
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Cómic
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49 Chs

Future Plans

"I do have one question, why do all of this to us? Have we done something to offend you? Why not carry out this graduation mission against people who should be stopped?" Professor X asked.

"I didn't do it to you, I did it for you and these kids. If you keep the current standards for the defense of the school where they are, one day someone is going to die. I know that's not something you want to see. 

Second, my motivation was also to bring to your attention these students of mine," Bruce said. 

The X-Men looked at the group of teenagers.

"Why?" Professor X asked.

"I would like to enroll them in your school," Bruce said.

"What, but you said..." Harry began.

"I still mean what I said, but consider something. You aren't regular kids anymore. You have amazing powers and those powers require an equally large amount of responsibility. There's a flip side to this, your families and friends are vulnerable to the consequences of your powers," Bruce said.

"The consequences of our powers?" Peter asked. 

"Yes, what happens if an enemy discovers who you are? Do you think they aren't going to target your family? You should also consider the financial issues, all of you need resources that your parents can't afford to provide. 

Xavier's school, however, is set up with that purpose. They can also help you explore your power in a way I cannot," Bruce continued.

"Bruce, you're the one who taught us how to control our power. You have done a lot for us," Gwen responded. 

The others generally agreed, even Harry realized the gift Bruce gave them. He saved their lives and then protected them. Sure he was a tough master, but he protected them. Even now, he was trying to find the best path for them. 

"Another thing to consider is the importance of your High School. I saw how your teachers were oblivious to what you were doing. You need people who want to be responsible and who can be responsible no matter how powerful you become. I can't do this for you, but they can," Bruce discussed with the kids. 

"But Bruce, what about our families," Miles argued.

"I know you miss them, but your families will decide based on what's best for you. Maybe your parents won't agree to send you here, I can't help with that. I believe that Professor X and his team are very good at convincing parents," Bruce motioned toward the X-Men. 

"What he is saying makes a lot of sense. Even without this demonstration, we would have accepted you to the academy as fellow mutants. It's a dangerous world for everyone, but there are so few mutants. Our great power can't protect us unless we come together," Professor X encourages them.

"Whatever your decision, I promised that once you finished training, you were free. I or the Professor can return you to the families now that the Servants of the Slumbering Serpent have fallen," Bruce smiled. 

"Logan, please take these students to the lobby. I will talk with them later," Professor X said. Logan stood up and indicated that the Bat-Spider Teens should follow him.

Once the kids left, Professor X looked back at Bruce, "Did you need to speak with me about something?" Professor X asked. 

"If there's an opening for a new professor in the future and you need someone to fill it, feel free to call," Bruce slid a business card on the table to Professor X.

Bruce didn't say anything else. He left and didn't even say goodbye to the students he spent the last six months with. 

"Tell Logan to find a place for the kids to stay for the night, we will take them home in the morning. If those kids want to go to school here, we'll talk with their parents," Rogue went to pass on the Professor's instructions.

"Thoughts?" Professor X looked at Storm, Iceman, and Colossus. They were the three senior students and members of the inner circle.

"We could use him if anything, he proved that tonight. Rather than this being about his students. I believe he wanted to give us his resume," Storm said. 

"I agree, he's tough and cynical like Russian," Piotr said.

"I don't trust him, but we went through that with Rogue. At least he's trained seven powerful and outstanding students for us. All seven of these kids attend the Mid-Tech High in New York. It's a school designed for the brightest STEM students in New York. There are likely to be seven more Ph. D.s in the future if they join us," Bobby said. 

"It's strange for someone so young to be capable of training elite students. He took innocent high school students to combat veterans and insertion specialists. He's too young to be able to do that," Piotr added.

"You don't believe he's only fifteen, do you?" Professor X asked. Everyone shook their heads no. 

"Should we hire him as a teacher?" Professor X asked. 

"You tell us, Professor, I assume you read their minds," Storm said.

"I tried, but I couldn't read them," he said.

"YOU couldn't read them...was there some kind of interference? Bobby asked.

"More like, he trained them to resist mental attacks and psychic intrusion. If I pushed I could have red their minds, but it would ruin them. I think this was a test from Bruce," Professor X responded.

"Professor, no matter the risks, we need this man to come to our school. Although we have some help in the areas of skill he demonstrated, he's a true professional. He is a tier above the rest of us," Storm said.

"I agree, hire 'em," Wolverine chimed in as he and Rogue returned. 

Professor X picked up the business card Bruce left and read it, "Then I will call this Mr. Wayne and invite him to become a teacher at our Academy." 

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