
You're going to the army too?

Li Zheng never thought that he dreamed of being a soldier, but the result is that the soldier is not yet a soldier, but first did the military family's daughter's boyfriend.

What he didn't expect is that it looks like Shao Xiaoqian's father is not a general soldier.

Yan'an Road is called Yan'an Road has its own significance, before the liberation of this place is not called Yan'an Road, after the liberation of the name, is the liberation of the city's forces command center, the Republic of the military history of a few ranked number of generals used to live here, where the command of their thousands of horses.

Nowadays it is the location of the command center of the local garrison, and only the senior cadres of the command center live here.

This thing ...

Uh ...

Li Zheng felt that his leg and stomach were a bit sore for no reason, and he couldn't help but stop and rub his thighs.

Shao Xiaoqian snorted and laughed, "Your legs are weak?"

Li Zheng quickly stood up straight and straightened his waist, straightened his waist muscles and strengthened his courage: "There is no such thing, what things I have not seen, but also afraid to see your father?"

But after a pause, he couldn't help but ask: "Your father is the head?"

At this point, Shao Xiaoqian smiled again: "My father does not like others to call this, you can not call him this later, directly call uncle is good."

Li Zheng said, "OK."

Shao Xiaoqian suddenly asked for no reason: "What do you think about college students becoming soldiers?"

Li Zheng felt something wrong, why did he ask about being a soldier for a good reason.

"Opinions? No opinion, in fact, I myself want to become a soldier."

Shao Xiaoqian sniffed, the corner of her mouth slightly lifted a sweet smile and said, "Then ... if you hide your favorite person to secretly go to sign up to be a soldier, do you think you should be angry?"

Li Zheng heart thumped, it is not his own to sign up for the military thing was found?

I wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell Shao Xiaoqian solemnly, but I didn't think that I still couldn't hide it, and actually got dressed up in advance.

Shao Xiaoqian's eyes fell on Li Zheng's face, seemingly to see some clues.

Li Zheng can't hold back. I think this early to say late to say is also say, the ugly daughter-in-law always have to see the in-laws, so the heart of a cross said: "Xiaoqian, in fact, this year I decided to go to the army, has gone to the school conscription office enrollment, this thing would like to find a time to talk to you ...."

"You also want to go to the army?!"

Not waiting for him to finish, Shao Xiaoqian interrupted Li Zheng's words in surprise.

Li Zheng nodded his head somewhat sheepishly, "Yes ..."

Suddenly frowning, "Hm? What did you just say? Going to be a soldier too?"

He realized that Shao Xiaoqian used the word "also".

Going to be a soldier too?

Shao Xiaoqian's face overflowed with undisguised happiness, flowing like honey, "Do you know why I asked you to come to my house for dinner today?"

Li Zheng said, "To determine our relationship, so that I can pass the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, is not it?"

Shao Xiaoqian said, "That's just one of the reasons."

Li Zheng was dumbfounded: "Ah?"

Shao Xiaoqian laughed again, laughing like a lark in the woods in spring.

"Actually, there's one more thing I want to announce tonight, because I'm also going to sign up today, and I want to take you to meet my parents before I become a soldier."

Li Zheng hadn't come back to his senses, "Sign up? Enroll for what?"

Shao Xiaoqian mischievously reached out and pinched Li Zheng's nose, pouting, "I'm also going to be a soldier! Idiot!"


His girlfriend was actually going to be a soldier this year?

Shao Xiaoqian's announcement caused Li Zheng to suddenly have some happy giddiness.

However, when he thought about it, it wasn't strange at all, Shao Xiaoqian was the offspring of a soldier.

What explanation is needed to go to the army?

This is not the legendary heart of the heart?

Shao Xiaoqian suddenly soft voice: "Li Zheng, when the military go at least two years, two years time is not long, not short, you are willing to wait for me?"

Li Zheng wooden.

This ...

This should be their own lines ah!

How did you get robbed again?

With Shao Xiaoqian, I always seem to be the passive one.

But passive is passive, and this kind of passivity feels really good.

