
You can command a division, but you can't settle a family.

E Division's guest house is in a small valley, not far from the division office building, only 600 meters.

Zhuang Yan just came to the first few days went to the logistics and equipment departments to turn around for a few days, the military reform involves the biggest piece is the transformation of equipment and the number of adjustments.

A unit from the divisional split into brigades, the previous numerous equipment how to deploy? How to divide? To whom?

All of these need to be inventoried and re-divided in the register, the workload is huge.

Zhuang Yan is nominally to assist, to do specific things are actually the E Division's own cadres in the work, he also understands the seriousness of letting him come here to assist in the work of the deep meaning, because he may want to become one of the brigade commanders, then earlier familiar with this unit than the temporary appointment to a lot of good, after the military reform, the original troop establishment has been disorganized, the E Division's old base, the merger over the new members of the cadres and cadres, soldiers and soldiers, and business transformation between the cadres and soldiers. Soldiers and soldiers, as well as between the operational transition there are a number of things to be friction.

The cadres of the E Division were polite to the major who came down from the military region, but in their politeness there was a sense of distance.

When he was present, he spoke in a serious and courteous manner, with an austere air of official business.

But other people talk among themselves, laughing and gagging, all kinds of relaxed and overflowing.

The troops are like this.

Recognize people.

For example, when you are a recruit when sleeping together in a room comrades, the future no matter how big his official, meet can joke with each other.

And not as good as your old squad leader when you were a soldier, even if you have not seen for many years, your rank is higher than others, meet the old squad leader can call you a "loser soldier"!

That's how soldiers treat each other.

With you polite that is to treat you as an outsider, no other.

Many people don't even welcome Zhuang Yan.

The E Division is going to be reformed, so we may have to separate, and the old troops will even change their numbers.

People are emotional animals, military personnel especially value their own unit number, that kind of feelings can not be understood from a normal person's perspective.

And Zhuang Yan was in the prairie will be the E Division on the ground friction, now come over and with the higher military reform order to come over to break up the family, who can like?

Zhuang Yan has pressure, several times serious call to ask him about the situation when he joked that you are pushing me into the fire pit, I now want to rack on the fire of the roast pig, are roasted with oil.

Serious on the phone on the other end of the laugh, said you Zhuang Yan is the main lack of smoking, you think about you from the beginning of the new recruits to the present as a major, which is not the most difficult time your creativity and personal ability to get the biggest outbreak? You are born to be the kind of role that carries heavy responsibility, born to solve problems.

Zhuang Yan laughed and said seriously when did you become so oily? Go to the headquarters for a few years, and then stayed in the military region for a few years, where did you learn the art of wearing a high hat? I don't eat your set!

The two people at work in addition to talking about business, are this mutual flirtation, Zhuang Yan like this feeling.

This is this put you as their own people comrades.

The polite ones, can only be said to be coworkers.

The word "comrade-in-arms" weighs a thousand pounds, not casually recognized.

This day in the guest house after dinner, Zhuang Yan's cell phone rang.

Connecting a look, the end is his wife Lin Qingying.

As soon as he saw his wife's call, Zhuang Yan was a little afraid.

It's not that he's afraid to see his wife, or that she's mean, but he feels guilty.

Before coming to E Division, he said that he would take a month's vacation before going, and he said goodbye to his comrades on the prairie, and he was delayed for two more days.

Now the child and his wife are in the capital, living in the mother-in-law's house, these years, he only has one month a year to accompany them, the other is Lin Qingying to the prairie.

This time back to the capital, I wanted to accompany the children and wife, but I did not expect to live only a week, the serious phone call came over, said that the military reform work ahead of schedule, need to him immediately in place.

The military order was like a mountain.

Zhuang Yan had to explain all this to his wife stiffly, and then packed his bags and went south.

During this process, Lin Qingying didn't have a single word of complaint, but after many years as a couple, he could see the reluctance and sadness in his wife's eyes.

