
Based adventure

Welcome to based adventures, prepare for an ongoing adventure of JoJo things chapter 5 is out might be paused on the 15th of September

Wikileaks06 · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 5- Neutrals

Background- Josuke and Okuyasu Walks over

Tris- *looks over*

Tris- Chile, We have to leave right now

Chile- And Why is that?

Tris- don't ask questions we need to leave

Josuke- And where do you think you're going?

Tris- Fuck

Okuyasu- Oi, Josuke, I think these guys are stand users

Josuke- Really? You guys are stand users *pulls out shining diamond*

Chile- CHRIST, THAT MF LOOKS STRONG *summons North Side*

Tris- Chile calm down, idiot

Chile- I am calm, just thought I could show him my stand

Josuke- Hey Okuyasu, this guy reminds me of someone

Okuyasu- Really?! Who though?!!??!

Tris- you, you Idiot

Josuke- Hey, don't call him an idiot, I know he is one but still, c'mon dude (how did he know?)

Tris- alright, whatever you say

Okuyasu- How do I know that you're not an enemy stand user

Josuke- what are you talking about?(damn I know he low but not this low)

Tris- and enemy stand user? You have to be dumber than I thought

Okuyasu- Only a Stand user would say that

Tris- ok would an enemy stand user pull out their stand to fight you right now?

Josuke- speaking of stands, what is your stand?

Tris- great question


All but Chile- No one cares!

Tris- it like a tie on who dumber you or Okayasu

Okayasu- hey, i'm not that stup-

Josuke- wait, how did you know his name was okayasu?

Tris- You guys have been saying his and your name, Josuke.

Josuke- really?

Tris- where is jotaro?

Josuke and Okuyasu- YOU KNOW MR. JOTARO?!

Tris- Yeah, he was here earlier speaking of him there was this person named Koichi too I think that was there name, no yeah that was their name, Koichi

Josuke- Hold on Mr. Jotaro and Koichi would have said they know you.

Tris- it was only recent

Chile- We got in this big fight with this weird accountant lady and this other dude, they were both stand users.

Tris- sadly, Koichi has died in this battle

Josuke- Hah, ok, yeah sure. Now I know you're bullshitting. Get a load of these guys, Okuyasu.

Tris- I would laugh too but this is an important matter

Chile- Hey I know we're being all serious right now but, what's up with your hair Josuke?

Okuyasu- DON'T-

Chile- It looks like shit.


Chile- What- *Gets absolutely destroyed by Shining Diamond*

Tris- chile you dumb ass, don't talk about people's hair *pulls out evolution Act: 3* *Time Rewind on chile* and now that your healed *punches the fuck out of Chile*

Okuyasu- hey, only shining Diamond can heal cuts and stuff

Tris- Well sorry to break it to you but Shining Diamond also isn't the only stand in za warudo (unbelievable right)*starts to withdraw stand*

Jotaro- *starts walking back* hey I almost forgot- CHILE, TRIS, JOSUKE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE

Chile- you see josuke and okuyasu know that we where stand users so i pulled out my stand to show them and then I ended up tallin-

Tris- talking shit about josuke's "hair"

Josuke- Jotaro, listen these guys are useless

Tris- yeah, "useless"

Jotaro- that's enough

Chile- I'm not done yet

Jotaro- I said that's enough

Tris- it's starting to get dark come on Chile let's go before things ramp up

Okuyasu- He's right Josuke we better leave before it get more dark it would really suck if we had to fight an enemy stand user in the dark

Tris- yeah..