
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

The Handshake

As I arrived at the place we were supposed to meet called 'The Handshake' I couldn't help but acknowledge that money was it's own type of power. The place was chic, mature, and professional. The front doors had guards that were clearly packing concealed heat and seemed highly trained. 

I was wearing a Giorgio Armani custom tailored suit, a Richard Mille Flyback Chronograph watch worth 380,000.00, and I had my hair slicked back.

Approaching the doors, one of the guards raised his hand to let me know not to come any further. "Do you have a membership here or are you meeting with someone that has a membership?" 

I was half tempted to rip this man in two for having the audacity to tell me where I do and don't belong, but I tried to keep my cool and play by earths rules to some extent. "Yes, I am here to meet Norman Osborn". 

"Your name?" Asked the guard.

"Sisyphus Titan" I replied. I had no last name but on my new ID it was my last name. It felt right considering that was the name of my future business. Justin Hammer had Hammer enterprises, Tony Stark had Stark enterprises, Norman osborn had Oscorp, and I had Titan.

The guard on the left that hadn't been talking pulled out clipboard and looked at it before calling over his radio. "Osbornes 1:00pm appointment is here" the man said as both guards moved aside and let me in. 

Right when I walked in through the doors I was met with an older gentlemen that led me to Osborn. "Please follow me" the man said as we strolled past the very beautiful dining area that many wealthy people appeared to be eating and or discussing business in. 

As I followed the usher I couldn't help notice the closer I got to my destination the more eyes that looked my way. I sensed envy and jealousy. It didn't take me long to figure out that the area I was heading to was for the ultra wealthy and the place I was walking through was just for the regular wealthy members of this establishment. 

Once we arrived in the private VIP area, the usher led me to some double doors, motioned to them, before bowing slightly and taking his leave. 

Osborne brought me here to flex on me. It was obvious he was trying to show off the power of his wallet, but I wasn't scared. I was a lot more wealthy than him in the Stargate Universe and I know that no matter how much money you have, It wouldn't protect you when it mattered. 

Opening the doors, I walked through them with confidence. The room was a lot bigger than I had bargained for with a personal open bar and a waiter that was on standby to the side. The waiter was far away enough to not be able to hear our conversations, but was on constant alert as he waited for us to signal that we were ready to eat. 

"Ah! Sisyphus, I have to be honest, I didn't expect you to look so young and muscular". said Norman as he stood up from his seat, walked my way, and stuck out his hand.

Taking his hand and shaking it, I gave a small chuckle. "It's good to meet you Osborne, why don't we get down to business? We both value our time greatly I am sure." 

Norman made a very small scowl when I had ignored his flattery, but he was a great actor and immediately put on a smile as we both took our seats. Most people probably wouldn't have caught his micro facial expressions, but I wasn't most people. 

It was considered rude to take the lead when someone invited you and hosted a dinner, but I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't a pushover, so I arrogantly spoke up first. Powerful people did not act timid. 

"The video of the phaser guns being used I had sent you through email, I can show you one after this dinner if you would like. I'll be direct with you, I don't need money. I'm practically made of it. What I need are friends that don't mind getting their hands dirty, I have this feeling that you could be one of my friends. Oh, and Id also love a full tour of your facilities. Although I am sure you are a great person, id like to see what you are currently working on to some extent".

"We are not here to discuss how much you want to sell the manufacturing process and patent for? You are just giving them to me as a gift towards our future friendship? Am I getting this right?" Asked Osborne, confused. It was the first time such a gift had ever fallen in his lap. People didn't just give things away. 

"It's not a big thing to me. I have other technology and products that are far more interesting than some phase guns. If you really want to throw money at me, I do have some interesting diet pills I have been working on." I said as I slid a folder towards him that showed the clinical trials of the diet pills.

One of the many things I got from the doctor who universe was the adipose pills. The original pills when taken would cause the persons fat to turn into an alien life form that would literally jump from their body and walk away from them in the middle of the night. When the people awoke they would find that they had dropped a large amount of weight and their skin didn't even sag. 

I had altered it slightly for the adipose to melt away and die as soon as it fell off the body. It was obviously ethically wrong, but I had used the fat humans of Wall-E's universe as test subjects. This is where the clinical trials had come from. 

Osbornes eyes went wide with disbelief when he looked at the trial studies. As he regained his composure and read the report I had given him, I looked at the menu and then motioned for the waiter to come over. "I'll have the wagyu topped with elvish garlic honey" I said as I got up from the table and went to the open bar to grab a full bottle of Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac Grande Champagne that had been aged for over a 100 years. The price tag for a bottle of this Cognac was no less than two million. It wasn't the most expensive alcohol they had here either, just the most expensive that fit my taste. 

Osborne seeing my taste in alcohol smiled. "You say for free, but then you rob me blind". 

"To our future business together" I said as i motioned for the waiter to pour both of us a glass. 

Osborne smiled even bigger. "We may be more alike than I first thought" he said as we both grabbed a glass and took a swig. 

We quickly created an atmosphere of brotherhood as we both drank and discussed the future like we were in some cheap ran down bar in the boonies. We were both scumbags that wanted something from each other. Norman wanted the wealth he could gain from being close to me and I wanted the power that was within his facilities so that I could make them my own. 

Our relationship was similar to the symbiotic relationship of a gold digging whore and a lonely old man that wanted to stick his dick into tight young pussy. Only nobody in this situation would be getting fucked. Norman would make lots of money and I would gain lots of power.