


That day and two or three platoon confrontation finished, Wu Yi first more cross hairy talking to himself ah cursed.

"Obviously just one shot, all hit 8 rings!"

He said more than Zhang Jian one, including Li Zheng.

That morning's confrontation shooting was evil.

According to the second platoon, there was an expert recruit, Zhuang Haoran, who shot a full ring, which was nothing.

After all, the first platoon also has two eye-catching seeded players, not?

One from junior high school began to touch the gun Zhang Jian, a brand-name university origin quality foundation is good Li Zheng.

But what makes people break their jaws is that the first four rounds of the two people are not to live up to the expectations of the 10 ring, the last round of the last round are hit a 8 ring.

Li Zheng also can not say why, before the four shots he played a very good feeling, the fifth shot is clearly looking at the center of the bullseye, but the bullet out of the 8 ring on the side.

Originally intended to shoot for the first time to make a full house, for his two years of military career a good start, but did not expect the last shot horse hoof.

The two surprisingly consistent misses, resulting in a platoon of full ring no one.

Calculate the total score, a platoon of excellent proportion of high, finally won this confrontation.

However, in the eyes of a sniper like Hou Jun, the quality of ten nine rings was not as heavy as one ten ring.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the gun."

Zhang Jian looked at Hou Jun's gloomy face and found an excuse to explain his miss.

Hou Jun glanced at him, his gaze as cold as ice, and Zhang Jian hurriedly lowered his head.

"Was it the gun?"

He personally loaded the bullets and arranged for Wu Yi to go as the target reporter, then entered the target position after sending out a guard.

All the recruits stared at the platoon leader.

Li Zheng realized that the moment the veteran Hou Jun, who usually spoke long and verbose, walked up to the target position immediately changed as if he was a different person.

It was as if something unseen had suddenly erupted within him, and his whole aura was different.

Open the safety, load the gun, aim, fire.

Hou Jun did it all in one go.

And he didn't shoot prone, but adopted a standing shooting position.

You know, the standing position is several times more difficult than the prone position.

Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.

Five rounds, almost one round a second!

The recruits were so shocked that their eyeballs bulged out two inches.

Before watching Hou Jun participate in the selection contest, the sniper rifle was used at that time, and the firing wasn't that fast.

It was expected that Hou Jun would hit slowly, round by round, in pursuit of absolute accuracy.

But he didn't expect to actually shoot all five rounds in such a quick time!

Things didn't end there.

Just when all the recruits are stretching their necks waiting for the opposite side to report the target, Hou Jun did not stop, his eyes are still staring ahead, his hand skillfully retired empty magazines and pulled out a new live magazine from the pouch, without looking at it, the gun body is slightly sideways, the magazine has already been mouth into the mouth of the bullet.

Then there was a series of popping bean-like gunshots.

Fatty Wei said: "If this can be on the 10 ring, I guarantee that this month five kilometers I absolutely run into 22 minutes."

He was laughing and said to the side of the Li Zheng listen, is just a joke.

But I didn't expect that people unlucky to drink cold water are stuffed teeth, fart will smash the heel.

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the vice squad leader Hu Chenxi came from behind him.

"Yo! Wei Guoxing, this is what you said oh!"

Fatty Wei turned his head to see the deputy squad leader Hu Chenxi standing behind him, the latter face a bad smile measuring Wei Guoxing said: "Later I will convey your words to the platoon leader, he must meet you."

Wei Guoxing feel a little bad, but still do not believe that the stance one hundred meters standing so ping ping ping ping ping pull a trigger on all ten rings.

This fucking is not anti-Japanese drama, not so evil right?

The target was quickly sent to the front of the Hou Jun, Hou Jun took the target to see and see, look at the end of the long sigh: "Today's play is out of order ah ...."

Fatty Wei was overjoyed at the news and said to the deputy squad leader, "Squad deputy, it seems that the platoon leader missed the mark. Hehehe."

Hu Chenxi was a little surprised, ran over to look at the target, smiled after looking at it, and said to Hou Jun: "Platoon Commander, just now Wei Guoxing said, he said that if you can get a 10 ring on all 10 rounds, he guaranteed to run the five kilometers into 22 minutes this month."

Hou Jun let out a "hmm" and turned his head towards Fatty Wei's end.

Fatty Wei felt a bit dizzy and light-headed, and had a very bad feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Hou Jun took the target and walked to the front of the recruits, and showed it to all of them, and I don't know whether it was intentional Versailles or I really think I missed, all of them saw that the 10-ring target center caused a hornet's nest, densely packed with 10 bullet holes.

All 10!


Fatty Wei immediately had a feeling of pissing himself.

This is a person?

Hou Jun pointed to one of the bullet points and said, "This shot, almost hung to the nine rings there."

Everyone took a look, and sure enough one of the shots hit the junction of the 10 and 9 rings, and most of the bullet holes were inside the 10 ring, according to the rules of calculation.

Li Zheng wrote a big word of conviction in his heart.

This kind of marksmanship ...


He suddenly felt lucky again, Hou Jun this kind of soldier king type of character is unattainable, previously seen on TV, and now stands in front of himself.

No wonder Hou Jun is usually demonic and sparse, but the cadres of the company's battalion and regiment are all smiling and welcoming to him.

He is really capable, although the mouth cannon powerful, but the military quality is also powerful.

Other people bragging is just bragging, Hou Jun's bragging also really did.

Li Zheng suddenly had a strong desire to learn from Hou Jun, learn well, and learn this hand of skill!

Just think of Hou Jun is to stay for the four companies of the fire, to stay in the army to continue to do the soldiers, and they are not, and then there is a little inexplicable sense of loss.

Hou Jun pointed at the target, his eyes swept arrogantly over every soldier in front of him.

"Doing things poorly, will always find reasons and excuses for themselves, shitting out saying that it's because the earth doesn't have gravity, this kind of talk is about you people."

Saying that, his gaze fell on Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian felt like his face had been slapped more than a dozen times, hot and painful, almost as if he hadn't found a crack in the ground to drill in and forget about it.

"I'll tell you, although we won the second and third platoons by total points today, that new recruit surnamed Zhuang can be worth ten of you. In a war, if our platoon meets their platoon, do you think your ten nine-ringed soldiers will be able to outperform his ten-ringed sharpshooter? You'll be the ones to get killed! In order to show my dissatisfaction with your achievements and the waste of my sweat, I have decided to accompany you to sweat more at night, and rest for half an hour after dinner, and I will take you on a run to rush the hill."

When they heard about rushing the hilltop, all the recruits' faces went white.

Because here, punching the head of the hill was going to be even more difficult than five kilometers.

If running unarmed five kilometers is a torture, then charging a hill is a purgatory.

Don't run five kilometers, don't touch the hilltop.

Almost every soldier in the field force knows this and has enjoyed this treatment.