
The Idiot Drunk Who's Into DarkSouls

Chapter 5

Ban was then later questioned by the police, Ban just said that he broke the child's arm in self defense and he doesn't really know the other two guys that much… he thinks they might have met at a bar that Kurogiri ran… he isn't so sure about anything he said either.

After Ban was released he went to buy the new Darksouls IV, it was fan made though, the original company shut down a few years (decades) back.

Ban was walking to the seller said to meet. After he got there he waited an hour, then the seller came…

"Huh, you're not Shoto? I thought he was the only one wanting the next dark souls." said the seller, who had scars all over their face and arms "uh, do you have it or not? I've been waiting for a literal century for this." said Ban, completely oblivious (not caring) about this guy named Shoto. "Fine, but it's worth five hundred dollars" Ban gave him the five hundred and the scarred man gave him the disk, while doing so the scarred man recognized his face.

"Hey aren't you that one guy who beat that villain that all might was fighting?" Ban said in confusion "who is all might? that probably is the worse name I've ever heard" The scarred man looked shocked, "you don't know who is all might? Here lemme show you a picture" The scarred man the showed him of that familiar face "oh that guy, yeah i've met him twice or so, yesterday i met him with his… aggressive drinking bud? I don't know, but Kurogiri's kid came and touched my face, so I threw him into a wall! I hope he isn't dead, I don't want to actually kill him, otherwise Kurogiri would never let me into his bar again!"

'YES, Man I hope whoever made this was a good programer and game maker… I actually have been waiting for decades for this' Ban thought, extremely excited about the new release. After he left a shocked Dabi behind (he didn't know the name of him though) he went to his run down house, king of bad smelling things. He booted up the game and had the most fun he ever had in ten thousand hours. He played until he finished and it took him five days to finish the game (straight), and that was just the main story line! (A/N: idk anything about dark souls, but everyone's heard of the legends, the most challenging game series ever. I just don't have any copies of any of the dark souls games, i am sad) so he was going to create a new character and play again but he heard a knock on his door.

"Yeah who is it!' Ban yelled after he got up and to the door. "I heard you have a copy of dark souls IV" said the voice

"Wait you wanta play in my house, the kingdom of bad smells? Ban said, surprised that anyone would even come in a 5 mile radius. "If thats what it takes to be able to play, I will." Said the extremely determined person "Okay but you got to buy some beer for me! I used up all my supplies a week ago!" Ban said happy he got a new drinking bud "I am not at the legal age to buy beer." said the under age extremely determined person, ruining all the fun "aw man, anyways what's ya name?" Ban said, not wanting to keep calling him under age extremely determined person "Todoroki Shoto." said Shoto… wait wasn't that the guy who the seller thought would buy this?

"Oh shoto come in, come in, that's a strange coincidence, the seller that I bought this from thought you would be buying this! Or at least someone named Shoto." Ban said, completely disregarding the fact that he was starting a trail for Shoto to find his brother, the only other person who knew Shoto played (and desperately wanted any games with the level of difficulty of) Dark souls was Shoto's brother, Touya Todoroki "uhh, may I come in?" Shoto said, kinda getting cold (he wasn't ready to use his flames quite yet, only when it mattered...)

"Oh yeah, come in, the door is unlocked… wait are you the guy from UA that was at UA with Kurogiri and Aizawa?" Ban asked, quite confused because he thought the voice sounded familiar "Yeah, what about it… wait are you the guy who killed the bird thing?" Shoto asked because nobody knew erasure head's name unless they worked with him. As he entered the smelly house, "Yeah, so you are that guy. Never took you to be into games from the 21st century." Ban said while completing something

"*sigh* I guess since you are the one of the only ones who tracked me down I'll tell you something… extremely secret" said Ban, making Shoto go into his conspiracy mode "what is your name, I've heard some rumors about you, did some research and I need your name to know if it's true or not…" Shoto said, thinking that his conspiracy is (actually) correct. "Oh it's Ban, why do you ask?" said Ban, not knowing where this was going, "Oh yes, yes, yes! You're Immortal aren't you?" Shoto said, making Ban look at him in surprise "yes I am, how did you know?"

"Oh, I am a master at insane conspiracies."

"Oh that makes sense"

Then they take turns playing Dark souls IV