
You don't deserve this.

Just when all the new recruits were laughing over the news in the city, Company Commander He stood up.

Perhaps he felt that these young men, who had just joined the army and were not even considered to be new recruits, were too noisy, or perhaps he felt that he, as a receiving cadre, should be in charge of the discipline of the compartment.

He cleared his throat, with a standard command tone, his voice shouted: "Quiet!"

When the soldiers do not say anything else, shouting the command is definitely loud enough, especially the grassroots commanders and cadres, starting from the squad leader level, before promotion to intensive training, all emphasize one point - the command should be heard clearly by the last row of soldiers in the team.

The big guys were fairly disciplined, returning to their seats and quietly waiting for Company Commander He to deliver his lecture.

"First of all, I'm very happy to be able to come to Donghai City this time to be in charge of receiving soldiers, I'm very happy to know you aspiring youths, and I'm honored to be comrades with you on a troop in the future."

It seems that Company Commander He is also a living person, as soon as he opened his mouth, he first held the new recruits high, so just after the words were finished, the carriage didn't know who applauded, one applauded, the others followed, and there was a tidal wave of applause.

He Company Commander raised his hands, palm down gently pressed, very much the style of a leader's speech.

"Be quiet!"

It was the same old saying.

The carriage quieted down again.

Company Commander He looked around at the dozens of young heads in the carriage, and there was a sell-out smugness in his eyes.

"I'll pose a question, do you know which troop our comrades in this carriage are going to?"

The question was posed wonderfully.

Before going to the army, all of them actually knew what branch of the army they were going to, and knew roughly which military region, but rarely did they know exactly which army they were going to.

Everyone began to talk to each other, and they inquired to ask if anyone knew any insider information.

Zhang Jian looked at Li Zheng, and with a few hints of amusement on his face twisted his head to look at the others around him.

He guessed that Li Zheng might know, after all, Shao Xiaoqian's relationship was there.

He waited for Li Zheng to speak.

However, Li Zheng didn't speak and sat there without saying a word.

This made Zhang Jian a little disappointed.

In the end, the two didn't say anything.

Company Commander He waited for the curiosity in the compartment to fester to a certain level before he powwowed again.

"Actually, I'll tell you all that the unit we're going to is called the Menghu Regiment! It's the famous Meng Hu unit in the military region! Isn't it that hearing this name makes you feel very powerful? Is not listening to this name feel very honorable and proud? That's right, ... proud! In the future, you all have to stay in this heroic troop for at least two years, and some of you may even be promoted to the cadre will be examined, and serve in this troop for a longer period of time ...."

Then, He Company Commander finished the condescension, began to gabble about the glorious history of the Menghu Troupe.

The history of the troops is actually part of the military history, only from the formation to the modern glorious history.

He company commander eloquent, the Meng Hu regiment military history said KANG emotional impassioned, new recruits to listen to the new wave of worship, a time just hate the hand no gun, just hate no war, chest is the sword and horse trying to ask the world who can be the enemy of the grandeur of the ambition.

Zhang Jian quietly listening, the corner of the mouth a touch difficult to guess the smile, only to see what the company commander said, did not say a word.

Some of the excitement Li Zheng looked in the eyes, but also can not catch what he is thinking.

The train drove a day and night, down the railroad to the south, to the next evening finally arrived at the station.

Troop buses have been parked in the parking lot outside the station waiting, He Company Commander with soldiers, did the formalities, left the station, and soon there is a Menghu Regiment officers welcomed over.

After shaking hands with each other and exchanging pleasantries, the officer looked over the shoulder of Company Commander He and landed on this group of new recruits who were not like soldiers and not like people.

Then he said to Company Commander He in the tone of someone evaluating fruits on a supermarket shelf, "This batch of soldiers looks okay! How many college students are there?"

Company Commander He looked back, his eyes landed on Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, and held up two fingers with some regret, "Only two."

The officer also guessed the general idea, smilingly looking at Li Zheng, that expression was like a mother-in-law looking at her future son-in-law with that kind of appreciation, wanting to immediately go up and pull back to her own home.

"All line up, one by one get on the car, we still have more than a hundred kilometers to go, those who need to go to the toilet say it now, don't get on the car only to say that you need to relieve yourself, you can't stop on the road!"

He Company Commander yelled, then everyone remembered that their bladders were indeed a bit swollen, so the new recruits who went to the toilet put their things on one side of the spot and ran away like rabbits in the direction of the toilet.

Li is in the toilet to solve the urgent physical problems, enjoying the pleasure of diarrhea.

Suddenly, there was a flash of black shadow beside him, he turned his head and saw that Zhang Jian was already posing in front of the urinal next to him, pulling out his eucalyptus tools.

Li Zheng smiled at him, as a greeting, this kind of place, is really not a good place to pull tantalizing.

Unexpectedly Zhang Jian spoke first.

"Distance from target 300 meters, weapon 88 type sniper rifle, shooting direction 60 degrees, room temperature, no need to repair the wind, the target moves at 3 meters per second per second, may I ask how many mils is the correction?"

Li Zheng didn't understand what Zhang Jian was talking about when he was chattering, the guy seemed to be mumbling as if he was talking to himself again.

But since he was speaking to himself, why was he looking at the wall in front of him?


Li Zheng frowned.

"You asked me?"

"Right." Zhang Jian finally screwed his face over to look at Li Zheng this time, "Tell me the answer. Distance to target 300 meters, weapon Type 88 sniper rifle, direction of fire 60 degrees, room temperature, no wind, target moving at 3 meters per second per second, how many mils is the correction?"

