
Veteran's Last Chance

Just as Wu Yi was working as a pooper boy in the barracks' septic tanks and latrines, in a house next to the small conference room on the second floor, Hou Jun sat sashaying across from Company Commander Xie Dong.

"Why did you run back?"

Xie Dong was shaving with an electric razor, and when he saw Hou Jun come in he didn't stop and raised his chin toward the table.

"The cigarettes are in the drawer, get them yourself."

Hou Jun is not polite, he goes over and pulls open the drawer, takes out a pack of Hibiscus King from the inside, removes one, takes the lighter and snaps it on, then sits in the chair and puffs on it.

Xie Dong shaved while glancing at his soldier and said, "You ah, everything else is good, it is this smoking problem is not good."

Hou Jun smoked his cigarette and said, "That's what you promised me when you were a platoon leader, back then, when the whole division had a big competition, you said that as long as I could hit a full ring, as long as I was still in the army for a day my cigarettes were all bought by you."

Xie Dong hummed and laughed.

He did not count Hou Jun's words.

The two were actually soldiers of the same year, and both had been in the army for eight years.

Only Hou Jun eight years mixed a staff sergeant, while Xie Dong all the way to the clouds, when the captain company commander.

When the two were soldiers, Hou Jun's military training results are not worse than Xie Dong, but in the cultural subjects almost mean.

Examining the military academy at that time, the two people are enrolled.

The final results came out, Xie Dong on the list, Hou Jun failed.

But this result Hou Jun's heart was expected.

In his own words, he knows very well how much ink he has in his stomach, enrollment to go to the test is also just with the prince.

Xie Jun is not the same, his high school grades have always been very good, would have been admitted to the university is a nail in the coffin, did not expect the college entrance examination before a sudden illness that made him give a bad performance, with a difference of 3 points and the ideal university lost.

He could have resumed his studies, but later chose to join the army.

After all, in the army can not only exercise the body, but also can take the military school to fulfill the dream of college, and out of the military officer, both honorable and can realize personal ideal.

The result is really on the military school.

Hou Jun failed, because of his military quality and style of work extremely hard, in accordance with the policy of "dry change sergeant", was selected as E Division's outstanding grass-roots soldiers to go to the non-commissioned officer brigade training, and came back as a squad leader, a dry is more than six years. From the squad leader to the acting platoon leader, rank in addition to more bars, or a big head soldier.

Xie Dong graduated from military school back to the E Division, in accordance with the principle of where to come back to where to go, he returned to the Menghu Regiment, back to the second battalion of the fourth company, but also became the platoon leader of the Hou Jun, a few years later was promoted to company commander.

Sometimes people's fate is so wonderful, the same starting point, running ran into a different track.

However, Xie Dong has enough respect for Hou Jun.

Don't look at Hou Jun on the veteran's faults a no less, but when it comes to military subjects, is definitely a connoisseur of the top level, especially sniper rifles, put in his hands can play out the flowers.

Like Hou Jun such a veteran, has been a sharpshooter four companies of a flag, every year can bring out a lot of backbone, although usually big-headed, soldiers when the old always some demonic diffidence, but the key moment from not letting people down, division in the military assessment, martial arts, training, and so on, always be able to four companies to take back one or two flags to hang on the wall to grow strong facade.

Talent is not perfect, Xie Dong is a smart grass-roots officer, know how to collect the company's group of veterans.

For example, Hou Jun, everything is good, just can not give up the habit of smoking.

Troops on the cigarette is prohibited, but the rules are dead people are alive, privately or someone out of smoking, which is also true.

Like Hou Jun, you hard to force him to quit smoking useless, it would be better to specify the place, specify the time, let him smoke.

So that year's competition is actually an excuse, Hou Jun thought it was his own strength to rely on to win the right to smoke openly, in fact, Xie Dong simply go with the flow to give him a chance to crown smoking.

Xie Dong finished shaving, opened the lid of the electric razor, pulled the trash can next to him, and sat on the chair to sweep the debris with a brush.

While sweeping, he asked, "How's it going over at the intensive training?"

Hou Jun puffed a smoke ring and said with a careless face, "The same old thing, E Division has a few guns that can make it to the stage, it's not like you don't know."

Xie Dong said, "Zhong Rui went too?"

Hou Jun's face changed slightly, looked a little unnatural, and took another hard draw before saying, "Went."

Xie Dong said, "Master and disciple met, did not curse up, right?"

Hou Jun grunted and said: "I scolded him for what? Why should I scold him? Why should I be angry with a heartless person like him?"

