
Wild horses out of control and bugs rolling on the ground

Li Zheng felt that if he had to use any words to describe the new recruits running five kilometers, then it would be like a shepherd herding sheep in the grassland.

That's right.

Herding sheep.

E Division's cross-country field was natural.

Several regiments throughout the division were scattered in the mountains about ten kilometers away from the remote town of Lakeville, which could be considered a windy place for the old land forces.

There were mountains for artillery, valleys for tactics, roads for running, jungles for pulling, everything was a purely natural first-class training ground.

The five kilometers of the new regiment are all from their own camp, around the mountain road around the division site, through the scattered camps of each regiment, and then run on a national highway, run along the national highway for about a kilometer and then enter from the division gate, and then run back to their own camp along the mountain road.

Sounds easy, runs hard.

Li Zheng had never given up exercising over the years because he had always wanted to be a soldier.

Do not smoke, do not drink, stay up all night at that time in addition to a period of desperation before the college entrance examination, the rest of these years are normal routine, night dormitory lights out he went to sleep.

School around the night snack stalls specializing in student business, not to the night is always bustling, the owner of the stalls just to do the business of the tens of thousands of students in the East China Sea University City, not to mention the support of the family lake mouth, a lot of people are also rich.

Li is extremely self-disciplined people, studying at Tunghai University for more than two years, the number of times to go to the night stalls two palms can count over.

Even love, and Shao Xiaoqian in addition to going to the milk tea store is to watch a movie, sounds old-fashioned enough.

Even Shao Xiaoqian said that Li Zheng is treating his body as a sanctuary, always keeping it spotless.

In Li Zheng's own opinion, if you want to do something, do it to the best of your ability, or don't do it at all.

Since he was coming to be a soldier, of course he had to come in the best condition.

Before he became a soldier, Li Zheng knew that he had to run five kilometers, so he would put on his own tracksuit and run five kilometers in a circle on the school's large playground almost every afternoon.

His pace was usually 4.6-4.7, which meant that the five kilometers were completed in about 23 minutes unarmed.

Li Zheng felt that this achievement is considered good, and he is also very satisfied.

But I didn't want to run today and realize what it means to be a frog at the bottom of the well.

A few squad leaders are like a familiar sheepdog will run in the column of recruits about, the lead sheepdog is of course the acting platoon leader Hou Jun.

When he left the gate of the camp, he took off his belt, grabbed it in his hand, and threw it in the air with a snapping sound.

"Aren't you all awake? Running like a snail crawling, run faster! Run faster!"

What Li Zheng admired the most was not that Hou Jun was waving the armed belt while still running beside him with ease, but that the bastard ran to the front of the line a while later, and encouraged himself and Zhang Jian, a few of the fastest runners, with a loud voice: "Not bad! You few are good! But not yet, faster!"

A moment and disappeared from sight, appeared in the team at the end of the head, caught Wei Fatty grabbed this guy's camouflage uniform and pulled forward.

While pulling also while in full voice roar filial piety: "Fatty you have to lose weight! Fatty you have to lose weight!"

Li Zheng thought, running at the end of the fat Wei do not know what feelings, see a wolf like tiger squad leader as a never tire of perpetual motion machine like a moment disappeared, a moment to appear, and then look at the front of the back of the comrades almost all become a small point.

It must have been a desperate feeling, right?

Running at the front of the entire platoon were two men, the only first echelon.

And the two were old enemies, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian.

Both of them were mutually surprised at each other's speed.

Zhang Jian from junior high school, summer vacation are to be his that chief of staff father thrown to the instructional unit to hitchhike tail follow the cadets together training, to the university and the study of physical education, physical fitness is certainly good.

But he has a weakness, sprinting explosive power first-class, long-distance running general.

Li Zheng's five kilometers of speed could not catch up with Zhang Jian, but today I do not know whether it is a good state or because I do not want to lose to Zhang Jian, as long as the latter runs fast, he also bites not to fall out of the team, anyway, with Zhang Jian to maintain a distance of about one or two meters.

Zhang Jian knew that Li Zheng was sticking to his run, and he wanted to get rid of him, but couldn't.

No matter how he accelerated, Li Zheng was running with an iron face and gritted his teeth staring at him, neither overtaking nor falling behind, anyway, he kept this distance.

Li Zheng is not stupid.

He is a law student, even if he keeps training all year round, he can't compare to a serious sports student like Zhang Jian.

But there is one thing he also saw, Zhang Jian's long-distance running is not good, running to the second kilometer, Zhang Jian has not been able to get rid of Li Zheng, Li Zheng then understood, Zhang Jian's long-distance running is a weak point, not much stronger than himself.

Originally, he didn't want to compete with Zhang Jian, but a small detail annoyed him.

At 2 two kilometers, Li Zheng caught up with Zhang Jian at one point and ran shoulder to shoulder with him.

In fact, at that time Li Zheng felt that his lungs were cold, the wind seemed to pour directly from the mouth into the throat, and then rushed into the lungs.

Originally the body has reached the limit, Li Zheng intends to slow down to regulate the breathing, to retain a bit of physical strength not to 4 kilometers when directly lying down to run.

But I did not expect, the afterglow glimpsed Li Zheng ran up and his own side by side Zhang Jian glared at him fiercely, reached out and actually erected the middle finger towards him, and then accelerated fiercely, and all of a sudden shook off Li Zheng five or six meters away.

Gave the middle finger?

He actually gave himself the finger?

Li Zheng was first confused for two seconds, then the nameless fire in his chest huffed and puffed up!

This idiot ...

Why did he give himself the finger?

Just because he's a good trainer?

Because he is Shao Xiaoqian's boyfriend?

The dog's day!

Li Zheng couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He didn't know what the reason was, but his physical strength, which had already reached its limit, suddenly had an unceasing power that came out of nowhere.

He caught up with Zhang Jian again.

This time, without waiting for Zhang Jian to raise his middle finger, Li Zheng looked towards Zhang Jian like a provocation and raised his chin like a demonstration.

Come on!

Let's hurt each other!

Let's see who's better than who today!

Let's see who's better than who today!

Zhang Jian did not expect his contemptuous action to bring about such unexpected consequences.

Young people have the gene for strength in their blood, how can they be willing to be left behind?


Zhang Jian, a gymnasium student, secretly pooh-poohed in his heart, gritted his teeth and poured his physical strength into his two thighs again, whooshed to the front, leaving behind Li Zheng by a full seven or eight meters.

Soon, veteran soldier Hou Jun discovered an interesting phenomenon.

The entire platoon of thirty recruits was clearly divided into four parts - the first group was Li Zheng and Zhang Jian who ran at the front, the two of them had left behind the second group of recruits by at least four hundred meters.

The second group was the group of soldiers led by Yang Hui and Ma Teng, the most numerous in the whole group, with more than a dozen.

Then there was the third group, trailing behind the second group by about two hundred meters, and there were about ten in this group.

At the bottom of the entire group were two others, pulling down another three hundred meters or so from the third group of recruits.

These two people are a tycoon Wei Fatty, the other good-looking white boy Jiang Zhao Shi.

Hou Jun ran beside the two trailer-tailed recruits, pointed his belt forward, and roared, "Look at what you guys are running! People in front of them are like wild horses, you two are two rolling insects! A bug is faster than you!"