

Zhang Jian ran really fast!

This was Li Zheng's first feeling.

Tall, well-built, and solidly muscled.

It was no wonder that Wu Yi fell in love with Zhang Jian at first sight on the bus.

Of course, if Li Zheng knew that Zhang Jian had to be thrown into the instruction brigade by his chief of staff father every summer vacation since junior high school to train with the pre-tiered squad leader, he would know why this guy ran so fast.

Instructional brigade this kind of place, as long as you have been a soldier, especially a soldier of the first-line combat troops, mention it will be a sour teeth, frown, and then start to face proudly pouring bitter water.

What livestock team, what hell camp, elite concentration, elite everywhere, anyway, can go there soldiers can survive until graduation out, this life will be used as bragging capital.

Of course, Zhang Jian can not be in accordance with the standards of the instructional team training cadets to train, he is at best a ride on the tail, Zhang chief of staff and then ruthless also know their own children have a few pounds, with those who run three times a day full martial arts five kilometers, two days once ten kilometers of cadet soldiers training, if the requirements can also reach this level, I'm afraid that Zhang Jian shouldn't go to the Meng Hu regiment as a soldier, sent directly to the General Counsel Reconnaissance Battalion good.

What's more, Zhang Jian went to college, read the Department of Physical Education, after more than two years of systematic training, sprinting performance is a qualitative leap.

Li Zheng felt that day he had already made 99 percent of the power, that did not count on the one percent is only the newly issued training shoes and camouflage uniforms are somewhat uncomfortable, the influence of some play, the rest of the best performance is already within his capabilities.

However, he was still at least six meters slower than Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian's time was 12.21 seconds.

Li Zheng was 13.87 seconds.

It didn't look like a big difference, but in reality, the difference was huge.

When Wu Yi saw the results, he couldn't believe his eyes.

This performance was no better than the veterans!

"Still slow."

At the finish line, Zhang Jian adjusted his breathing, bouncing his legs to relax his muscles while shaking his head exaggeratedly, full of pompous modesty.

"My best time can go inside 12 seconds."

After saying that, he didn't forget to cast his gaze at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng's heart was about to explode as if it was going to explode.

He had tried his best just now, but he still lost.

"You're awesome."

He gave Zhang Jian a thumbs up.

Zhang Jian let out a cold snort, walked over to Li Zheng, came over and whispered, "I just don't understand, what exactly does Xiao Qian see in you?"

Li Zheng originally did not intend to be angry with him, but Zhang Jian was like a ghost haunting him, not forgetting to hit himself at all times.

His nameless fire also came up, said word by word: "How many points did you score in the college entrance exam?"

Zhang Jian was instantly wooden.

This was his dead center.

One must know that Li Zheng was a top student who had been properly admitted to the East Sea University, and was the top student in Arts in his city's session back then.

Than physical ability, Zhang Jian powerful.

But than the results, hey ...

Where's Zhang Jian?

He is not from East China Sea University, is another second school college students, just that university's sports department is okay, not too water.

After all, it is the blood law, the mouth of that bit of kung fu Li Zheng still have.

Taking advantage of Zhang Jian froze time, Li Zheng original will be just before the words of the former even returned with interest: "On your little achievement, also deserve?"

After saying this, without waiting for Zhang Jian to take offense, he turned around and walked to the side.

Although Fatty Wei is black-eyed, but the eyes of the thief fine, early to notice that between Li Zheng and Zhang Jian's secret rivalry.

When Li Zheng walked to the side, he hurriedly followed, joyfully asked: "What did you just say to him? I saw his face changed."

Li Zheng laughed: "Nothing, I exchanged learning with him."


Speaking of studying, Fatty Wei was also wooden.

That day Zhang Jian with a hundred meter sprint test 12.21 seconds without a doubt became the fastest runner in the second battalion of recruits, and also became the prettiest cub in the corps of recruits that day.

Four hundred meters Zhang Jian ran a 54.32 seconds, also dominated.