Xie Dong sighed slightly and said, "It's been more than three years, you still haven't let go of it? Besides, he is also a soldier you brought out, although he left our company, after all, he is still a talent of our company, isn't he?"

Listen to Xie Dong to help Zhong Rui speak, Hou Jun's head of anger came, the cigarette butt to the ashtray heavy poke, ate a gunpowder like anger: "I told him that year, I will teach him to be able to, but he must stay in the four companies to lead the soldiers, even if I retired in the future, our sharpshooter four companies at least there are people who can take over is not it? But I don't think he kid ..."

Said here, suddenly deflated.

"Right ... we are after all the MoBu regiment, not compared to others group army in the special brigade! People go to the high place Well, I have nothing to say."

Pro, the chest fire seems to go down a little, and picked up a cigarette lit, continue to smoke.

Xie Dong snatched the cigarette case, put it into his pocket, scolded: "Give you smoke you are not finished? Don't take cigarettes as food! You're already a special case in our battalion, don't make yourself smell like smoke, it's a bad influence!"

Hou Jun grunted again, "Smoking a cigarette is not a crime. Besides, if there is a soldier in my platoon with my military quality, I'll cover his cigarettes!"

Xie Dong suddenly said: "This year's first batch of soldiers look good quality, our chief snatched back."

Hou Jun froze for a moment and said, "By the way, talking about the new recruits I remembered something, just now the two new recruits fought, just to be seen by me back, this thing I do not want to make a big deal, so I just forgot to report to you."

Xie Dong was a bit surprised: "No big problem, right?"

Hou Jun said: "There can be what big problem, the new recruits on the strength of that little baby milk, bared teeth okay, the real thing is a weak chicken one, fight not out of life. However, it is good that I came back in time, or Wu Yi that kid do not know if I can handle it. I said that I am always in the training team side of the eyes jumping, today to take the time to come back to see the new recruits, the result is good, as soon as I arrived at the company to see this."

Xie Dong asked, "Which two recruits were they?"

Hou Jun said, "One is called Wei Guoxing and the other is called Zhang Jian, both from the group of soldiers from Donghai."

Xie Dong nodded thoughtfully and said, "Wei Guoxing, this soldier's foundation is average, at a glance, you can tell that he hasn't had much exercise at home, but Zhang Jian is different, he is a son of the army, grew up in the barracks as a child, and his quality is very good. This is a good piece of steel, I'll leave it to you, you have to hammer it well."

Hou Jun did not hide it at all and said, "Zhang Jian's foundation is good, but his heart is high and proud, I can kind of see that this kid is a bit like Zhong Rui."

Xie Dong knew that he couldn't mention Zhong Rui in front of Hou Jun, mentioning the latter would make him a bit crazy, so he changed the topic and said, "There is another one, a famous brand university student, with a very good cultural background, and his physical condition is also fine, he is also in your class."

Hou Jun thought about it and seemed to remember Li Zheng's name, his fingers clicked a few times in the air, wrinkled his two eyebrows and thought for a moment, finally remembering who it was, "You mean ... the one called Li Zheng?"

Xie Dongdao: "Well, the top student of the law school of Donghai University, I've seen his file eucalyptus, his grades are very good."

Hou Jun froze as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

Culture Bottom.

Culture bottom ...

Back then, he himself had suffered the loss of a weak cultural base.

When the military, high school students are the mainstream, college students, not to mention brand-name universities, ordinary three are a phoenix feather.

How many years have passed since then, and now there are actually students from famous universities to become soldiers.

Time flies really fast ...

"Thinking about what?" Seeing him out of his mind, Xie Dong interrupted Hou Jun's thoughts and asked, "Thinking about the intensive training again?"

"Uh-huh." Hou Jun took a break from his thoughts, suddenly a little dark, "There are still two years I will be discharged from the army, this intensive training selection may be my last chance."

Xie Dong froze.

He knew the meaning of Hou Jun's words.

Back when the two of them were still soldiers, he had heard Hou Jun say it.

A second class merit badge.

This was the dream that Hou Jun's had been chasing all these years as a soldier.

"You already have two third-class merits, and the head of the regiment has also said that he will declare a second-class merit for you before you are discharged from the army, so are you still worried that you won't be able to realize your dream?"

Hou Jun suddenly turned his head to look at Xie Dong, his eyes unblinking as if he was looking at a stranger.

Xie Dong was a bit confused and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Hou Jun said, "Do you think I only want a second class merit badge?"

This time it was Xie Dong's turn to be stunned.


Other people do not understand him Hou Jun is still understandable, but should not be he Xie Dong does not understand Hou Jun.