
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs


The next day arrived and my whole crew including myself had been busy with preparations ever since I had informed Stargate Command that we would be meeting in twenty four hours . I had measured everyone and made a quick trip to the Gate world and then had Yōji get me some custom fit uniforms for my crew so we look more professional. I had given him a layout of how I wanted the design and he had them to me within a a few hours of me asking for them.

I had drawn up the designs myself. The women's uniform design consisted of a grey top with gold trim that extended past the waist in the back, gold shoulder pads, a high collar, golden cuff rings on ends of the sleeves, and a golden belt that went around the midriff. The uniforms pants were just plain black. The design gave off a professional yet elegant vibe.

I wanted something different for the male uniforms, so I added a bit more black and gold than grey. This uniform had a more masculine shoulder pad that was roofed by the golden shield of the top of the shirt which was inspired by my Titan armor. The bottom part of the shirt was grey and black, unlike the female uniform it did not extend past the waist. The pants were plain black. I made some dragon bracers to go with this uniform and gave them some golden plating so that it would match the rest of the design. The design gave off a professional yet fierce vibe.

The only two males wearing the male uniform was Yuto and Vi'kog. I wore my Titan armor as my uniform. It was important to set myself apart from the rest of the crew.

There were no ranks amongst my crew aside from me being the boss and here soon the King if things go well. On my crew I currently had Joppi and Vi'kog as my main hand to hand combat fighting force aside from myself, Jasmine and Tuka could conjure magic and were my only two mages currently, Wall-E was my recon robot, eve was on reserve for miscellaneous task, Yuna was acting as my secretary and Yuto was too young to be of any help in anything. Benny and his people were currently being trained in Agriculture by the Japanese in the Gate universe. They needed to learn how to use modern machines before working for me.

The gate room was currently sealed off and the rest of Atlantis could not be accessed without a command from myself. When my guest arrive, I had one room that was attached to the gate room set up as a conference room that we could all talk inside. Looking at the clock, I noticed it was finally time.

"Everyone get in the positions we discussed, I'm about to beam our guest here". After speaking, Joppi, Jasmine, and Tuka sat a console looking busy, Wall-E and Eve had no set command, so they played around with Yuto, Yuna was on my left as my secretary, and finally Vi'kog was on my right as my personal guard.

It was mostly theatrics, but first impressions were important. After everything was set and ready, I beamed the four naquadah stone holders to the gate room. I was expecting to see the full sg1 team, but was surprised to see I was wrong.

The four that were beamed to the gate room were General Hammond, Jack, Daniel, and Samantha Carter. I assumed they left teal'c behind for this one because this was a meeting with Earth and Teal'c was not from earth. I could understand why they picked these four though.

General Hammond is in a position to speak directly with the President and did so from time to time in matters like these, Jack was here in case things went sideways, Daniel was here due to his extensive knowledge in alien culture and language, and Samantha was here as support. She was not only trained in combat, but also had medical knowledge.

The four that just arrived looked around the room in awe before their eyes landed on the three of us in front of them. Not wanting to be rude to the new guest I quickly greeted them. "Welcome to Ephyra. Jack, Samantha, George, and Daniel, I've set up a conference room for our first meeting if you would please follow me".

The four seemed surprised that I knew who each of them by their face alone, but obediently followed me as I walked them to the conference room. I did not want them to tie this city to Atlantis so I renamed it on the spot. It was deceptive, but I didn't want to be tied to the Ancients too much if I could help it. Eventually they would meet the Asgardians and Ancients and if they spoke of Atlantis, It would cause me a headache.

When we all sat down at the conference table, I lead the room once again in conversation. "I only have three wants from Earth. I wish Ephyra to be a sovereign kingdom, I wish to open up an academy that children of earth that are at least 15 years of age can apply and be part of if approved, and I wish to offer a couple earthlings of my choice a chance to join my kingdom and crew".

"That's all you wish for? What would the people you pick be doing here exactly and what would your academy teach?" Asked General Hammond.

"The couple of earthlings I pick would be bridging our two civilizations, I figured this was the best way for us to gain earths friendship. If the UN accepts my proposal, I plan to offer royal titles to the two I choose to join my crew. As for what the academy will teach? It will teach a number of things including agriculture, alien languages, engineering, magic, and many other things".

Daniel perked up and spoke for the first time since his arrival. "Magic? We know such a thing doesn't exist. Is it not just technology?".

"Let me demonstrate a bit of magic" I said as I pointed my right hand towards Daniel, all of them except General Hammond had put their hands on their rifles, but didn't draw them, instead they kept them in a resting position as I levitated Daniels glasses off his face and then put them on the table using magic alone.

"What have I done to get this level of distrust from you?" I asked when I noticed how quick they were to grab at their rifles.

Samantha Carter spoke this time. "We are sorry, we just don't know you well enough yet and it was out of habit due to our dealings with the Goa'uld. Please understand. We did not mean to offend you. We very much wish to have good relations with you and your people".

I nodded my head. "It's okay, I have dealt with the Goa'uld myself, I know of their evil ways. I assure you we are nothing like them".

General Hammond who had been watching from the sidelines for a bit spoke up again. "Well, I believe the UN will probably agree to your terms, but I'm not making any promises. I don't want to sound greedy, but aside from sharing knowledge, is technology sharing also on the table?"

"Follow me" I said as I led them back to the gate room. I had known this question would pop up and had already prepared a few small items as gifts. I didn't need anything from them aside from their trust and goodwill so I could park my space car on their planet without being bothered and I did wish to open up an academy. Opening up an academy was a small step to a larger goal I had planned for later.