
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs


Because I had absorbed the morphing tech, I had a certain level of power over what I looked like in any form I morphed into. After landing I transformed back into my human form, only this time, instead of the tanned skin I usually went with, I changed my skin to a nice shade of brown and my hair was no longer straight, but curly. 

Looking at my reflection in the side of the building I had landed next to I couldn't help but smile at my new look. I looked kind of cool. With my new look I started walking with confidence towards where the tricorder picked up the strongest signal of vibranium. Apparently I looked confident enough, because nobody questioned my being there as I made my way closer and closer to my destination. 

The tricorder brought me to a vast hole that seemed to go deep underground for miles upon miles. With nobody currently around me I used my webbing and traveled down it. I saw many underground buildings with glass like windows that I could see in through as well as some high speed maglev trains that I knew were carrying large quantities of vibranium on them. 

As I webbed my way from building to building, I was looking for someone in particular and finally found her. I knew that if I could find Shuri, I could find her lab with all the tech. After spotting her I swung on my webbing and kicked towards the window with both feet breaking it. I landed about a foot in front of a mortified Shuri. As soon as I had landed alarms sounded in the building. I assume because I broke the shielded window, it automatically went off. 

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Asked Shuri

With the lights flashing and an alarm blaring, I knew it was a matter of time before guards made their way to me. Being this far under ground I couldn't open a portal to escape if I wanted, so I only had a few options. Grabbing Shuri as she tried to put up a fight I held my hand around her throat. "Lead me to the heart shape herb" I said as I grabbed a few small tech items that caught my eye and shoved them into my pockets. Unfortunately I didn't see the black panther nano tech necklace. I wondered if Shuri just hadn't made it yet. 

"I will not help you, kill me if you wish" She said as she closed her eyes and prepared for death. 

I sighed. "If you don't help me, I will kill everyone that I see until I find what I want" 

"Our people are a proud warrior race, we do not fear death and we are prepared to die to protect our culture and Kingdom" She said as she opened her eyes and looked to the side towards me. 

As she was talking a number of Wakandan guards made their way into the lab, but stopped in their tracks when they saw my hostage. 

"Don't worry about me and kill him" Spoke Shuri

The guards no longer hesitated upon hearing the order and ran towards me. Activating my lightsaber in my other hand I swiftly cut them down with very little fight in a matter of seconds. Shuri seeing this seemed to understand finally. 

"If you don't lead me to what I want, I'll continue to cut down everybody that we run into, even the children" I lied

Shuri stiffened under my hands grip "You monster... fine follow me" She then started to walk and I let go of her neck and tried to look natural as she led the way. As we headed down a hallway and rounded a corner we ran into some guards that were headed to the lab. Shuri seeing them spoke up first. "It's a false alarm, I had accidently caused an explosion in the lab that damaged part of the room, go back and report it as I have said". 

Shuri's calmness and intelligence amazed me. I would recruit her if I could, but I know that's not possible with how things are currently going. It was a shame. If she continued to do what I asked, there will be no more bloodshed and I can walk out without killing anyone else. 

As I was thinking this we arrived at the area they grew the heart shaped herb. "It's in this room, let me go in alone to get it, it won't seem odd for me to be there, but they will question it if you are there". 

Her words were convincing, but I was worried she would alert someone if she went in alone. "I'll be right behind you in there as well" I said before cloaking myself. Shuri seeing me cloak myself wasn't impressed, but she was slightly surprised. She grew up around cloaking tech all her life so it wasn't much to her, but it was interesting to her to see that it was another kind of tech other than wakandan like the sword of light she had seen earlier that she had never seen before.

"You seem to have some tricks" She said as we continued into the room with the heart shaped herb. 

Once inside she talked a bit with one of the people that watched over the plants and then slyly took an herb from under their nose. Not fully trusting Shuri, I grabbed another myself behind her back and placed it into my pocket before exiting the room with her and heading back to the lab. 

"You have what you want, now please leave and cause no more bloodshed" She said with a pleading voice just as we found ourselves back in front of the lab again. Opening the door to the lab, an old man and another man in his twenties came into view. 

"Father, brother, why are you here?" Asked Shuri 

I regretted deactivating my cloak on the way to the lab. I would have never had thought id run into both the King and the Prince in Shuri's lab. 

"Who is this man?" Asked the King

Shuri seemingly at a loss for words at first finally spoke. "He's my boyfriend". 

'Fuck' I thought. She should have just said I was an enemy, it's the same thing to these two I was sure. The two of them immediately looked me up and down with a frown.