
What's this about?

From that day onwards, the way Li Zheng looked at Zhang Jian changed slightly.

He really went to take a closer look at Zhang Jian.

Discovering that this military third generation had really changed quite a bit.

Although his mouth was still as venomous as ever, he had really sunk down quite a bit since the big exam.

At least that's how he went about training.

In the past, Zhang Jian always looked at people from the perspective of "I'm number one in the world, you're all scum", and he didn't train very hard.

He dared to be arrogant because he had a base.

Therefore, in the new company, Zhang Jian is not considered to be the kind of person who is particularly diligent and hardworking, more often than not, he is like the kind of person who obtains the results by virtue of his talent and foundation.

Now, Li Zheng suddenly realized that Zhang Jian, after suffering from one failure after another, instead of cleaning up the mood to start secretly making efforts, while he? After obtaining the results, he didn't think of drilling into it and putting in more hard work.

Unconsciously, he became the tortoise and the hare race in the hare's arrogance.

With this new experience, Li Zheng seemed to have corrected his goal and attitude.

The principle that hard work makes up for clumsiness is unbreakable.

After that day, Li Zheng also began to work furiously on basic training.

People who studied hard and got good grades were generally able to endure hardship.

This vigor was equally beneficial when used in training.

Time passed day by day.

Day by day, day by day, day by day.

Li Zheng's sniper foundation is also becoming more and more solid.

After entering the sniper class, he realized that the original sniper training was so much and so tedious.

For example, in order to practice patience, Hou Jun will go to the cooking class to bring a pot of rice, and then go to the equipment factory to grab a handful of sand, and then each person will be assigned a pile of them, so that the soldiers will be manually one by one, and all of them will be divided out.

It wasn't hard, as long as you weren't blind and your hands weren't crippled, you could do it.

The problem was that this shit was abrasive.

In a pile of rice sprinkled with grains of sand, divided into two, will be clearly divided out, to have excellent patience, but all the impatient people do not say that they will be divided into the end, it is estimated that an hour on the table will have to lift the table to quit.

Snipers are like this, not only to have the talent of shooting, but also have excellent observation, good memory, but also have enough patience, stable emotional management and so on.

Li Zheng thought at first that splitting sand and grains of rice was enough of a grind.

Unfortunately, he soon realized that he was still superficial.

At noon on this day, according to the usual training schedule, it was all about practicing under the eaves of one's platoon room for half an hour under the gun.

But today was different.

"Sniper squad's assembled."

After eating, when the big-headed soldiers were grasping the rare time in the platoon room to organize their belongings plus gossiping, Hou Jun suddenly appeared in the doorway.

The big guys hurriedly put down the work in their hands, shut their mouths for blowing water, and hurriedly ran out to line up outside to wait for instructions.

Hou Jun's order was simple, "All of you go and bring your own washbasins over."

Face basins?

The crowd was stunned and immediately carried out the order.

While taking the basin, Li Zheng couldn't help but ask the sniper squad veteran next to him, "Are we going on a business trip?"

The veteran's name was Guo Tianxiang, a private.

When he saw Li Zheng ask, he smiled.

"What are you thinking! How can we go on a business trip, you newbie egg is thinking beautifully!"

Going on a business trip was sometimes a good thing that everyone could only dream of in a company.

Especially in a place like the Fourth Company where training is extremely strict.

The official duty is generally to do health, or follow the battalion's staff to the logistics warehouse in general training materials.

The most beautiful and most common business trip in the company is to help the cook, one place per day per squad, three per day, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon, one platoon.

The official duty means that there is no need to engage in training, and the treatment is generally quite favorable.

For example, to help cook, close to the water tower first get the moon, cooking class fried some food you can eat first, and can pick the favorite to eat, cooking class people do not stop, because we all know that the class platoon training of the soldiers training hard, is a kind of default welfare.

Not on official business, take the yellow basin why?

Li Zheng belly suspicion out of the room, and assembled in the team.

This time Hou Jun did not give the heart of the instructions, but stood there walking around with his hands behind his back from, as if waiting for someone.

Not a while later, Wu Yi ran down from the direction of the cooking class, holding a plastic bag, heavy and do not know what is loaded inside.

"Coming, coming!"

Wu Yi's face blossomed with a smile, the kind of smile that Li Zheng was too familiar with.

Not a good thing.

Hou Jun took the plastic bag, took a soldier's yellow basin, and poured out a brain of the contents.

Li Zheng stared at the bag until the stuff inside giggled and slid all the way out, only then did he realize that it was all rice.

White flowery rice.

After pouring the rice, Hou Jun handed the plastic bag to Wu Yi.

Without being instructed, Wu Yi ran away again.

This time, he ran in the direction of the right side of the barracks.


Is the platoon leader going to personally teach us how to cook rice?

A picnic?

I heard that the Army's combat units all have to learn field operations, one of which includes picnics.

Hou Jun squatted on the ground, his hands and body in the yellow basin to pull the rice, grabbed a handful of it up and looked at it again and again, as if he was checking the quality of the rice grains.

Wu Yi came back.

In the hands of the original empty plastic bag again heavy up.

Hou Jun took the bag and poured it into the basin again.

This time, Li Zheng finally couldn't help himself.


He finally realized that there was a small instrument field on the right side of the barracks, the Fourth Company's own instrument field.

Wu Yi ran over there to be loaded with sand.

Hou Jun finished pouring the sand and reached down to stir the basin fiercely a few times, mixing the sand with the rice grains.

"Bring your basins over here!"

The veterans seemed to be accustomed to this, and quickly formed a column, walking one by one to Hou Jun.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian stood at the end of the line, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally Zhang Jian said, "Don't ask me, I don't know."

"Everyone gets a share, never fails ...."

Hou Jun chanted while distributing the rice in the basin that had been mixed with sand one by one into each person's basin.

After distributing it, he stood up with a smile and said to all of them, "New comrades may not understand what this is all about, old comrades all get it, right?"


"Go do it if you understand, don't waste time here, time is precious." Hou Jun waved his hand, the veterans all dispersed, one by one returned to the first floor discharge under the corridor, sat on the terrazzo rice floor, began to pick up in the basin fine.

Hou Jun said to Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, "They all know the rules, you two are new, tell you. It's actually very simple, go and separate the rice grains from the sand, what I ask for is a clean separation, there can't be any rice grains in the sand, and there can't be any sand mixed with the rice grains, when you're done separating you call out for a report, and I'll check it."

So then, the two new recruits egg to learn from the other veterans, back to the corridor, sitting on the floor, a head of pulp lake began to separate rice and sand grains.

Sand and rice, two tiny things mixed together, were really you and me.

There are at least a few hundred grains of rice and countless grains of sand.

With a little bit of hand division, a little bit of picking, actually not difficult.

Li Zheng also thinks it is not difficult.

However, when you are splitting, an inexplicable fire suddenly rises in your chest and arches upwards, so you can't help but get anxious.

Hou Jun moved to the bench, sitting in front of the platoon room, to sit there, holding a shooting textbook, leisurely read up.