"I do!" Li Zheng felt his blood running through his body twice as fast as usual, and his tongue couldn't suppress a little tremor.

For the sake of solemnity, he even raised his right hand, "I'm absolutely willing! I swear!"

Shao Xiaoqian said, "Well then, Comrade Li Zheng, then we will be comrades in arms from now on!"

Li Zheng hadn't come back to his senses, "Comrades in arms ..."

The bends in his brain were still not able to turn for a while, ten minutes ago he was a couple, now he is a comrade-in-arms.

Comrade-in-arms ...

How does this appellation sound so comfortable.


After a touching, the two people look at the time is not early, so along the straight road in the army compound toward the inside has been walking, around the movie theater, and then turned the complex, and finally entered the family area.

The surrounding lawn and the ground will appear from time to time a section of the pace line are always reminding Li Zheng, this is the army!

The closer he got to Shao Xiaoqian's house, he felt his throat getting thirstier and thirstier.

Yan'an Road Command's family home does not have many buildings, and the few houses look very old, heavy Soviet style of architecture, left and right is symmetrical axis, plane rules, the middle is high and two sides are low, the main building is high, the corridor is wide and slow stretch followed by a "three-section" structure, "three sections" refers to the gable, the "three sections" refers to the gable, the "three sections" refers to the gable, the "three sections" refers to the gable, the "three sections" refers to the gable, the "three sections" refers to the gable. "Three sections" refers to the eaves, the wall, the foot of the three parts, giving people a sense of visual solemnity.

"How come it hasn't arrived yet?" Li Zheng couldn't help but open his mouth.

Shao Xiaoqian pointed inside: "My house is in the innermost part."

"Heh ..." Li Zheng smiled somewhat reluctantly, "The innermost ah ..."

Just entered the compound to see is a five-story building, now the building is gone, gradually presented in front of the single small building, the front and backyard have, the vegetation is regular, it looks like often someone to take care of, in front of the door there are trees, and the age of the tree at a glance is not small, the tree canopy into the shade, the branches are leafy.

"Xiao Qian!"

Suddenly from the side of the small building turned out a young man, saw Shao Xiaoqian and greeted.

Shao Xiaoqian waved at the other party, "Zhang Jian!"

Li Zheng quietly asked, "Who is this?"

Shao Xiaoqian did not know whether it was intentional or deliberate, said to Li Zheng with a mysterious face, "His name is Zhang Jian, he is my neighbor, we grew up together here since we were young."

"Oh ...," Li Zheng nodded his head as if nothing happened, but he felt a bit of sourness flare up under his tongue and couldn't help but look at Zhang Jian twice more.

Looking at Zhang Jian's appearance, he was about the same age as himself and should not be much older.

However, Zhang Jian long tall and powerful, a country face square, the standard movie decent character face, because wearing fast-drying tight T-shirt, a tendon meat taut in the clothes at the head of the full, the stature of the upright appearance, where a station is quite some jade tree wind meaning.

Zhang Jian walked over, his eyes have been focusing on Li Zheng, did not move over half a point, as if to see through Li Zheng before giving up.

When the person arrived in front of him, Shao Xiaoqian hurriedly introduced him, "This is my boyfriend Li Zheng."

Zhang Jian didn't seem to be willing to have any interaction with Li Zheng, squinted at Li Zheng and nodded to the latter in a polite manner, as if he was talking to himself in the air, "Hello."

Li Zheng also responded politely, "Hello."

In the next second, Zhang Jian turned to Shao Xiaoqian, and his poker face, which was expressionless before, instantly smiled into a big warm-hearted look, "Xiaoqian, you're going home, right? First wait here, I'll go home to give you that something."

Said also did not let Shao Xiaoqian make a reaction, turned around and quickly ran to the side of another Su-style small building, quickly disappeared in the door.

Looking at Zhang Jian's back, Li Zheng thoughtfully said, "He doesn't seem to have a good impression of me."

Shao Xiaoqian smelled the sour flavor in the air and explained, "Zhang Jian is like this, people who don't know him well have a cold face when they meet, with such a character, there are not many people he can look at."

