
Welcome Noodle and leaveDumplings

After talking to Fatty Wei, Hou Jun went to find Zhang Jian.

The two of them had this conversation by the drainage ditch by the basketball court.

"Troop son?" Hou Jun asked.

Zhang Jian replied with slight pride, "Yes, platoon leader."

Hou Jun said, "I don't care what position your father held in the army, but since you're here as a soldier, you have to be disciplined. Let me ask you, is it right to fight?"

"Not right." Zhang Jian said, "But he was the one who started the fight just now."

Hou Jun said, "Have you ever wondered why he hit you?"

Zhang Jian said, "Reporting to the platoon leader, I have not thought about it."

Hou Jun could see that Zhang Jian was unconvinced in his heart, the quality of the soldier looked good, but the arrogance of the body was like the stench wafting out of a septic tank in a toilet, which could be smelled from a few feet away.

It was a good piece of material, but it still lacked steel fire.

"Did not think about it later, think about it, there must be a reason, I did not ask Wei Guoxing why he would hit you, but I can see, he is very jealous of others mentioning his mother, you as an educated person should know the progress and retreat, since it is the troops grew up, according to say that you know more about the discipline of the troops than them, and then dare to fight, it shows that you are too energetic, I have no less than one hundred kinds of I have no less than a hundred ways to help you solve the problem of excess energy, do you want to try?"

Zhang Jian quickly shook his head, "I don't want to."

"Oy!" Hou Jun finally smiled, "It's right if you don't want to. It's fine, go back and eat, remember, don't fight, or I guarantee you'll regret it!"

"Yes, platoon leader!"


Li Zheng sat in the dining hall, looking at Fatty Wei across from him as he listlessly rattled the noodles in his bowl, with a look of no appetite.

"What, were you criticized badly by the platoon commander just now? No appetite?"

Fatty Wei's quickness to rattle the noodles stopped and shook his head, "It's not ... that the platoon commander didn't scold me."

Li Zheng said, "Then why do you look like you are attending a funeral?"

Fatty Wei said, "I don't like noodles."

After thinking about it, he said, "Didn't you say that the army is eating very well now? It seems that the TV dramas are all lies."

Li Zheng said, "Noodles are a tradition in the army, don't you know?"

Fatty Wei wondered, "Tradition? You mean we have to eat noodles all the time when we are soldiers for two years?"

Li Zheng laughed, Fatty Wei, this person just likes to be surprised.

He was also evil.

A person like him would actually come to be a soldier.

Just by looking at his figure, he was definitely a master of fine clothes and food at home.

It was no wonder that looking at this pot of mechanism noodles didn't feel appetizing.

"That's not all noodles all the time." Li Zheng said, "I heard that the army has a saying, welcome noodles rolled dumplings."

"Huh?" Fatty Wei asked, "What does that mean?"

Li Zheng said, "It means that the first meal you have when you come over as a soldier is definitely noodles, and then the last meal you eat the day before you get discharged and leave is definitely dumplings. That's why it's called welcome noodles rolled dumplings."

"Scary!" Fatty Wei looked at Li Zheng in surprise, "How do you know everything."

He felt as if he didn't know anything, like an idiot.

Li Zheng said, "Who doesn't know these things? It's all over the internet, haven't you read it?"

Fatty Wei said, "I only read the entertainment version online ..."

Then asked, "By the way, I see you and Zhang Jian that guy seems to know, you are also the army children?"

"Can't count on not knowing each other." Li Zheng shook his head and lowered his head to continue eating noodles.

Fatty Wei saw the clues from Li Zheng's expression, and concluded that his guess was right, so he said, "Don't pretend, I'm not good at anything else, but I'm still pretty accurate at reading people, you definitely know him."

Li Zheng was asked by him a little impatient, can only positively said: "Believe it or not, I really do not know him, just a one-sided relationship, he is my girlfriend's neighbor, before the army I went to my girlfriend's home met him once, just once."

"Neighbor?" Fatty Wei felt that he had discovered a new continent, "So ... your girlfriend is also a son of the army?"

Li Zheng had to nod his head and admit: "Well, her dad is on the army."