Wu Yi saw his class of soldiers so competitive, like winning the jackpot like smiling like a fool, a happy, blurted out: "Zhang Jian, do a good job, next year to send you to the teaching brigade!"

Zhang Jian did not hear the expected excitement, but instead looked a little embarrassed.

Ma Teng in the team suddenly inserted a bar: "Squad leader, people as a soldier is to be examined!"

This time it was Wu Yi's turn to be embarrassed.

Obviously, with Zhang Jian's family background, since he came to the army, he definitely wanted to work for a long time.

Then there was only one way, to go to school.

With his qualities, as long as his cultural course scores were not too bad, it would not be difficult to fight for an examination target in the second year.

In this way, it means that Zhang Jian is unlikely to stay in the Meng Hu Regiment for too long, it is just his own self-interest.

Wu Yi had to find a remedy: "Even if he takes the exam, he's still a soldier of our fourth company before that exam!"

Li Haiou watched the recruit mapping test and got on the car to leave, before getting on the car, stood next to the door and thought about it, and said to Liang Hu, who was seeing him off, "12.21 ... If I remember correctly, this is the standard of the national third level athlete, right?"

Liang Hu said, "That's right, Zhang Jian this kid is not bad!"

Li Haiou said, "It's a piece of steel, but it's a bit arrogant. Liang Hu, you tell Hou Jun, this kid should be well ground, jade is not cut into a weapon. Our troops and places are not the same, not only look at the individual, but also look at the collective, you see just now, there are running 12.21, there are also running more than 17 seconds of the fat man, what is that called ...."

Liang Hu said, "Wei Guoxing."

Li Haiou frowned, his hand slapped on his head, feeling some pain in his brain, "Do not give up any soldier, good or bad, are our own soldiers. One person is no longer good enough to be one for ten on the battlefield, but what about twenty? What about thirty? What about a hundred? You and I both understand this reasoning, I think that Zhang Jian kid is too unselfconscious, this kind of soldier is definitely a talent when practiced well, if you can't suppress his little bit of sharpness, it might be counterproductive."

Liang Hu smiled sarcastically and said, "Chief, he is the only son of the Chief of Staff Zhang's family, should we ..."

Li Haiou eyelids lifted, look more a few points of cold: "What do you care what he is the son of the chief? If you really do not want to be managed, why come to be a soldier? Since sent, visible Zhang chief of staff estimates that also know their son that a little behavior, you should be how, as long as the rules management, even if he is the commander of the family's children to me here can not be overturned!"

Liang Hu replied painfully, "Yes! I will do it!"

Li Haiou was about to get on the car, a foot on the car, suddenly retracted, turned back to Liang Hu said: "There is that brand-name university students, called Li Zheng, I have seen his file eucalyptus, a small age when the earthquake had no parents, was rescued by our troops, this young man to become a soldier is estimated to have a plot, I see that he has just been a good test scores in your battalion can be ranked second right? ranked second in your battalion, right?"

Liang Hu replied, "Well, second, almost better than Zhang Jian."

Li Haiou said, "He's also a good soldier, if he can stay in the army, it will be our greatest success, you should pay more attention to him and cultivate him properly."

After getting Liang Hu's affirmative answer, Li Haiou got into the car and disappeared outside the gate.

Liang Hu watched Li Haiou leave and returned to the training ground.

At this time, the test has been completed, the squad leaders are gathering the team, ready to bring back to teach how to organize the housekeeping hygiene, Wu Yi praised Zhang Jian in front of the team, while at the same time not forgetting to remind Fatty Wei to work harder.

Liang Hu beckoned Wu Yi to call him over and said to him, "You go, let Zhang Jian and Li Zheng both come to my office."


Wu Yi watched Liang Hu leave, secretly muttering in his heart, this battalion commander named these two soldiers, could it be that because the two had good test scores just now, they wanted to be praised face to face?

Soon, the order reached Li Zheng and Zhang Jian.

The two were full of doubts to the battalion headquarters, stood outside the door of the battalion commander's office and knocked on the door.

Inside came Liang Hu's slightly baritone magnetic voice: "Come in."