Li Zheng teased, "He just kept smiling at you, just like a bear seeing honey, he hated it and couldn't wait to smear it all over his face."

Shao Xiaoqian was amused by him again and stretched out her pink fist to symbolically smash Li Zheng's arm, "Just you are poor! Who's the bear and who's the honey?"

Li Zheng just wanted to say of course his girlfriend is honey, big man Zhang Jian as not let is a bear.

But also he just opened his mouth, saw Zhang Jian hand carrying a bag of things, wind like back in front of the two people.

"Here! My mom's hometown sent ice sugar Snow Pear, this pear is the improved varieties of the Agricultural Science Institute, the current trial planting, and sweet and not crumbs, very tasty, take it back to Auntie to taste."

When he said the word "crumbs", his tone seemed to be aggravated a little bit, and intentionally or unintentionally glanced in the direction of Li Zheng.

Li Zheng obviously noticed this small action, and thought that he might not be the only one who was jealous, but also someone who was more sour than himself.

So he wrapped his arm around Shao Xiaoqian's waist and tilted his chin like a demonstration hard at Zhang Jian's gaze.

The corners of Zhang Jian's mouth twitched slightly, like he had been electrocuted by an electric baton.

Shao Xiaoqian looked at the bag of Sydney, really a big skin yellow first-class, so Zhang Jian said: "No wonder my mom always praise you know how to do, you see you coax her into the old Buddha."

Zhang Jian looked at Shao Xiaoqian with a smile, and wanted to say something, but glanced at Li Zheng next to him, his face went cold again, and tantalizingly said, "I won't get in the way of you going home for dinner, hurry up and go, don't let your uncle and aunt wait for you."

"Thanks! I'll go home for dinner first, mom and dad are waiting." Shao Xiaoqian turned toward her own home with a pear in one hand and Li Zheng in the other.

"Okay, you get busy."

Waiting for Shao Xiaoqian to leave, Zhang Jian stood in place like a clay figure for a long time, watching this Shao Xiaoqian hours at the turn of the boulevard.

To the end, suddenly sighed, forlornly back to his home.

Zhang Jian's home from Shao Xiaoqian's home is only less than thirty meters, the two lifted their legs and arrived.

This is also an old two-story building, the yard fence will be planted with nine lilies, cut neatly, some flowers and grass in the yard, the floor is paved with green stone, although it looks a little old but very sturdy.

Entered the door, a glimpse of the sofa sitting on a cut plate inch, hair white, age roughly in the fifties of the man, wearing a uniform shirt, no rank, holding the People's Liberation Army newspaper, a pair of tiger eyes are not angry from the authority, is looking out of the mind.

"Dad!" Shao Xiaoqian pampered herself towards the middle-aged man in the sofa, "Don't read the newspaper, I brought my boyfriend back."

The man's eyes lifted and his gaze fell on Li Zheng.

Li Zheng couldn't help but feel a chill on his back, feeling that there was something sharp in those two gazes.

"Uncle ... good ..."

Li Zheng's words were spoken with some stuttering.

The man didn't get up, but his eyes had already left the newspaper and swept around Li Zheng's body, from left to right, from top to bottom ...

Li Zheng felt like he was placed in an X-ray machine, and like a white mouse on a lab bench.

Escape and do not dare to, to look at each other and lack of courage.

This feeling ...

Just like being a thief ...


Li Zheng's heart suddenly remembered that he was upright and honorable, not just picking up your daughter? What's wrong with having a relationship? Nowadays, college students can get married, what's wrong with having a relationship?

What's wrong with that?

This thought, immediately let him feel strong up, quietly swallowed saliva, and hurriedly took out the gift to the future father-in-law.

I did not expect a little accident at the critical moment, around the sofa due to nervousness, feet hanging on the sofa legs, stumbled, the hand carefully prepared to meet the gift flew out of the hand, heavily smashed on the ground.


Li Zheng's eyebrows all wrinkled up, thinking, finished ...