
Hello, Happy World l! 3

All of us were looking at Kokoro after hearing her idea. All of the one who heard it showed different kind of expression.

"Uhm... I think that's not a very good idea" Misaki was saying that with a troubled face

"W-Will we doing those kind of thing again and w-with more crowd this time" Maybe Kanon was imagining something, her face became very red.

I heard from them later that they did pose as a hero in the past to encourage some kid in the hospital to do her rehabilitation.

"But Mii-kun it will be very bad if the children is sad... I will do it with you Kokoron" Hagumi was saying that with a determined face. It seemed she was seriously considering the act.

"Kokoro.... this is..." Kaoru was speaking without her usual vigor. Now that I remembered it, Her information include that she was a member of drama club in her school. She was really popular not only with her fellow students but also with the townsfolk.

I could understand a bit. She might not agreed with participating in the show halfheartedly like this. It was normal sometimes for someone who was dedicated to their craft had their pride on it. It was possible that the audience won't like our performance. So with that, I thought she-

"such a good idea..What is this sensation...? Long has it been since the last time my heart ached like this.... none shall quench the passion that burn within me...ahhh, How fleeting"Lets just forget what I thought a few moments ago. She even shine more brilliantly than usual. But are you really okay with this Kaoru? maybe sensing the turmoil in my heart someone placed her hand in my shoulder. Misaki with her deadpan eyes was looking at me

"Don't worry,you will get used to it"

"You seemed to had it hard Misaki" I didn't know how many times I will said it to her in the future. My condolences.

"Okay, welp. Because the three idiots already had the same opinion, looks like we are doing this, Kanon-san Elliot" She was smiling brightly, her smile was like a person who already got used to the unreasonableness of the world

"M-Misaki-chan hang in there" Kanon was consoling Misaki with her word. It seemed she was used to it.

"Wait, you mean I already included... well I guess I can help because I already promised." I didn't know what would happened if I refused here

The one who was silent throughout their conversation, the manager jump in their conversation with a pessimistic tone.

"I know all of you want to help, but I don't think it is a good idea. This hero show is really popular, so it is possible that you will get negative reaction from the audience"

The manager sounds concerned with her voice. I know where she came from. Even though, it was not their fault, the audience won't care about that. Their disappointment could be turned to these girls for the one who replaced the hero show. Even though most audience will be children, I was sure there will be adults and teenagers fans as well.

"We don't even know if your performance will help" she continued to convince them.

"hmm... don't really know what you mean by that...We haven't even tried yet." Kokoro answer was still the same. She didn't even flinch a bit and look straight at the manager.

"Whether it'll work, or be a failure... There's no way to tell unless we try! Which means that if we try, it might work. I think it'll definitely work!" There were no lies in her words. It was a pure genuine feeling. The manager was taken aback in amazement.

I can felt her sincere feeling. I was amazed, Did she not fear failure? The other hearing their leader determination also started to talk

"Yeah... I don't want to see the children sad... Please let us do it" With a determination, Hagumo was saying it clearly

"Kokoro-chan Hagumi-chan" Kanon looked worried at the two, but she didn't stop them

"Fufufu... such a splendid determination Kokoro, Hagumi. How about it Manager, Can you give us a chance, I promise we will give a splendid performance worth remembering" Kaoru was also asking it in a serious tone.

"*sigh*... I hoped you can let us perform" Misaki looked reluctant to take part at first, but she joined them to ask the manager.

The manager was looking at the girls with a complicated expressions.

"Are you sure about this? Why are you going this far?" She didn't understand what drove them to do this

"Because our purpose is to make the world smile!?" An impossible dream that can be mistaken as a joke, but coming from Kokoro mouth.It seemed it was her genuine feeling

The manager was silent for a while. But after that she arrived at her decision. She raise both of her hand indicating surrender.

"Making the world smile, huh...Okay, I lose... You can replace the Ultra Ranger show"

"Yay... we did it Kokoron"

"Don't be happy yet you two... We need to prepare for the show..." Misaki reprimanded them softly. Eve though like that she also showed a small smile.

They looked happy because their request was accepted. Actually the hard part will come now, We only had a few hours before the show. They gathered together and discussed what they will do. I approached the manager who was looking at the girls from HaroHapi.

"Are you sure letting them to replace the hero show is a good choice" I asked the manager, It was still risky. There wasn't a guarantee that it won't make thing worse.

"I don't know... but seeing their energy, I can't refuse them"

"Well I can't deny it" It was hard to refuse when someone asked you so earnestly. I was also part of this now, I guess I will also do my best.

"And their word resonate with my heart... If only I do it in the past" She was looking up like reminiscing her past.

"Did something happen?" She looked so sad, so I unconsciously asked her

"I was actually a queen in a SM club in the past... But I didn't know since when but I forgot how to smile and enjoy my job..."

Some surprising information came out from her mouth like it was normal. SM club? what a coincidence I was also a member. To think there were other magician in the area. Still, Queen? she might be a strong one.

