
Banished & Forgotten

The useless hero who was summoned along with his classmates Once treated like a shield until he became unnecessary, which turn him useless He was banished for being useless but killed for amusement He who was cursed, sealed and forsaken will rise again from the deeps of the Abyss But will he get revenge on those who cursed, sealed, used and killed him or will he do as he please in this new world of magic Only time will tell Let the once useless hero decide their fates

Negate_DY · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Unreasonable Action

Opening his eyes, Qendrim felt the demons in the adventurers' guild and all eight inns (includes the one he's in) putting barriers around it like last night. They made sure to isolate them with stronger barriers because of that mysterious killing intent they felt yesterday. The next moment, inside the Sea Wave Inn, the demons began taking action just like their fellow demons have.


"On it" said the demon name Betis  

He activated an item that blocks the use of mana within the Inn, then proceeded to use illusion magic to make things appear normal from the outside without being noticed. Since it was dawn and things were basically quiet throughout the city for now, it was the best time to start.

"It's done" said Betis

"Alright let's do as planned once we receive the signal" 

Saying that the signal they were waiting for happened as the communication device they had glowed as someone began talking. 


"Yes sir" 

Saying that, they were about to move forward with the plan when they felt the same killing intent from yesterday which stopped them in their tracks as they were on guard.

"You all feeling this too"

"Yeah it's feels like the one from yesterday" 

"But who could it be everyone should be unable to detect us"

"I don't know but whoever it is, this killing intent isn't something to scoff at"

"Yeah whoever this person is, they must be high ranking to have such strong killing intent"

"Stay alert we must complete our mission even if it cost us our lives" 

"Do you think something will go wrong"

"No this plan is sure proof after all this isn't the only place being targeted"

"Interesting do tell" spoke a frightening calm cold voice out of nowhere

"Wh-who are you..Show yourself"

After telling the voice to show themselves, they saw a young male who looked to be in his late teens with an expressionless face wearing all black walking out of a shadow in the room. This person was Qendrim who made them wary and confused.

"H-how long have you been here" gulped the demon who appears to be the leader of the group

"About a month or two" said Qendrim

"I mean how long..."

"I know what you mean but do I really have to explain, I hate explaining things the most" he said without any change in his expression

"Th-then why are you here" asked another demon as they were still in disguise for other reasons

"Why are you here, isn't there conflict between demons and humans" said Qendrim with a question of his own

"Wha.. How did you know we're demons" said another demon


"Since you're not going to answer any of our questions and seeing as you're aware of what we are.. We'll have to get rid of you quickly as possible" said the leader demon

"You-you're that guy from yesterday" said Betis as he finally talked after realizing where he saw him before

"You remembered.. I'm impressed" replied Qendrim with the same cold tone even when he was being sarcastic 

"Who is he, Betis" asked the leader

"Mindos don't you remember the guy who walked passed us right after we felt that…" started Betis the thought about something

He looked at Qendrim who was just standing there not even caring about the fact they're demons or even scared by the fact, which got him to thinking about that killing intent from yesterday and earlier. 

"T-that was y-you yesterday?" asking but also confirming his thoughts 

"What was him yesterday" asked Mindos

"Are you talking about that warning then yes it was" said Qendrim

"What warning" asked Mindos

"The killing intent that lasted for a second yesterday which was the same as the one now.. I thought they felt similar but I wasn't too sure" said Betis

"You mean that was him but this one was weaker than the one from yesterday are you sure" asked one of the other demons as they were still on guard ready to attack as time was wasting 

"I'm sure of it but why.. Were you already aware of us being demons" asked Betis 

"Of course I have, even the demons who are in the adventurers' guild as well as the other inns and those who are about to attack from both the sea and land… isn't that the other part of your plan to get rid of all potential threats" said Qendrim as he just stared at them

"He even knows about that but how" said Mindos

"He…. That feeling I had yesterday like someone was watching us, wasn't just my imagination.. It was you" asking Betis as he gulped a little

