
You, to my class!

Being named and encouraged by the squad leader, Zhang Jian intentionally cleared his throat and raised his voice by a few decibels, "The four hundred meter obstacle is divided into eight obstacles for a total of sixteen obstacles, which are, respectively, straddling piles, trenches, short walls, high board jumping platforms, canoes, high walls, ladders, and low pile nets. The syllabus states that a score within two minutes is considered excellent, and within two minutes and thirty seconds is a pass."

"This subject is very much an exercise in training. It requires soldiers to be able to run, jump, climb over, support balance and drill and climb, not only to have explosive power, but also endurance, coordination, sensitivity, in the army, there is the saying 'rather run five kilometers, not four hundred meters', which refers to the difficulty of the four hundred meter obstacle, as well as the challenge to the limits of the human body. Through this kind of training, you can exercise the soldier's courage and determination, as well as the willpower to fight hard."

After saying that, he rather proudly shifted his gaze to Fatty Wei's body and swept it a few times before turning to Wu Yi.

Wu Yi and a few veterans were a bit surprised.

After all, not many new recruits knew about obstacles, and even fewer knew the army's famous saying, "I'd rather run five kilometers than four hundred meters".

Wu Yi exchanged glances with a few squad leaders and asked Zhang Jian: "Just now, when we shouted, what do you think we were referring to in terms of how well the regimental commander ran?"

Zhang Jian immediately replied, "It's the start!"

After a pause, he continued to add, "The standard four hundred meter obstacle is to use the prone position as the starting position, simulating the entire process of moving from concealment to launching an attack on the target on the battlefield; to get good results, the process of moving from the prone position to running is especially important. Slow start, lose half. Just now the head of the starting position is very sharp, standard, instantaneous conversion of the line of water. The devil is hidden in the details, and only connoisseurs can see the way. That's why the squad leaders called out because from the very beginning of the start, the headmaster had the upper hand."

"Well said!" Wu Yi could no longer hide his surprise, there was actually such a powerful character in this group of new recruits, no matter if it was on paper or not, first of all, his understanding of the four hundred meter obstacle was no less than any veteran.

"Why do you know so much?"

Zhang Jian replied, "Reporting to Squad Leader, I'm from a military family, my father is a soldier, so is my grandfather, I grew up in the army, and since junior high school, as long as there's a summer vacation, my dad would throw me into their army's instruction brigade to train with the pre-tiered squad leader! So, I basically understand everything!"

These words made the several squad leaders beside him startled.

To know, the teaching brigade is not ordinary people can go, there are basic company selected up elite soldiers for intensive training, training out of the company back to the squad leader to do the backbone of the non-commissioned officer, follow these people to train together, not to say can not reach the standard of the pre-tiered squad leader, at least not too much worse.

The squad leaders present have all experienced the training of the instructional brigade, and know the gold content of it.

Wu Yi said, "You'll come to my squad from now on, at your level, at the end of this year I'll apply to the company for a deputy squad leader you'll be!"

"Thank you squad leader for your encouragement!"

Zhang Jian responded very appropriately, not at all like a freshly enlisted recruit.

"I say Wu Yi, what makes you conclude that he's a soldier of your squad now? Our battalion hasn't broken it down yet right?"

"Yeah, on what basis do you!"

"That ... Zhang Jian, your name is Zhang Jian right, come to our class, we are the first company of the first battalion of the Meng Hu Regiment! Everything is first! Sounds exciting!"

The other squad leaders on the side saw this and grabbed people.

When Wu Yi saw this, his tiger eyes glared, and his face suddenly became a bit arrogant: "Come on! Don't blow! I ask you, who can compare to our second battalion four companies?"

This shout, the other people really quiet down.

Wu Yi see the situation is quite a bit pleased, turned his head to Zhang Jian said: "Tell you, our four companies also called the sharpshooter company, the whole regiment ... not, the division's most powerful sniper is our acting platoon leader, but also your new recruits platoon leader, follow our platoon leader, can learn the hard goods, understand it! "

Several squad leaders praised Zhang Jian, and the fat Wei next to him looked more and more demoralized.

Obviously, this time he had been hit hard in the face.

Before, he knew that Zhang Jian was a son of the army, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful. However, there is one thing is quite fortunate, before the second battalion of people picking soldiers did not look at him, it seems that he is not destined to go to the Meng Hu Regiment.

It's also good that he's not going to the Meng Hu Regiment, so maybe it's a good thing.

Otherwise, with Zhang Jian in a company, he is still not a man?

However, Fatty Wei is not an oil lamp, was disliked to the pit how to grab the sand to get back a little bit of the field.