Fatty Wei immediately excited, eyebrows fluttered: "Your kid can ah! You have a girlfriend! Or an army son."

Suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared, becoming serious, his expression was also somewhat mysterious.

"However, I heard people say that wherever there is a girlfriend to go to the army, there is not a pair of not scattered, iron certain to receive a breakup letter."

"Nonsense!" Li Zheng raised his head fiercely and looked at Fatty Wei across the street, "With this mouth that contains shit, it's only a matter of time before you get beaten up, can you speak human words?"

Fatty Wei mumbled, "I don't call this a foul mouth, I call this honesty. In fact, I'm a very good person to get along with, and I can't get along with people with whom no one can get along well. I'm just being honest, take you as my own brother."

Li Zheng said, "Okay, I don't have a brother as earthy as you, and I don't need you to disgust me so frankly. My girlfriend also went to the army this year, and said that two years later they will be discharged together, go back to the university to study together, and after that they will go to graduate school together, and get married within two years after graduating from the master's degree, and everything is planned."

Fatty Wei suddenly very worldly sighed and said, "naive ... life which can be planned out, but anything that can be planned is unreliable."

Li Zheng this time is really can't stand Wei Fatty that mouth, have seen the mouth cheap, really have not seen the mouth so cheap.

Think about their own really bad to the end. Stall on Zhang Jian such a poisonous comrade in arms, and now there is more Wei fat man this bad breath all the time to feed you shit, think of the next two years are estimated to have to go through with this two, suddenly the brain will feel the dark clouds cover the top of ...

Following the two living treasures in a class, sooner or later to get mania.

"Fatty Wei, if you shut your mouth and don't speak no one will take you as mute."

Fatty Wei continued to sigh, "Alas ... these days, there really aren't many people who can listen to the truth."

He said while shaking his head, a once the sea is difficult to water look: "I thought you brand-name college students should be very some life wisdom, it seems to be overestimated you."

Li Zheng completely can not stand, said: "Listen to your tone, not been more than ten girlfriends abandoned to say so heartbreaking insights, this is considered to have feelings, right?"

Wei fat man is very disdainful humming said: "Not I blow, never only I say goodbye to people, which someone is willing to say break up with me? The girls chasing after me can line up from the village entrance pagoda to the park at the end of the village."

Li Zheng sized up Fatty Wei's plump figure and said, "Just you? In a dream, right?"

Fatty Wei was very serious: "What's wrong with me? You're underestimating people, aren't you? Do not believe that in the future, you have the opportunity to inquire in our village, I Wei Guoxing is not known as Galaxy Village's most beautiful cubs?"

Li Zheng glanced at Fatty Wei, who was incoherent, and said, "Well, I suddenly remembered something, you are the stupid son of the village headman's family that Ma Teng talked about, right?"

Fatty Wei suddenly blushed and hurriedly looked around like a thief.

Fortunately, there weren't many people in the dining hall, sparsely seated a few were all new recruits, the veterans only had two people here to accompany them, the rest had finished eating and left.

"How did you know?"

Fatty Wei had a cautious look on his face, like an underground party member lurking in the White Zone.

Li Zheng said, "You let your mouth slip last time and I heard it."

Fatty Wei's face turned even redder and begged Li Zheng, "Keep this quiet."

Li Zheng wondered, "What? Is the son of the village chief's family a disgrace?"

Fatty Wei's face was as red as a balloon filled with air, feeling like it could bleed if poked.

"Hey, how can I say this matter ... is still not caused by that dragon boat race? If it wasn't, I wouldn't need to come as a soldier ..."

Li Zheng didn't like to get to the bottom of the matter, and over the years, since there were past events that couldn't be mentioned right in his own body, Li Zheng had always disliked pursuing things that others didn't want to talk about.

Since Fatty Wei didn't want to mention it, he didn't ask.

Just as Fatty Wei couldn't be mentioned about his mother, it was thought that there were some places in his heart that couldn't be touched.

"You few hurry up! It's been half an hour since we ate a noodle."

Wu Yi suddenly appeared at the entrance of the dining hall, sticking his head inward and shouting.

"Come out and do us a favor when you're done eating."