"I didn't felt anything like that yesterday when did you feel it Betis" asked Mindos

"When we were going over the plans"

"What how no one should had been able to do that when we put up barriers" said another demon

"I know but somehow he did, I just know it somehow" said Betis 

"It doesn't matter he will die just like the rest of the people in this city" said one of the last to unnamed demons

"Do you think you can do this quickly Orak" asked Mindos 

"Yes he probably had some kind of item that he used to enter undetected that's all" he said

"Then we'll continue with the plan so hurry up" replied Mindos as the three of them was about to leave Orak to get rid of Qendrim

"For a human you sure are stupid is was better if you had stayed hidden" replied Orak grinning as he got ready to make his move

But before any of them could move, Qendrim spoke and did something unimaginable to the four people as well as all the demons who were attacking the city at this moment against some guards, and adventurers who were outside. 

"I wasn't going to step in as you were only targeting adventurers which I could care less about but you did something you should never have done" said Qendrim as he stopped the four in stride as they were moving to do what they came to do.

"What's going on how come I can't move" asked Orak angrily 

"Neither can we what's happening" said Mindos

"I-is this your doing" asked Betis to Qendrim

"What do you mean, it can't possibly be him" said Mindos 

"Did you forget no one but us can use magic right now so it's not possible" said the last unnamed demon

"Tonais' right it's can't be him" replied Mindos

"Then there must be someone close by, that's strong enough to stop our moments plus haven't you three noticed we can't use mana either" said Betis a little angry 

"Is what you're saying true" asked Mindos

"Try then" said Betis 

Hearing that they tried for themselves but got could channel their mana at all which caused them to panic and confused because of it.

"What?.. How?... Why can't I channel my mana" said Orak as the once grinning face showed panic now

"Shouldn't you have already figured out why after all he told you didn't he" said Qendrim as he just watched as they looked from him to Betis back to him

"You mean it's your doing but how.. I don't feel any mana coming from you" said Mindos

"Does it matter what I say.. You'll all be dead soon" said Qendrim as he released killing intent stronger than earlier even stronger than yesterday as well but it covered the whole city and the ships along with the demons outside the city gates

He made sure only demons could feel this as he made sure they didn't die from it. As the adventurers, who were fighting the demons, saw as they stopped moving then became extremely frightened by something that confused them. Just as they were about to continue the battle something even more unexpected happened in front of them.

They saw as the few hundreds of demons vanished into thin air right in front of them. One of the adventurers, who was a S rank adventurer, spoke out loud to what everyone was thinking

"What just happened and How?" 

Not knowing or getting an answer, they decided to first make sure the city was okay as they heard demons were attacking from the sea too and could possibly be inside the city already. Once they were in the city it seems things were the same as before as if nothing happened and they even went to the ports to check. 

Seeing the other adventurers and guards there they confirmed there was an attack from the sea but no demons were around other than dead ones. And surprisingly no one was dead from either battle which was a good thing but bizarre from the enemy they faced which were demons.

The S rank adventurer who spoke earlier walked up to a man who had a scar on his the right side of his face and asked him a question

"Guildmaster Gorven what happened here, wasn't there an attack by demons here" he asked

"Oh Adam.. Hmm how should I put this… yes there was but while fighting them, all of them stopped moving as they were also unable to use magic but we have no clue as to why it happened… What about you all what happened on your side" asked Guildmaster Gorven

"Well the same thing happened on our end they just all froze as if something scared them but then.." started Adam as Gorven finished his sentence for him

"They vanished" 

"So the same happened here" said Adam

"Yeah but what or who could of done that and are they on our side or not" said Gorven as he was just unsure of things as of now

"Hopefully this means who or what done it was on our side if not" said Adam

"I know but for now I'll report this to the city lord.. Tell everyone to gather all the demons' possessions and take them back to the guild.. We'll distribute it among everyone accordingly" spoke Gorven to Adam 

"No problem" he answered 

"Oh and check the inns it doesn't seem like all the adventurers are here" he said again

"Okay" said Adam as he left to give instructions 

"What was that feeling I got the moment before they vanished, it felt the same as yesterday.. without that we would of been truly helpless from the attack" mumbled Gorven as he left to report to the city's lord

Elsewhere all the hundreds of demons that were just in front of the city gates, on the port and ships appeared out of nowhere front a valley entrance. They still couldn't move or use mana as they were scared by that strong killing intent. But soon they were more shocked by how all the demons that were attacking both sides of the city were together right now.

