
Their First Challenge With A Knight

A few students gathered around the booth when they recognized a new player mingling with their own basketball team.

"Is that Fabin from Yin Yang High?"

"Max Zhou's friend, right?"

"Someone from Yin Yang High is here?"

"Yeah, it's questionable. Why would they go to our lousy school when Yin Yang High has all the facilities they need?"

"Maybe he has a girlfriend here."

"Nah, that man is single."

Fabin enjoyed being the center of attention, so he stood tall and proud as more students gathered around them.

Yuze frowned in confusion as Kai brought Fabin to their booth. He stood and offered his hand to the second-year player.

"Fabin, right?" Yuze asked.

"Yes," Fabin said. "You're Yuze."

Yuze nodded in response, making Fabin smile.

"I've heard a lot about you from the news and from the other players. It's good to finally meet you up close. I've been wanting to play with your team."