
Veteran soldier

Li Zheng was in a difficult position.

A single Jiang Lai was enough to suffer.

Now there's Chen Chen and Wang Qing.

There was no way to help!

He wasn't Nezha, he didn't have three heads and six arms.

Chen Chen's entire face turned white, his lips were bloodless, shaking his hand towards Li Zheng, unable to speak.

Look at this appearance, you say leave them, Li Zheng really can not bear.

But throw it, really can not bring ah!

After thinking about it, gritting his teeth, Li Zheng said to Fatty Wei: "You pull the white boy, I help them take the gun, accompany them to run."

After saying that, the backpack strap was stuffed into Fatty Wei's hand, and he turned around and unloaded the guns on Wang Qing and Chen Chen, racking them on his own backpack.

"I can only help here ...."

Li Zheng said.

He suddenly saw a figure not far behind him.

At a glance, it was a soldier.


Li Zheng subconsciously shouted.

He originally wanted this person to come over and give him a hand.

There was strength in numbers.

It was just right for a person to personally take one with him!

But after a quick thought, he immediately gave up on this comical idea.

All ran slower than the little white man them, afraid of the mud Pusa across the river itself difficult to protect, but also talk about what to help.

But upon closer inspection, it seemed wrong.

That person is not a new recruit, it is a veteran!

Looking more closely, suddenly his heart thumped.

"It's a staff sergeant!"

The military rank he recognized.

The rank at the collar badge position was clearly a staff sergeant.

That would be the same as his own platoon leader Hou Jun!

What was even more surprising was that this veteran's head had been smoking!

That's right!

White smoke!


"Scream, my ass!"

That veteran soldier heard Li Zheng's shouts and finally raised his head and cursed at him.

"Newbie! You don't know how to call out to the squad leader? Blind eyes did not see this rank ah!"

Said also took a hand to poke his own rank.

After cursing, a hand stretch, from the corner of the mouth to take a cut something thrown on the ground in front, but also very fire sense to run up and step on a few times, extinguished the fire, only then wandered back to catch up.


Li Zheng was completely dumbfounded.

The reason why that staff sergeant veteran was smoking just now wasn't because he was on fire, it was because he was smoking!

Running five kilometers of armed cross-country and smoking?

What kind of smoker's love is this?

People are dead to love, he is dead to smoke ah!

Li Zheng feels that this veteran really can not afford to mess with, and do not know what is the origin, hurry to run.

So carrying the two guns unloaded from Chen Chen and Wang Qing, he urged Fatty Wei and the others to hurry and run.

Five people even pushed and pulled to run out not far, that old soldier unexpectedly overtook.

Running up to them, the Staff Sergeant veteran slowed down and looked the five up and down.

"Hmph!" He squeezed out a few unfriendly-sounding notes from his nostrils, then said, "How did you become a soldier with such poor training?"

With this sentence, Li Zheng had fire in his ears, not to mention Fatty Wei.

"Veteran soldier!"

Fatty Wei didn't even call him "Old Squad Leader".

"It's not that I can't run fast! I'm helping my comrades! If I were to run, I wouldn't say I'd be first in the platoon, but at least I'd be in the top few!"

The veteran sized up Fatty Wei.

In order to show that he had plenty of stamina, Fatty Wei simply dropped his backpack straps, made a fierce dash forward for about ten meters, and returned.


The veteran smiled, "Newbie, so much fire, you'll have bad luck in the future!"

Fatty Wei wanted to have a fit, but did not know the details of others, did not dare to make a fuss, so pressed the fire and asked: "That old comrade, which class are you ah? How come you are also running with us?"

He deliberately aggravated the tone of the word "old comrade".

The veteran heard the tone, but also not annoyed, took out another pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled out a light.

"I don't belong to any squad or platoon."

He said.

Then asked Fatty Wei: "Smoke?"

Fatty Wei nodded.

The veteran took out his cigarette case and handed it to him, "Have one?"

Fatty Wei shook his head.

Although he also smoked, he had recently quit almost.

What's more, running five kilometers and smoking?

Fatty Wei asked himself that he didn't have that ability.

This veteran was actually running while smoking and was able to maintain the same speed as them.

What was even more frightening was that he was breathing evenly, with no signs of oxygen deprivation at all.

How did this happen?

Li Zheng asked, "Old squad leader, which platoon are you from?"

The old soldier glanced at the gun on Li Zheng, a few more moments of praise in his gaze, but his tone was still so choking, "Why do new recruits ask so many questions? You guys are so poorly trained, you'll soon know who I am."