They were all thinking why, how and who did it as they even saw all their comrades that were at the Coastal City just a few seconds ago even their Generals were here. They didn't have a clue what was going on as some were about to ask their generals but stopped as they saw a human appeared in front of them at that moment which shocked them more. The Generals who haven't said anything as of yet were shocked as well.

The human, who was Qendrim, looked at the demons the same as always as Split spoke in his mind for the first time now.

'So do you want to finish this or should I" he asked

'I'll finish this, they did something that was beyond disrespectful' said Qendrim to Split in his thoughts

'I see well go head' 

"Human, who are you" asked one of the Demon Generals

"Are you one of those summoned heroes" asked the other one

Qendrim just looked at them without emotion as he said

"Why are dead people asking questions for…. Does it really matter who I am" 

"Wha.. y-youuu…" started the one who ask who he was

"But I'll answer this one question.. do you hear me, Demon Commander" said Qendrim as he knew they were in communication with a Demon Commander when he brought them here

"H-how did you" said the Demon General who asked if he was a summoned hero

He didn't answer that as he only said one

"I'm not one of them" he told them

"Then how could you…" started one of the Generals 

Before he could finish asking, Qendrim used his negation to negate the air from inside the hundreds of demons bodies as they began struggling to breathe. They started dropping like flies as they couldn't breathe anymore. The stronger one struggled for a little longer before succumbing to not being able to breathe anymore and died too.

They died without knowing who this human was or where he came from, all they knew was he was a terrifying existence and couple with his expressionless face he, it make him even more terrifying.

After the demons died he collected all their possessions then picked up the communication device they were using to communicate with one of their commanders. He looked at it then spoke into it.

"I know you're still listening.. even listening as they struggle to live… but all I have to say is... that's one" crushing the devices after saying that then turning the bodies into ashes and collecting their cores. 

"I thought we were going to let them do what they want as long as the inn family wasn't involved" asked Split

"I was but like I said before they did something unforgivable" replied Qendrim

"And what's that because it's if they did go after the family you were just going to kill them and that's it not get rid of all of them" spoke Split

"Ahem well that is…" he was interrupted by Split as he knew what was so unforgivable that he got rid of all of them 

"It was that they woke you from your sleep, wasn't it" said Split

"Something like that" said Qendrim not denying or confirming it

"And I thought I was the most unreasonable one between us" said Split grinning with Qendrim's body which is also his 

"Who says only one has to be" replied Qendrim 

"Touché" answered Split

"Well let's go back I'm want to sleep some more" 

"So it was that… well whatever.. So what about him" asked Split

"I got plans for him I'll make sure no one knows who or what he is" said Qendrim

The one he was referring to was a demon who was unconscious as he was the only one to be spared by Qendrim. He was someone Qendrim found interesting and had plans for.

"I see interesting indeed" 

"Yeah but that's for later as of now I just want to sleep" he said as he disappeared with the demon named Betis

Somewhere on the Demon Continent, the Demon Commander who was listening to everything on the communication device spoke after communication was cut off.

"Interesting so you're not a hero.. I can't wait to meet you… Avion" 

"Yes sir" said Avion

"I'm going to Demon Lord Attis I'll be back in a few days" said the demon commander as he got up from his chair and turn to leave after telling his 2nd in command

"Yes sir Commander Rovex" 

"Make sure the other generals have completed their tasks" said Commander Rovex 

"Yes Commander" replied Avion

"Things are turning out more interesting then I thought" mumbled Commander Rovex walking out the room