
Chapter 42 I am not that kind of person

After Yu Fei landed two solid punches on Eddie Griffin, the true envoys of justice finally arrived.

They pulled the two apart, only to see Griffin with a bloody, bruised face, while Yu Fei's eyes blazed with fire, as if two punches were not enough to calm his rage.

"I'm going to kill you!" Griffin roared with hatred, "I'll definitely kill you!"

Yu Fei responded, "Come on then, I'm standing right here, you loser. Show me how you plan to kill me!"

The scrimmage was interrupted, and Griffin was persuaded to retreat to the medical room, while Yu Fei, by rights, should have been ejected from the game. However, the White Team only had five players.

Initially, The Celtics' coaching staff wanted to pull someone from the Black Team to join the White Team, but this was refused by the other four White Team players.

Therefore, Yu Fei had no choice but to continue playing, carrying two technical fouls that didn't really count for much.