
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 16: A Steep Journey

"My man Trevor, You mad man! You really fucking did it." Behind me was a lackey, no, a comrade from my time in Colosseum. Of various race and expertise, they in that singular moment hailed me as a hero, or rather a twisted perception of it.

My mind went hazzy at that moment. The scenery, the applause, the scream, the fight, the death,.... My first conquest.

I was successful, very in fact. Yet there were no sense of satisfaction, inside my mind there were a hollow of void that keep asking for more. More what? I said to my mind. Of course there were no answer but I just kept moving forward. Perhaps I would find a meaning of this dissatisfaction during my journey. Nevertheless I should focus on what actually important right now.

It's been about 20 days since my departure from Colosseum and during that time although I've meet many hardship , yet none of it was really bothering me.

The remnant of the surviving rebellion group or rather the lucky hooligans who were able to escape from the authority with me, no more than 17 person or rather creature, we went west from Burnland City to the green mountain of Grim's Steep.

Contrary from what I read, living in a mountain was not that bad at least compared to my previous world. Technology combined with unique property of mythical creature made it possible to create things I've never imagine to be possible.

Nafrata, the curse magic user, she was also the my mentor that taught me about the deeper nature of my magic and the unknown magical side of this world. Here I'm deep in the mountain, contemplating my life while watching sun going down slowly. The hopeful violet color starts to fade into the darkness, and for that I....

"Tap!" I wash pushed against my back, no rather than push it was more like a big painful slap.

"What the hell are you doing here looking at the sky like a sissy? You a poet now or something?" I looked back at the nagging presence on my back, it was Theluz, that poor elf boy I drag into this mess.

"Well it just seems surreal to me. Don Westel, that invincible old man is dead and on our side we have his nephew as hostage."

"You tell me. Even if we have some magic user, the one that made this plan possible was you Trevor, they even give you the moniker Barbarous General, the man slayer of Burnland City."

"I don't know much about that city since I was no more than a passing visitor but I must say they do have a good sense of giving name. Barbarous general eh? Made me sounds like that legendary criminal Blackbeard."

We both looked at the sun set without exchanging word after that. A lot happen and no matter how tough me and the others were, in the end we were no God, we have mental limitation, we need a personal time to process big event happening upon us.

The sky turn dark, chilly wind was attacking us from all side, and the stars were smiling upon us. I smiled back at them and walk back to my camp, leaving Theluz who was still looking at the star.

In the bleak forest there was a faint light and shadow of many people were surrounding it. We tell a story of ourselves be it exaggerated or just as it is, we then laugh to our death. It's not quite a feast as our food was merely a watery soup made from root and local herb and our drink was no liquour but rather a glass of water mixed with crushed wild berry and some honey. We were miserable if you looked at us from outsider perspective but that was far from the truth because we knew when the new day come upon us, wealth would be something trivial and this moment will be seen in the future as a sweet memory.

At first the women were the one dancing but we became drank enough that now the men also join for their own share of performance. We were happy then and as much as I hate the other creature, I must say that this was the only time I ever felt like having true comrade watching my back.

Of course it's not all smooth as the fact that we were still in the forest should be noted. I was careless since I thought normal countermeasure for wild animal would work in this world but this world just keep me surprised. A snake that breathe ice, a bear that could change size, a pack of rat the size of hound, and a goat that could petrify those who look at its eye. It was not easy but compared to back then, we took it slowly, after all whoever the adversary maybe, we still want this joyous night to continue forever.

Monster keep coming, we slaughter them, we skinned, let out their blood, and grill them, then we continue to party. Some were too sick from eating too much and starts to sleep, others were still eating even after vomitting their stomach. A barbarous group without any manner lead by me, it's not a bad sight.

Ugh I woke up with a headache. I looked around and the others were still sleeping, near my waist was Astarte unconscious body. I sway her hair a little bit and looked at her closed eye. This girl had been through so much, hate her as I'm, the fact that I killed her sole family still doesn't change. Someday I to upon the completion of my quest would be judge as a sinner. After stroking my hand against her forehead a few time like those of owner and animal, I took of myself to a certain place that was excluded from the camp.

"Nafrata lift your camouflage, we need to move out now." As I said that, the scenery in front of me shatter and what appear to me was a woman in her underwear still half awake from her slumber.

"What's the hurry? I'm still tired from back then and if you assault me now I don't think I could even fight back." she said as she did a seductive pose.

I turned my back in response. "Hurry up and get dressed already, if we want to find your friend the botanist, we need to move before the search party could tracked us."

"Ghee you're not fun aren't you. But I do like that serious side of you."