"I still remember about it my customer smiling when I strike them with my whip"

Shit, it was the real one. It was not a joke like the one Zelretch made. My skin started to crawl and I started to feel cold. My sense telling me something will happen. My guessed was right, after a few moment a sound was heard.




| 1. Participate in Hello, Happy world! activity |




| 2. Search for solution for Ultra Ranger problems |




| 3. Revive the glory of the Queen |



No matter what happened, I swear I won't choose the third one.

"Now that I think about it... This job as a manager didn't really suit me... Would you like to hel-"

Before she can finish her words, I started to shout at the girls group.

"Ah!? Kokoro did you call me!?... I am sorry I didn't hear you!? you should speak louder next time!?"

Like running away, I disappeared from her side and appeared near the girls group.

"Well too bad... Lets just search around in town after this show... " She sounded disappointed for a few moments but the once dead fire was now burned brightly.

"oh Elliot we just discussed what should we do for the show" Kokoro said welcoming me

"You look busy talking with the manager... are you done?" Misaki asked me sound worried.

"Yeah lets talk about the hero show." I speak to them. lets focus on important thing for now.

We talked about the plan and how we will approached the show. First from the costume, when I talked with the manager, the people in suit gave six mask in different color and style to the girls. Lets not ask how they can procure them so quickly. However it was only the mask, they can't provide the usual costume maybe because they didn't put me into the equation. We decided that we will just use the mask and Kanon and hagumi will change to an easy to move clothes. They were wearing skirt right now, Lets avoid some fan service scene in the show. We also procure some tools from the other staff of the events

"This mask made me feel nostalgic" Kanon was saying that while remembering something.

"We were doing Hero show to encourage Akari in the past, right" Hagumi said that with a smile on her face

"Well it was a failure though" Misaki, was interjecting from the side

The second were about the flow of the story. It will be hard for us to write something decent in this short amount of time, so we will just ad-lib for the show. We only need to decide how to open the show, the middle part, and the climax. Kaoru was a member of drama club, so she could give pointer and tips for ad-libing. There was one problem though.

"It will be hard for the fight scene huh" Kaoru said looking worried. It was hard to choreograph move in just a few hours

"Well how about you left it to me" I decided to offer my help in this part

"Do you have idea Ell-kun?" Hagumi said while looking at me

"I-I can't fight" Kanon was worried. She never fight in her life and she was not very athletic.

I explain my plan to them. They just need to attack me seriously and I will coordinate the move. They were skeptical about it at first. But after I showed some example with the other staff, they were convinced.

"I can't wait for this... lets huddle up everyone" We got close together in circle and put our hand on top of each other. It seemed we will be doing yell.

""Happy! Lucky! Smile! yayy~!?"" We did it together. It was kind of embarrassing, but I guessed its fine once in a while

We discussed the other detail and practice for a bit. When we knew it the time had passed. It was time for us to perform.




The MC informed that the Ultra Ranger show was cancelled and HaroHapi Ranger show will replace it. As expected, the sound of disappointment was heard from all of the audience. Some of the younger children even cried.

"Why did they cancel it?" Some man was complaining in a loud voice.

"And what the heck is HaroHapi Ranger anyway" The other also showed their displeasure.

Sbut the MC kept talking ignoring the audience and smoke started to fill in the stage. Even then the crowd noise didn't stop. A man appeared from the smoke, he was wearing casual clothes. The only things that stated he was a character of this show was the black mask and cape he wore. it was actually quite lacking costume for an hero show.

"Seriously, they didn't even have a proper costume"

"Give us Ultra Ranger!"

The man just stood silently, accepting the displeasure. The others who were feeling uneasy started whispering from their place behind the stage.

(D-do you think Ell-kun is okay like this) hagumi sounded really worried

(Fuee.. it was worse than I thought... I-is it okay like this Misaki-chan) Kanon asked Misaki for confirmation to calm herself down

(Don't worry... He said it himself that he will handle it) Misaki decided to put her trust in him.

(Believe in him little kittens... there are time when a man need to act... we only need to act as our role dictated) Kaoru tried to calm the other down

(I can't wait to go out... I am so excited) Kokoro can't calm down her beating heart

(there seemed one person who can't read the atmosphere here) Misaki said sarcastically

I looked at the audience. Well, I already expected their reaction, but to think it was this big. Those troupe might be more popular than I thought. Well, I convinced the girls to leave the opening to me, so I guess need to do my best. Don't want my impression to drop in front of them.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I need to get the amount right. The audience can't see it but I opened my eyes slowly. If I used too much, the audience might felt too scared. When I saw that it was enough I opened my mouth.


It was a soft voice, but all of the people heard it clearly. Suddenly, Silence was surrounding the audience and the stage. It was an application of Musician skill and intimidation, to make them focus and listen to my voice. All of the attention of the people then started to focus on one place.

((amazing)) from the back, the girls were amazed by what is happening.

"*chuckle* Sorry to disappoint you but I will be hijacking this show now" With that as a cue the HaroHapi Ranger show started.


grendcreators' thoughts