
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

Sealed Envelope

Eli went to answer the door and let his mom rest and continue to watch tv. They were recording the historical moment anyway and he wouldn't miss anything. He knew his mother had been going through a lot and had started to do anything he could to lessen her burden.

Opening the door he came face to face with two Military men that looked extremely serious. The man on the left spoke first. "Are you Eli Wallace?"

Eli was stunned for a second. Over the last few years he had been dabbling in computer hacking and had hacked into a number of very secure government agencies including the NSA. He was sure that he had left no trace, but now that he was confronted by the two Military men in front of him, he wasn't so sure. He knew that they wouldn't have come to him if they didn't know for sure who he was and so he replied with honesty. "Yes, that's me... May I ask why you are looking for me?"

The two military men nodded at each other and the man on the right handed Eli a sealed envelope. It was old fashioned looking and had a wax seal with an E stamped into it. After taking the envelope, the military men both turned around and left without another word.

Worried it was a court summons or something equally as bad, Eli headed up to his room. He did not want to make his mom worry about him if it was a serious matter. Sitting in front of his computer in his gaming chair he nervously opened the envelope and a huge hologram appeared in front of him.

The Hologram was of the man he had just recently seen on the tv. The alien King of Ephyra. Eli was too stunned to move or speak and was even more so when the Hologram began to talk to him.

"Eli Wallace of Earth, I wish to invite you personally to Ephyra Kingdom to work for me. You will be one of only two on Earth that will be invited to join my crew and kingdom. If you choose to accept my invitation you will not only be given a royal title, but I will also personally cure your mother of her HIV. I have enclosed two rings in the envelope, one for you and one for your mother. Both of you need to wear it within 2 hours and keep it on if you wish to accept. If you are wearing the ring at that time, I will beam you to my City along with your mom".

When the hologram stopped speaking, it disappeared and the tech that made the hologram self destructed in a tiny explosion. Luckily it only smoked a little and did not cause a fire. Looking in the envelope, Eli found the ring that the hologram had spoken of and immediately put it on without thought. He cared for his mom and would do anything to cure her. Running down stairs he handed the other ring to his mom. "Mom, please put this ring on. I'll explain later."

Marian Wallace trusted her son and just thought the ring was a gift and so she put it on. "Oh! thank you Eli, it's very pretty."

Eli ran back up stairs and started packing everything he might need. He felt like he was dreaming. Was this a prank? Why him? He was just a kid that played video games all day and goofed off. Out of everyone on Earth he was one of two people selected to work alongside the King of Ephyra? It didn't make sense. How does the new Alien even know about him and his mom? Was he just randomly selected? What could he possibly need from him? The questions in his head were never ending.

After packing everything he felt his mom and him would need, he went downstairs and explained everything to her properly. She at first thought he was joking, but after seeing the seriousness of her son and showing her the envelope,, she eventually believed him.

"How could you not know why they would choose you? You are the smartest and kindest person I know". Marian said as she smiled at her son. "I just hope you aren't wanting to do this just to help me. Is this something you are interested in?"

Eli smiled at his mom. "Are you kidding? To be one of only two picked amongst earths full population and to work and learn alongside advanced aliens? I'm nerding out over here and can't contain my excitement. My only worry is that the aliens aren't as kind as they appear to be and I've signed up us both to be probed and dissected. "

"Oh? I thought it was the elves and bunny girls that would have caught your interest? Only, I wouldn't make any moves on the two you saw. Something tells me that King Sisyphus would not be so nice then. That big red man looks like he is made of nothing but muscle."

Eli agreed with his mom. He was a man of culture and could truly appreciate the Kings taste in women, but he would not dare ever look at those women in a lustful way. He could tell King Sisyphus would not stand for it.

'Maybe there are other bunny girls and elves I could meet in that big city?' Eli hoped.

"Mom, let's change the topi-"

As he was talking to his mom, they both beamed out of their house, leaving it empty and silent. The next thing the two saw was the King of Ephyra towering over them as he stood in front of them. Looking around they realized they had been transported to a very high tech looking room.

"Eli, Marian, I welcome you both to Ephyra Kingdom. Although only Eli will be working for me, both of you will need to live within this city from this point on for security reasons. I fear that someone may target your mom to get to you once they realize you work for me."

Eli tried his best to look professional and dignified as he stared up in awe at the King in front of him. It was one thing to receive an invitation, but it was a whole other matter to be transported into an alien city with an alien speaking perfect English to you. He just couldn't believe he of all people had been chosen. "I- I Understand sir ...king..."

Sisyphus shook his head at Eli's words. "Sir? Do I look like a sir? Just call me King Sisyphus or big bro".

Eli nodded his head. "Y-yes. So who is the other person chosen from earth and why was I chosen? if you don't mind me asking."

Sisyphus raised an eyebrow at his questions. "Doctor Carter will be here in the next few months more than likely if she accepts my invitation. As for why I chose you? It's because out of everyone on earth, I deemed you the most useful and worthy due to your intelligence, resourcefulness, and youth. Even if you may not see your value, I do. I will be announcing your official title as Earl of Ephyra to the world later this week, for now put on this Uniform and com badge. If you need help ask Vi'kog over there. While you do that I will go heal your mom".

Sisyphus pointed to the bald young guy that looked like he was somewhere between 17-19 as he guided Eli's mom somewhere else to heal her.

As he was walking away to change into the uniform that was given to him, he couldn't help but smile as he felt his life was starting to change for the better.