Li Zheng was confused.

What is this asking?

It sounded like a sniper's shooting correction formula calculation.

But one does not know ah!

Wearing this camouflage uniform for no more than 24 hours until now, Li Zheng felt that this was a college student examining elementary school students on calculus topics.

Zhang Jian added: ''I heard Xiao Qian say that you admire snipers the most right? Said that you want to go to the army to become a sniper."

Li Zheng suddenly realized, Shao Xiaoqian asked himself what he wanted to go to the army as a soldier, at that time he actually did not think well, but usually watch movies feel snipers most wind, so casually want to be a top sniper.

Zhang Jianxing may be and Shao Xiaoqian chat when talking about themselves, asked out in passing.

However, this guy prying into his own situation why?

What does he want to do?

Countless question marks crashed out of his mind.

"The corrected amount of advance is 3.4 mils." Zhang Jian shook his waist, re-buttoned his pants, and glanced at Zhang Jian and said, "This is a skill I learned at the age of 13."

After saying that, he stretched out an index finger, held it in front of him, and made a trigger-pulling motion.

"Li Zheng, you became a soldier because you're going back in the future to get extra points for graduate school, right?"

He said while scoffing contemptuously, "You don't deserve Xiaoxian, don't believe you'll know when you go to the army, what kind of person is a real soldier."

After saying that, before Li Zheng could react, Zhang Jian had already turned around and left.


Li Zheng finally came to his senses, he wanted to go and find Zhang Jian and ask him what he meant by inexplicably asking a bunch of questions and finally saying that he was not good enough for Xiao Qian?

How many times did he mean?


Who was he to say that?

He rushed out of the door, but did not see Zhang Jian, but met Fatty Wei who was washing his hands.

Fatty Wei last night after being talked about their village scandal withered for a while, but he is a broad-minded fat type, and soon returned to normal, hee-haw and blow half the night with others.

See is Li Zheng straight toward the outside, a face of disgust called out to stop him: "You go to the toilet do not wash your hands?"

Li Zheng looked around, did not see Zhang Jian, also does not seem to fall into a toilet do not wash their hands of the infamous, so can only return to the washbasin to absorb.

"There's still more than a hundred kilometers to go, and I don't know where it's going." Fatty Wei stuck his paw under the faucet and rinsed it repeatedly, muttering to himself while in the sound of the rushing water again as if speaking to Li Zheng next to him.

"I thought it was in Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng is at least a big city isn't it? I didn't expect this?"

His heart is not happy, mouth naturally all kinds of contempt and disdain.

Li Zheng said, "When the military is originally prepared to come to suffer, you still plan to come to enjoy ah?"

Fatty Wei shook off the water on his hands and said, "You can't say that, suffering is to suffer, but in the big city as a soldier at least holidays or something can come out to relax and relax, it's not as bad as in the mountain nooks and crannies can't see a shadow. I heard from my uncle who used to be a soldier in the same village that after a few years of being a soldier in the mountains, people are all perverted, and when they see a sow, they think it is prettier than a sable cicada. Alas, this Menghu Tuan ah, listen to the name is majestic, but this Menghu is also in the mountains, it is hard to believe that this we are going to the mountains?"

Li Zheng thought to himself that the village of the landlord out of the really different, wearing is wearing a uniform, this mentality is still the landlord's mentality.

He was trying to persuade him, but he didn't realize that there was a dry coughing sound coming from the back of the company commander.

It turned out to be He Company Commander do not rest assured that the new recruits, so wait in place for a while simply come over to the toilet this end to see, for fear of what basket.

As a result, he heard Fatty Wei burying the Menghu Troupe just as he arrived, so he unpleasantly coughed twice to remind them to pay attention.

Fatty Wei was startled, turned his head to see Company Commander He, and immediately stood up as straight as a wooden pole.

"Company Commander ...."

Company Commander He sized up Fatty Wei and said in a half-flirtatious, half-teasing tone, "Aiya, Wei Guoxing ah Wei Guoxing, I'm just a soldier's receiver, not your company commander, and I don't know who's so blessed to be able to bring you into their company."

After saying that, smilingly hemmed and hawed twice, turned around and left.

Fatty Wei's face turned white and said to Li Zheng, "It's over, it's over, I'm considered finished, I've offended someone."

Li Zheng patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Come on, not so much, are you thinking too complicated."

Fatty Wei slanted also glanced at Li Zheng said: "You do not understand it? Human feelings, you this kind of college students learning is good, but said in this regard, you really have to worship me as a teacher, absolutely no loss."

Waiting for all the people on the bus, the car along the ring road has been going, soon out of the city on the highway, running on the highway for more than an hour, in a standard Changping town sign at the turn off the highway, and then in the national highway all the way to fly.

The scenery outside the car window is more and more verdant, but the buildings are less and less, to the later, actually really into the mountains, around the mountain road seven turns over a few mountains, and finally arrived in a small town.

Li Zhengyi thought the troops arrived, did not think the bus through the town and towards the deeper mountains to drive, until over a slope crest, far away from the roadside will see a solemn style of the gate, huge beams on a large red eighty-first army emblem, the door stood on both sides of the loaded soldiers with a dignified manner, a set of white gloves of the officer raised his hand, signaling the bus to stop to accept the inspection.

At this moment, the recruits in the car finally couldn't help but half stand up, stretching their necks toward the gate to peer.

The gate is surrounded by trees, through the dense tree trunks seem to see a huge playground, further away are all the mountains, the tops of the mountains cloudy, except for the mountains, can not see anything.