
Victory is in sight!

Now, Hou Jun is only one step away from success - as long as the latter two projects to maintain their own due level, then their dreams are about to come true!

Hou Jun's dream was very simple to say, and that was to take part in an international special forces competition to win glory for his country.

This is, of course, a more lofty statement.

In fact, this dream is initially with a little bit of romantic color, and filled with youthful hormones.

Before the army, Hou Jun had a crush on the village flower of his village, which was called Miao Xiu Xiu.

One side of the water and soil to raise a person, Shanxi's loess high slopes and the old vinegar there raised a lot of watery big girl.

Miao Xiu Xiu's skin is particularly good, white and red to give the feeling of pinching a pinch can pinch out water, as long as a smile will reveal the upper jaw of the pair of small tiger teeth quite character.

Miao Xiu Xiu playing small and Hou Jun know, from elementary school classmates to high school classmates, can be said to be two little guess.

Graduated from high school, the general results of Hou Jun chose to join the army, and Miao Xiu Xiu got into a provincial university, although it is not a famous school, but at least it is a college student.

Hidden in the bottom of Hou Jun's heart adoration from junior high school began to bud, wait until the high school graduation, has grown into a big tree.

On the day of departure, Hou Jun think again do not confess will miss the opportunity, people go to the university, the provincial capital is a world of flowers, who guarantees that will not be on campus to come on so a section of the Secretary of the wind and flowers?

So, he is very old land about Miao Xiu Xiu to the village of the riverside walk, want to use this opportunity to have been wanting to do things done.

Met, in the village head of the small river ditch side, the two said a few words of gossip do not know how to cold field.

Walked along the river and kept walking.

After walking for about half an hour, the trees in the village could not be seen, Miao Xiu Xiu then stopped.

She turned around and looked at Hou Jun, saying In the end you called me out is not just to walk? My legs are almost walking ... off.

Hou Jun listened to the panic and embarrassment, before hiding in the home previewed no less than a hundred times the confession words to this critical juncture but like a naughty child open butchers, not back, can not be found...

He panicked and stammered, his face was suffocated into a pig's liver color, and finally squeezed out an inexplicable sentence: "Xiu Xiu, to the army I will definitely make a second-class merit back to you!"

Got to!

Hou Jun made the mistake that every man makes, which is bragging.

The sea mouth is boasted, but if this second-class merit is not back, then the face can even fall to the ground.

Miao Xiuxiu, who didn't seem to understand the second-class merit, asked, "What is the second-class merit?"

Hou Jun in fact do not understand, baffled for a long time before saying: "Anyway, it is quite bullish kind, only do a good job to get the honor."

Seeing Miao XiuXiu still look confused, Hou Jun hastened to explain: "You usually watch the CCTV 6 program? Only Special Forces soldiers who go abroad to compete in martial arts and come back with a win can get a second-class merit!"

CCTV 6 is a mix of agricultural and military channel, most people in the village like to watch the rich, and incidentally also watched those military programs.

Second-class merit is what, means what, Miao Xiuxiu do not understand.

But the TV documentary program in the special forces in foreign competitions, she has seen, and is admired.

That was the real man.

So she finally grinned, revealing those two tiger teeth that Hou Jun was mesmerized by the sight of and said, "I know, those soldiers are awesome!"

This sentence "awesome", immediately let Hou Jun a little fluttery, as if he really has worn the second-class merit badge, proudly and forgetfully dug himself another hole: "You can rest assured, I Hou Jun do what I say, if I can't do it, I'll never come back to see you!"

Got to!

This is another mistake that men often make, not only like to brag in front of their favorite people, but also like to dig a pit for themselves.

When really to the army, Hou Jun realized that the second-class merit thing is so easy to get?

There is a joke among the veterans, saying that the third-class merit is taken standing, the second-class merit is taken lying down, and the first-class merit is taken by the family.

Although this is more or less an exaggeration, it shows that it is not easy to get a merit award, especially in the peace era, want to get a second-class merit, the difficulty is the same as a loser to pick up Fan Bingbing.

Hou Jun is still able-bodied and able to stand, so after nine years as a soldier, he has only received two third-class honors, but the second-class honors are still missing.

When in the village at the mouth of the creek in front of Miao Xiu Xiu's face promise has not been realized, but when the heart of Miao Xiu Xiu is married to someone else's wife, became a civil servant's wife in the county town.

Even so, Hou Jun still fell into the knot. Always feel that not to get the promise of second-class merit by the creek, this life do not dare to go back to the village to lift up their heads to do people.