After saying that, threw the cigarette, stepped on the extinguished, suddenly spread his legs, the person is like mounted wind turbine, in Li Zheng and Fatty Wei's astonished eyes in a buttery smoke disappeared in the two people's line of sight.

Soon, only five of them were left on the mountain road.

This time, there was a good silence.

Little White Boy and Chen Chen they were too run down to speak, Li Zheng and Fatty Wei were too shocked to speak.

That veteran was like a dream.

Looking at the empty mountain road, it seemed as if this person had never appeared.

After a long time, Wei Fatty said, "Did you just ... see him?"

Li Zheng nodded: "See, Staff Sergeant veteran."

Fatty Wei shook his head vigorously, "I thought I had seen a ghost!"

In fact, the two people know, this person said fast, said slow, and run a five kilometers can still hold a cigarette, this physical ability ...

The four words "out of reach" were no longer enough to describe it.

The question is, who is this veteran?

The squad leader?

Acting platoon leader?

Where are his soldiers?

There is also that sentence "you training so poorly, soon you will know who I am", what is the meaning of this?

The first five kilometers of the next company, Li Zheng and Fatty Wei, along with Jiang Yi, Chen Chen and Wang Qing, crossed the finish line, Wu Yi raised the stopwatch in his hand and said loudly: "Twenty-six minutes and thirty-one seconds!" He pointed to a distant hill.

He pointed at the distant hill.

"Even if I raise a turtle and let it crawl, I guess this is the time."

Fatty Wei couldn't help himself, "Reporting to squad leader, I don't believe it!"

Wu Yi froze at once.

Everyone was covering their mouths and holding back their laughter.

Although Wu Yi was the squad leader, he had just exaggerated and bragged, he couldn't open his eyes in front of so many people and insist that the turtle ran faster than Fatty Wei.

"Ahem - class president I'm just making a metaphor! Metaphor! Understand! Uncultured really terrible!"

After scolding, and asked Fatty Wei: "Wei Guoxing, why so slow today?"

Fatty Wei said proudly, "Li and I are running with a few of them, of course slow."

Wu Yi said, "Well, this is commendable. However, there is still a penalty, I said that those who do not meet the standard must be penalized."

Fatty Wei's originally still joyful expression immediately collapsed: "Ah? My kind of squad leader who does not abandon his comrades and does not give up you still want to penalize me for pressing?"

Wu Yi said, "The military order is like a mountain, I said the words of a mouthful of spittle a nail!"

Fatty Wei still wanted to speak, but Li Zheng tugged on the corner of his shirt, signaling him to keep his mouth shut.

From the very beginning of helping Little White Boy and Chen Chen and the others, he had thought about coming back to be punished.

Bringing one person was fine, bringing three, with him and Fatty Wei really couldn't bring them.

Wu Yi announced, "The others are dismissed, rest, Li Zheng, Fatty Wei, Jiang Lai, Chen Chen, Wang Qing, you guys get ready, you'll be given three minutes to relax your arms and legs and run again."


Hou Jun suddenly appeared.

He had his hands behind his back, his gaze as sharp as an eagle as he scratched across everyone's face.

"Veteran soldier ...."

He walked up to a private and reached out to touch his rank.

"Don't even know how to lead recruits anymore? Only run by yourself?"

That private's face changed.

The faces of the other second year soldiers also changed.

Everyone knew Hou Platoon, once he spoke in this tone of voice, appearing to be glib and cloudy, it proved that something big was going to happen.

If he came over and kicked you in the ass and cursed you viciously, it instead meant that there was no big problem.

"It's all there."

Hou Jun returned to the front of the line.

"Everyone is going to be punished with a trip of five kilometers and a re-run."

"Why ah ..."

In the team, a veteran couldn't help but ask.

Hou Jun said, "Back when you were recruits you also knew how to help each other, now how come you don't know anything about new comrades? Punish Li Zheng and the others because they went overtime, punish you guys because you don't know what it means to not abandon or give up!"

Another private pleaded, "But just now, the first squad leader said that he was catching the last ones who didn't meet the standard, he didn't say that it counted as a group achievement."

Hou Jun turned his head and asked Wu Yi, "Is that what you said?"

Wu Yi nodded.

Hou Jun asked again, "Did you say not to count the group results?"

Wu Yi shook his head, "I said it was a requirement to keep up with the veterans and not fall out of line for more than a minute without a penalty run."

The faces of the entire platoon of veterans went white.

Hou Jun said, "Hear that? Any more questions? If you have no questions, move around and keep running!"