And the biggest headache was the son.

Lin Qingying is too busy at work, usually mother-in-law and the family's old aunts with children, intergenerational education is the problem of spoiling, even if the mother-in-law is also an old revolution, the children's education called strict, but to the grandson here all the rules and all the principles are not the bottom line.

One time, the family went out to eat, eat this child because of the attempt to ask for a toy, holding the table leg and refused to go, Lin Qingying saliva said dry, he is dead, not to put his hands, rude and unreasonable, angry Zhuang Yan almost to take his belt to smoke him in public.

Don't look at Zhuang Yan in the army can command thousands of horses, but to the home, in the face of their own seven-year-old baby, that is a little rut.

Used in the soldiers on that set of use in the baby simply does not work, all kinds of walls all kinds of useless.

Zhuang Yan want to draw the baby, brother-in-law Lin Jianjun on the sidelines, coldly said: "Here who are qualified to draw him, you do not have."

Just this sentence, Zhuang Yan is absent.

That's right.

Anyone is qualified.

Over the years, he had been by his side for less than a year, not to mention taking care of him.

Indeed, accompaniment and education time is not present, when beating him how can be justified and feel at ease?

That time, is Zhuang Yan feel their most failure.

The phone call came through, the cell phone appeared Lin Qingying avatar, son in front of the camera shook twice, as if extremely reluctant, Zhuang Yan greeted him, he just absent-mindedly "um", broke free from Lin Qingying's constraints, ran away.

Lin Qingying sighed helplessly and said, "He has such a temper."

Zhuang Yan said, "I think our mom is still too permissive, can you tell mom to be more strict?"

Lin Qingying looked at the screen on the other end, fuming for a moment and said, "How do you want me to talk? Do you know what my mom says?"

Zhuang Yan asked, "How?"

Lin Qingying said, "She said that when she saw me like this, it was the same as seeing orphans and widows, and she felt sorry for me and for the children ...."

Zhuang Yan was speechless.

What else could be said?

Lin Qingying said, "I don't blame you, but you can't force anything, this child you don't say he's an asshole, in fact, it's most like you, think about it yourself, when you were a child weren't you such an asshole too?"

Zhuang Yan was once again speechless.

Half a word couldn't be refuted.

That's right.

He himself was not like this back then.

His father was also in the army back then, and it was also the lack of his father's company in his childhood that caused him to become an asshole.

If it is not the military enlistment, not in the army encountered a good squad leader to guide the way, not met Han Yan Wang, the old white hair them, not serious, Xu Xingguo these comrades, perhaps he embarked on a completely different and will certainly sink the road of life.

"Say something happy." Lin Qingyin did not want to Zhuang Yan too worried, so changed the topic and said: "The child went to sing in the vocal class today, the teacher praised him for being very talented and sang very well, I plan to hire a one-on-one professional teacher for him in the future, and go to class once a week, what do you say?"

Zhuang Yan said: "I think you don't take the boy as a girl to raise, go to what art class, vocal class, dance class, piano version, how many classes this is ... I want to say, the army is the best big school, I remember in the past when I was in the army, our division chief will throw his child directly to the army, with us to train together, that is to exercise people. I remember when I was in the army, our division chief threw his kid into the army and trained with us, that's the way to train people! Boys should play guns, learn military, learn what to sing ...."

"Alright." Lin Qingying's tone was cold: "Your division chief is your division chief, I'm me, do you think boys have to play with swords and guns in order to have a good career? I haven't learned to shoot or enlisted in the army, so I'm no good?"

Zhuang Yan was once again speechless.

The conversation broke down somewhat between the two.

Hanging up the phone.

Zhuang Yan stood in front of the window and thought for half a day, unable to calm his heart for a long time.

To the family, he had a sense of powerlessness.

Suddenly, the cell phone rang again.

When he looked at the number, his head became big.