Almost 10 years of military service, Hou Jun had two chances to realize his dream - to go abroad to compete and come back to receive awards.

As long as you get a place in a foreign competition, you will get a second-class merit.

At first, it was for the second-class merit.

But then he gradually on the second-class merit has not so much interest, just to go out and foreign special forces than, see who is bullish.

If he had such an opportunity in his life, he would be able to close his eyes in peace before lying down in his coffin in the future.

Unfortunately, he had two chances to go abroad to compete in martial arts, but he missed them both perfectly.

The first time because it happened to go to participate in non-commissioned officer training, did not come back; the second time because the Menghu Regiment pulled to the field to participate in joint exercises, Hou Jun task in hand, also could not come back.

This time is Hou Jun's third time to participate in the selection.

International competition is not always in the D group army selection, the country's seven military regions, so many group army, each group army has reconnaissance troops and a variety of special forces, can have the opportunity to let the D group army to participate in the selection has been very good.

So for Hou Jun, who is already in his third term, this may be the last chance to realize his dream on the international competition stage.

The 300-meter run was completed in a flash, which was simply too easy for a veteran.

Now, across the front is a barbed wire fence or driving.

Barbed wire is only 30 centimeters high from the ground, because it is the selection of candidates for the competition abroad, so the requirements are very strict, with a ballpoint pen core thick real, the spikes on it are sharp and incomparable, if the tactical action is not standard, the tip of the spikes will be easily hooked to the carrying equipment, will be entangled in the barbed wire under the fence, once this occurs, the loss of the first opportunity to win is certain.

Hou Jun rushed to the front of the barbed wire fence, leaned over and made a neat prone movement, like a snake, swished on the ground more than two meters away, and slid into the barbed wire fence in a cloud of dust.

His partner, Zhang Ao, did the same in a single motion, not much slower than Hou Jun.



Some of the soldiers from the nearby group army brigades who were watching couldn't help but shout and clap their hands for this beautiful tactical maneuver.

Seeing this, Wu Yi began to brag to the recruits about the old squad leader's valor again.

The commander on the scene quickly turned around and pointed his hand towards the platoon with the loudest applause.

The applause quickly fell silent.

This was not permitted during a game, and tended to interfere with the players' play.

However, there is no doubt that in the eyes of all the onlookers, Hou Jun is sure to win this time.

Climbing over the barbed wire fence, Hou Jun and Zhang Ao arrived at the designated firing line.

The instructor in charge of refereeing had already raised his stopwatch and stood beside the two, and the bullets had already been placed in the ammunition box on the ground - a total of four, Hou Jun and Zhang Ao need to shoot two bullets each, acting as the main shooter and observer once respectively.

The two quickly loaded and pressurized bullets, this time the first to lie down as the main shooter is Zhang Ao, the two plans are like this - as a sniper, Hou Jun is obviously technically better, so he stayed behind the finale, Zhang Ao first, so that there is an advantage in the psychological, because if Hou Jun first, if any mistake, then Zhang Ao's pressure resistance and technology may not be able to shock the sniper, but the sniper's ability and skill may not be able to hold the sniper. If Hou Jun fights first, if anything goes wrong, then Zhang Ao may not be able to withstand the pressure and technology, and there may be a huge pressure to lose the gun and run the target of the broken thing.

Zhang Ao hit first, even if there is a mistake, Hou Jun as a veteran sniper has a stronger psychological quality and ability, absolutely can save the day - even if Zhang Ao lost a shot, Hou Jun can guarantee two shots hit.

This involves a technical problem - this time the G military region received orders from the higher-ups, within the group army selected three sniper team a total of six people to go abroad to participate in the competition, that is to say, even if Hou Jun's team lost a shot, if the other team also appeared to be such a problem, then the time they are the first to arrive and shoot, the time has an advantage, at least there are still out of the game. There was an advantage in time, so at least there was a chance of getting out of the line.

Zhang Ao went down and set up his gun.

Hou Jun on the side could only wait.

Because this subject stipulates that laser rangefinders cannot be used.

He glanced in the distance, Zhong Rui's group was still running, and there were about 20 meters to go before they entered the firing position.

"Left crosswind, wind speed 8M/S, full correction ..."

Hou Jun plucked off a blade of grass and held it up in his hand to look at it, immediately arriving at the environmental parameters.

The rules said 350 meters, so there was no need to report the distance, and the shooting plurals were loaded according to the 350 meter distance.

Just as Zhang Ao's index finger began to add force, ready to pull the trigger, Hou Jun suddenly drank, "Wait!"