
Are you my master?

Heroic Spirits are spirits of heroes who achieved great deeds in life, having become objects of worship after their deaths. Heroic Spirits were beings of a higher existence woven from the ideals of people all throughout. They are being freed from the constraints of time itself and removed from the ring of reincarnation, moved to the Throne of Heroes.

Heroic Spirits are most normally summoned by the World as a power that protects humans, so they cannot be controlled by humans without something like the Holy Grail or a similar kind of power to summon them. Only the World itself can summon the "main body" of Heroic Spirits, so humans can only summon emanations of the heroes, such as through the Servant system, even with something like a Holy Grail.

As beings outside of time, they can be summoned to any era regardless of the notions of past and future, even if summoned to when their human selves have yet to die or when they have yet to be born.

Even though like that, it seemed with my reward, It was possible for me to summon an heroic spirit without an holy grail. I guess this ability will act as substitute for the power.

In my previous life, I still remember that there were 7 classes of servant that can normally be summoned which were Three Knight Saber, Lancer, Archer, and four cavalry Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker. However after some time, it was known there were several other extra classes that can also be summoned. The one I knew was Avenger and Ruler. I didn't know whether there were other because I died before they were introduced.

But I bet my money that, there will be some other class someday. who knows maybe someday, there will be boxer servant or maybe chef servant.

Now lets continue. The servant was something that was popular in fate universe. In this world where all kind of gods and demons still roams the land, There are several differences of history from the fate universe. Of course in Fate universe or should it be called Nasuverse? there were already a lot of alternate timeline, so with one new one, I think there won't be a problem.

The most noticeable difference was in the end of the Age of Gods or Mystic and the start of the age of man. In the original, Most of the phantasmal species ceded the Earth's surface to humans and moved to the Reverse Side of the World.

Here most of the Gods and phantasmal species create their own pocket world. There were some who split their selves into two and lived in their new world and Reverse Side of the World. But, it was hard for them to go back from the Reverse Side of the world.

That was why, there was decline in the power of the Gods and demons from the ages of gods. They were still strong but not as strong as in their prime. Of course some of them died in this side because of their war.

Because population of humanity grew explosively, Gaia has favor human greatly. As a result a component of Gaia (will of the planet) called Alaya was born. Alaya served as collective unconscious will of mankind to avoid extinction.

They were described as passive spirals of energy that respond to threats of planet destruction or human extinction. Both of them were called counter force. The Counter Forces are always active, constantly steering mankind and the planet away from potential danger and extinction. Usually, the Counter Forces act indirectly. It was one of the reason human still survived until this day. Of course there were loopholes that can be exploited.

I will stop at that with the theoretical stuff and see what I am doing right now.

After Getting the reward from the mission. I started to prepare the material and ritual for the summoning to increase the like hood to success.

Zeltrech helped with a lot of stuff after hearing what I was going to do. He also send me a message to meet Bazet when I had the time because he got a good gift for me.

Whatever it was, it must be something bad. I decided to put it for later and focus on the summoning.

I was here in a temporary workshop in a mountain somewhere. Tonight the leyline magic will reach its peak, so it was the best time to do the summoning.

I looked at the magic circle at the ground which I developed with Zeltrech. I can use the system to do the summoning but it cost GP and I didn't believe the rate up from my system.

It was quite similar with the Fuyuki ritual magic circle with some differences here and there. With this I can use several catalyst to increase the chance of success.

I put all of the catalyst in its place. An ancient japanese sword, a fragment of broken red spear, A shard of a famous table and the last was a strange rosary that Zeltrech gave me. He called it Rosarium de Clavis Argenteus. He said to take it as catalyst too while grinning. He got it from his trip to different world line.

Even though I am skeptical of using it, at least it increase the chance of success.

So the catalyst and place already completed. The only one left was the nature of the summoner. It was possible to summon servant with different personality from the summoner but it was one of the factor that affect the summoning.

Now lets imagine what kind of servant I will summon with just my personality.

Lets just say that I had a dominant otaku personality, what kind of servant will I summon that has similar nature? Then what I imagine is BB.




Now, what I mean was not that cute kouhai with big breast but the Otaku Pirate Black Beard.

Black Beard : "My goodness! what a coincidence! Fahaha! Blackbeard has come to see you! Green is the enemy!"

I Imagine him appeared from the circle.

Just in case, I prepared my weapon. At least, I will send him to throne of heroes swiftly. No hard feeling teach but We only need one pervert in this story.

Okay then, I rechecked the ritual again. then I started it. I spoke the chant of the summoning. The magic circle started to glow.

[Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let [the world] be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of my summon.

Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here.

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

you shall live with me in this life.

For you would be my new family.

I shall protect you and you shall protect me.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,

come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!]

I altered a bit of the chant. My purpose here was not to fight in the holy grail war. It was just to use the ability that I got and maybe made some new friend.

Even I got excited to meet someone who carve their name in history. I only half-joking when I said, I will send Teach asap back to the throne. Yeah half anyway.

The four catalyst start to glow in light after the chant. I waited patiently when suddenly a bright light envelope me.

Strangely an illusion came to me. Is this some side effect of the ritual.

Over there I saw a kid and a lot of corpse. the kid had a similar face with me when I was kid. They were looking at me and muttering something.

Angry at their words I respond to them.

Elliot : (Shut up! I already atone myself with my death!?) I groan to all of them

It was a brief illusion. when I know it, It disappeared. The magic circle light growing brighter and brighter and I unconsciously close my eyes.

After a few moments, the light disappeared.

When I realize there was someone else in the vicinity.

On the magic circle stood a little girl. she looked up at me when she noticed me. She was pretty cute with her long blonde hair. She wore a dark dress with a lot of ribbon as an accessories.

Not minding my silence, she started to speak

??? : "I ask you. Are you my master"


3/3 my debt

I know some of you may be disappointed by this. But I promise this won't be the last summoning.

I really like her design when it came out. I mean the only the first one. Her last ascension was really weird with so little clothes. Please pray that I got her when she came at NA.

Thank you for your understanding

grendcreators' thoughts