so get comfortable. 

I'm in a weird place with the story. I've brought it to a point where I can end it, or I can move forward.

I started writing this because there weren't very many good fanfics featuring DC and Marvel characters. The best I've read of this genre was one about a person who has a detective system or something. I've forgotten the name of it, but it is my favorite.

I had a plan for the story, but some were impatient about the questions of Alfred, is he dead or not, the time skips and so forth.

I suppose I could have done a better job writing, but the comments encouraged me to take care of those loose threads sooner rather than later.

That's why I say, this is a good place for me to stop the story. Whether I stop or keep writing depends on my mood. It also depends on what the readers want.

Let me know what you think. If this is the last chapter then I want to thank everyone who has read this short adventure.

If I write more, then I hope to write something that everyone can enjoy.

All the best!

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