His eyeballs turned, shouted: "Squad leader, Zhang Jian is the son of the army, understand the military is also normal, but those of us who have not stayed in the army is not weak, like this--"

Saying that, the fat hand reached over and pulled Li Zheng.

Li Zheng was caught off guard: "What?"

Fatty Wei said: "East China Sea University Law School students, than the education is meaningful! What's the point of relying on family background to gain an advantage over others? Not to mention that now is the technology to strengthen the army, when the soldiers not only to have a good body, but also to have a good knowledge base!"

In the end, also did not forget to cast a meaningful gaze toward Zhang Jian.

East China Sea University is a key university, quite famous, college students as soldiers more, famous universities as soldiers is not common.

Fatty Wei deliberately said this, in fact, he was looking for Zhang Jian's weakness.

Aren't you an army brat?

Don't you know the training programs of the army like the back of your hand?

Aren't you the one who gained the resources from your family's favor?

What are you so cowed about!

Compare your education!

Looking at Fatty Wei's provocative gaze, Zhang Jian of course knew in his heart that this guy was mocking himself.

However, there is no way to know.

Education is really his weakness.

Zhang Jian is a sports student, in an ordinary provincial university in the Department of Physical Education, from childhood he is a good active Lord, junior high school, high school was thrown into the army by his father to follow the soldiers with the training is also like a fish out of water, but the developed motor nerves are not reading that piece of material, the examination of the university at that time, he would like to Shao Xiaoqian test a piece of people did not want to Shao Xiaoqian got into the University of East China Sea, he was down the list.

This has been the most painful thing in Zhang Jian's heart.

If so many years in his heart countless times to think about why Shao Xiaoqian is his brother did not think of himself as the future development of the object, not too familiar with each other, resulting in familiar with the blind, but Shao Xiaoqian both character and excellence, but he looks more like a martial arts, books to pick up some of the doze.

At least he thinks so.

Therefore, out of this psychological reversal, he is more unattractive to Li Zheng this kind of scholarly temperament, and even some unexplained disgust.

Fatty Wei was really a social person, seeing through Zhang Jian's weaknesses at a glance, poking at his lung tubes with a single poke, and also making it impossible for Zhang Jian to have a seizure.

Aren't you great?

Fatty Wei smiled triumphantly and wryly at Zhang Jian, a look of I like you hate me and take me no way.

There is one in the audience, the highest education is counted Li Zheng.

Wu Yi just got a capable martial artist, this time he saw a capable writer, and his eyes were glowing again.

"Li Zheng, later on you will also report to the class with me!"

The other class leaders completely quit.

"Wu Yi, you're eating alone?"

"That's right! All the good ones go to your class, do you think our other classes are shelters?"

"You want the martial arts, you want the literature too, you're just a snake swallowing an elephant!"

"How about this, let's follow the leader's example and compete, whoever wins will be taken away, what do you say?" Wu Yi finally began to use martial arts to suppress people: "Why are you nagging so much?"

After saying this, he turned his eyes and pointed at the obstacle course and shouted, "Look! It's a sprint! Our headmaster is sure to win!"

His move to divert attention really worked, originally everyone had forgotten to watch the head of the competition, Wu Yi said this, everyone's attention was pulled back to the obstacle course.

At this time, all the obstacles have been run through, the two just passed the last turn of the pole, has entered the last one hundred meters of the sprint stage.

The situation in the field was clear at a glance.

Fan Ji had definitely lost.

Not only did he lose, but he also lost badly.

He had been pulled away by Li Haiou by more than thirty meters.

Speaking on the subject of the four hundred meter obstacle, this gap was already huge.

"Headmaster! Cheer up! Head of the regiment! Go for it!"

The soldiers of the Meng Hu Regiment all stood up and yelled loudly together at the field.

When the soldiers of the other regiments saw this, they all hung their heads demoralized.

However, one had to be convinced that Li Haiou was indeed Menghu.

It wasn't that there was no one among the squad leaders present who could run faster than Li Haiou, but they asked themselves that when they reached the age of forty-one, they would definitely not be able to run out of this achievement.

"One minute thirty-six seconds two four!"

Li Haiou crossed the finish line, and the squad leader in charge of timekeeping excitedly raised his stopwatch and announced the final result of the Meng Hu leader.

"One minute forty-one seconds and thirty-eight!"

Fan Ji's face was pale as he crossed the finish line, feeling as uncomfortable as if his lungs were dug out of his chest and placed in the cold wind.

Upon hearing this score, his face became even paler.