
Basket OF Death

Rouy, a little boy with a bloody past, finds himself in another world, alone, with a void in the time of his life. here our MC try to get for himself a happy life but he find something he shouldn't, and because of it he become the enemy of the entire world, come with me to see how will Rouy pass these difficulties, challenges and how he will become the master of his destiny.

Barto_D_Raqi · Fantasía
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13 Chs


"don't lose his track, if we lose him this time we will never find another chance like this in the future.

Even if you have to sacrifice yourself to kill him, it's worth it"

A group of men with dark purple uniforms the one leading them Shout out loud while he was running at the front, it seems like they were after someone in this forest.

"if he passes the safe zone of the forest we will never get him even if the chance of his death is 95% in the forest, we can't let our guard down, we must kill him at all cost"

Even when he said safe zone, it means there is a chance humans can survive in it, even if the survival chance was 30%.


After running for more than 3 hours, his stamina went to almost zero, checking his behind, still could see the serpents after him.

"damn it, what dog sh$# luck I have to meat with that snake."

Finally, he reaches a dead end, on both sides death is his fate,

From behind a giant amount of serpents like thousands of them and in front of him was a sharp downhill, more than a thousand meters long and at the bottom a river running through it.

So he have two choices, one was to fight them face to face, and the other one to jump and depend on his luck to survive.

Actually, he only has one choice, the other one is death, by all means, he almost dies from fighting a baby serpent, so you can imagine what the result if he chose to fight them all


After deciding what to do, he takes a long breath, looking at the bottom for some time,

Closing his eyes and jumping down,

He knows death was in both choices but this choice has at least a 10% survival chance.

So he calms himself and jumps with courage if he dies, he dies trying to survive not dying cowardly.


After an unknown time passed....

He starts getting his consciousness back,

'am I dead?'

Opening his eyes slowly, checking his body, couldn't find any scratches on him,

He thought it was a miracle he survived,

"you awake young man"

A voice comes from nowhere, his voice has a very serious tone, and is full of energy, from hearing the voice one can tell it belong to a middle-aged man,

"I can't believe how you survived in this part of the forest with your strength. You're a lucky one indeed"

There was a little emotion in his voice,

Looking at his right side, there was a campfire, a man sitting near the fire with a stick in his hand and another one on the fire grilling fish with it.

The man age is between 32 to 35 years, with short black hair, 6 foot tall with a strong body,

Just looking at him you will know he is Martial art.

"Can you stand?" said while he was looking at the campfire,

"Who are you, uncle?"

"Who you're calling uncle? I am still 36"

"Sorry old man"

"sh%*, uncle is fine. If you don't come nothing will be left for you"

Getting on his legs with some difficulty, coming near the middle-aged man,

"have a seat, well not the fancy place to eat"

He smile at him and said again

"I have a ton of questions for you, but first what's your name?

I am Albert El-gralsin, I am....

Just surviving in this forest or trying to"

Trying to say something but stopping himself.

"I am Rouy, looking for a village or city nearby"

"Village? City? Are you nuts or crazy?

who will live here in this dame forest"

The middle-aged man was surprised and a little shocked,

"kid, where are you from? How can you not know what damn place is this? Actually, how did you survive until now?"

"will actually I lose my way and can't return to my village"

Saying that with a weird smile on his mouth,

"do you even believe yourself? Village? In this forest? Try something else."

"who said it's in the forest, just on its border."

"do you know how far the border you talking about? It's 20 days running from here."

There was a shocked expression on Rouy face when he knows how far the distance becomes,

A happy big smile showed on his innocent face.

"Really? Thank God"

Looking at the middle age man expression, he knows he lost himself for a moment.

Looking at him while thinking finally he said

"can we go together to the village?"

"don't be ridiculous, I can't make sure of my safety let alone yours."

"I will take your share if you don't want it"

"don't... I want it, I want"

Takes the fish very fast and starts digging afraid of him taking it from him.

"slow down, it will not disappear"

"thanks for the meal."

"So where are you going now? If you don't want to leave the forest?"

OK.. ok, I will leave you with your survival game alone, just tell me which direction lead to the village."

" Go straight in this direction, after 15 days or so you will find a very creepy, big, and dangerous hill, separate the forest into two-part, and there is only a wooden bridge to cross to the other side, this bridge is called the life and death bridge because one part the chance of survive is 30% an... "

" So this must be the life part, then why do you want me to cross to the death part?"

" where is your manner kid? we are in the death part and the survival chance for humans is less than 1%."

" what?? Just 1% then how did you survive, actually why are you here? "

" look who is asking? Aren't you survive the forest as well. Why don't you tell me how you did it??? "

" well it doesn't matter anyway, you die, you survive, it depends on your luck," says the middle-aged man.

"Last question and I will go on my way.

Did you save me from the river?"

Are you mocking me? I can't save myself, how can I save you"

Looking at Rouy, losing himself for a moment,

"never mind, just go and be more careful."

Rouy know immediately Albert was his savior.

He bow down to him and said,

"thank you for saving my life, I will return your kindness one day."

"Like I said I didn't do anything. "

"No, my mother told me you have to return kindness with kindness, offensive with forgiveness. "

The middle-aged man looked at him with a Strange gaze,

" How on earth did make it with this kind of mind, if you didn't die here, you will die in the hand of humans."

When he heard that, Rouy remember the war that made by human greed and how he lost his family, his gaze turn colder and colder with each second, and his hand made a fist and said,

" I know this better than anyone, beast or animal attack or kill to survive, that normal but human... No one knows what's in their mind, they are the real beast and the most dangerous one."