
wife's older brother

The phone number was no one else's, it was the number of his own great-uncle, Lin Jianjun.

The reason why Zhuang Yan had a big headache was because this great-uncle had been persuading himself to change his career since he and Lin Qingying started dating.

Over the years, he hadn't stopped.

Regarding Lin Jianjun's thoughts, Zhuang Yan sometimes felt unable to understand.

After all, the Lin family is also a military family, although no one in this generation is in the army, but at least they have also been educated, how can they be so not to see the army?

"Jianjun brother ah?"

Zhuang Yan picked up the phone and pressed the call button.

"Uh, it's me."

Lin Jianjun on the other end of the phone sounded like he was holding his breath.

Then he directly opened the door and crackled his head to rise to the occasion.

"I heard that you went to the G military region again?"

"... Right, yes." Zhuang Yan thought to himself, this Lin Jianjun is well-informed, he only arrived here a few days ago, and he knew.

"The transfer order was a bit sudden, so it was rather hasty and I didn't tell you about it."

Zhuang Yan explained as politely as he could.

But Lin Jianjun seemed impatient and unsatisfied with this explanation.

"I say Zhuang Yan ah Zhuang Yan, have you become addicted to transferring? I don't object to you staying in the army, but think about how many units you've run through over the years. From 1 division went to 4 division, 4 division finished and went to prairie wolf, well, I would have thought that there you can do until the transfer, at least is the jurisdiction of the capital city military region, early prairie wolf there to stay for a few years after the transfer back, can take care of care of my sister and my little nephew, but you're not so good, without saying anything on the transfer to the G military region?"

Zhuang Yan said, "I am a soldier, obey the orders of superiors ..."

"Bullshit!" Lin Jianjun fumed, "You're realizing your personal dream, you're going wherever you want, but what about my sister? These years follow you everywhere toss, in the 4 division that time, she gave up the capital of the business to go to your residence to engage in business, but just get up and you transferred to the prairie, she in order to get closer to you and back to the capital, now? Now? You want her to come back to the south again, don't you? I say you this person, why so selfish? After all these years, you think only of yourself. Have you thought about my sister? I, Lin Jianjun, have only one sister, if you don't hurt her, I do!"

Zhuang Yan was scolded to the point where his scalp went numb, from Lin Jianjun's perspective, he was right.

But from the soldier's point of view, he did everything without shame.

Of course, there was shame for the family.

"Brother Jianjun ..."

"Don't call me brother, I'm not your brother, I don't have a brother-in-law like you!" Lin Jianjun said, "I'm not calling today simply to scold you, I'm begging you. I'm begging you to let my sister go, okay? She's been charmed by you, but I'm not. Let me tell you, how many times over the years has my little nephew been sick at night, and she panicked so much that she could only call me to let me accompany her to the hospital to see a doctor? The last time she had a fever, the child also had a fever, I went to pick them up to the hospital, the mother and the two across a bed infusion, where they comforted each other, looking at me to fall tears. Also, you know that my mom is getting old and her health is not good. Are you going to let mom give you a child as a free mom when the day she returned to the old one hundred years?"

A flurry of counting, Zhuang Yan can not refute.

This is the truth, a woman alone with a child, many times not money can solve everything, the child is sick, they are sick, that kind of loneliness and helplessness does need a strong shoulder to rely on.

The worst thing is not only these, but the lack of companionship for children.

Son Zhuang Wenlin to his feelings some indifference, even if he came home on vacation, deliberately want to draw closer to him, a variety of efforts but found that the child although on the surface of their own polite, in fact, father and son seem to be separated by a layer of invisible barrier, that is, not close to up.

"This matter, I do owe ..." Zhuang Yan can only bow his head.

Lin Jianjun unforgiving said: "We are men, not around the bend, I just ask a question, you are willing to transfer back to the capital city military region, willing to me to run for you, you can rest assured that waiting for the transfer order, by virtue of your qualifications, to return to the authorities is not difficult to go back to stay for two years, and then to do the transfer of career, you have been in the army for more than a dozen years, my father is also a soldier, I know that dedication to the motherland is the pursuit of your soldiers and ideals, but you can't have been all your life, you can't be a soldier. I know that dedication to the motherland is the pursuit and ideal of your soldiers, but you can't always dedicate your whole life, your family also needs you to dedicate, you are a human being, not a god, you can't disregard a little bit of family love, only focus on your own ideal! It's easy for you to make yourself a hero, but don't drag my sister along with you to be a hero, my sister is a small woman, she's not as great as you are! You say, answer or not?"

This question, Zhuang Yan simply can't answer.

Really give up?


The matter here was on the line.

Although he believed that Lin Jianjun had the energy to do it, just by doing so, his solemn honor as a soldier was tarnished.

Honor was the most cherished thing for a soldier, more important than life.

"Answer me if you're a man!"

Lin Jianjun couldn't hear Zhuang Yan's reply and was on fire on the other end of the phone, listening to the tone of voice to hold back his curses.

"You speak!"

At this point, Zhuang Yan had to play rogue.

Major playing rogue, not a situation, who wants to do this.

"Hey ... hey ... Jianjun brother what did you say? ... can not hear ... listen ... signal is not good ... signal ... ..."

When Zhuang Yan pretended, it was invincible.

If Lin Jianjun hadn't pressed him step by step, he really wouldn't be like this.

"Don't pretend to be a grandson with me! What bad signal! Your E Division would have a bad signal there! Don't bullshit Tama!"

Sure enough, Lin Jianjun cursed.

"Hey ... hey ... hey ... hey ..."

Zhuang Yan pretended to act out a few more sentences before directly cutting off the phone and then putting it into flight mode.

This time it was good.

It was all quiet.

Anyway, there was still the confidential phone number for official business, and this was a local number that wouldn't delay business.

It's just that if Lin Qingying called in, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to find herself.

But in order to hide from Lin Jianjun, it had to be done.

Talking about other things, Zhuang Yan can be justified.

But when it comes to family, he is weak.

People are like this, there is always a soft spot.

Zhuang Yan's weakness lies in the family.

Lin Jianjun said a right, he owes too much.

Put down the cell phone, Zhuang Yan sat in the chair for a while, trying to let his mind calm down.

This mobilization was really sudden.

Soldiers take obeying orders as their vocation, asking themselves to run away from the battlefield?

Then it would be better to just take a gun and shoot himself!

A few moments later, he got up and put on his physical fitness uniform and changed into his training shoes.

He wanted to go out for a ten kilometer run, whenever he had something on his mind and felt troubled, running was the best way to regulate it.

Whenever he had something on his mind and felt worried, running was the best way to regulate it. When he sweated, it was as if he could empty his body, and all his worries would be excreted from his pores with the sweat.

The next day, you can go back to work, the sky can not fall, can not break the head.