
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

Oscorp (part 2)

I waited a couple of weeks before acting. I felt if I went and robbed the place the day after it would be extremely suspicious. I didn't want to wait too long either in fear that the spiders would no longer be there. 

I had two hours to get in and get out which I felt was plenty of time. To be safe I also changed back into my Titan form before cloaking myself. I brought Vi'kog along after telling him the layout of the place. He had a separate task then me as we made our way inside the building at night when only the people working late were still here. 

As we both went our separate ways, I headed directly to Otto's lab to grab the spiders. On my way there I only saw three to four staff and one Janitor as I walked by them. With less people it was a lot easier to get where I needed without worry of being caught. 

When I found Otto's lab I was extremely disappointed to see he was still here looking as busy as ever. I admired passionate and driven people, but it's going to be a lot harder to steal the spider with him in the room. Looking at the man toil away for a company that doesn't give two shits about him made me pity him a bit. If this incident ends up getting him fired, I might extend my hand and hire him. It never hurt to have more Geniuses around you. 

Making my way to the Spiders as quietly as possible, I thought about how I should do this. I was originally just going to pick them up and walk out with them, but now that plan wasn't going to work. As I was thinking, Otto looked up in my direction.  "Is someone there?"

'Fuck' I thought. He must have insane senses. Thinking fast I took off my naquadah ring and laid behind the middle cage. I'll have to beam them out later. It was way too risky to try and walk out with them now. 

I could have probably just done this when I got the tour, but I would have had a lot more eyes on me including security cameras. I'm sure they would find it suspicious if I placed a ring on top of the very cages that later disappeared. 

Making my way back to the elevator, I found Vi'kog waiting for me. 

"Did you find what I asked you to find?" I asked him. Vi'kog pulled a key from his pocket which was attached to a necklace of sorts. He was smiling, clearly happy with the fact that he accomplished the task I had given him flawlessly. 

Looking at my trusted crew member I patted him on the back and spoke to him through coms via my mind. "From the moment I used you as a beginners shield, I knew you were worth keeping. I can truly rely on you Vi'kog". 

Vi'kog looked down in embarrassment and whispered back. "Thank you for your kind words my King, although I feel they are wasted on me. I am still lacking".

Grabbing the key and stepping into the elevator I made it clear to my crew member. "Nonsense, I don't say things that I don't mean. Youre doing great. Have more confidence in yourself. Why don't you find yourself some company tonight as a reward? I'll make myself scarce again." 

Since we had been living together, Vi'kog had brought many girls over to have sex with. After a while I noticed a pattern and had asked him why he chose chubby girls, he simply replied with "I like to grab onto things when I'm doing it". I didn't hate on him for it, we all have our fetishes'. I just would never have guessed a guy like Vi'kog had those sort of taste. He is very active in his training and had recently started training Eli who was looking more fit as well. 

As I turned the key into the elevator keyhole and pressed the button with the key instead of my finger, not wanting to leave any dna or fingerprints, it wasn't long until we found ourself on the secure floor. 

I instantly realized why this floor was cut off from the rest. It was a floor of only Military projects. I ignored everything in the room except for one thing that caught my eye. It was the tactical armor and glider that Norman later altered for the his green goblin persona. "Vi'kog give me your naquadah ring"

Vi'kog handed me his ring and I placed it next to the armor and glider before heading to the biolab nearby. It didn't take long to find what I was looking for. In a fridge of sorts I found many vials of the imperfect goblin formula. We didn't have any more naquadah to mark this area, so I grabbed all the vials present and placed them in my pockets. I could have just moved the vials and put them next to the glider and armor, but I was worried they would get damaged when I beamed them away. 

It seemed Norman didn't think anyone would ever steal from him. The only thing guarding this floor was a key elevator, cameras, and a few guards here and there. His security was severely lacking compared to my own. Of course he had motion sensors, but they were not on due to people staying late working.

After making our way back up inside the elevator, the doors opened to reveal Otto who paused for a second before entering. I slid by him as covertly as I could and so did Vi'kog. It wasn't until we stepped outside the elevator that Vi'kogs shoes had made a squeak noise on the freshly waxed floor which prompted Otto to look up in his direction. "So there was someone snooping around, how are you doing this? Some kind of cloaking technology?"

"No" I replied as I grabbed Vi'kog and we both made a run for it. After exiting the building we could hear the alarm going off and see flashing lights in the distance. Once we were back at our house/store, I immediately transported the items to our location with beaming technology. I had no idea how much of the space I needed to transport exactly so I was generous with the amount I transported and ended up beaming a big chunk of both labs. 

Everything I wanted from Oscorp was now in my hands. Looking at the spiders, I quickly headed to the basement and got to work, telling Vi'kog not to bother me for a while and to start selling the items we had discussed in the store once he was done cleaning uo.